When was the first time you saw a Shinkansen speeding past you 🚅

by Proud-Organization28


  1. TurnConfident5672

    Hi ! I’ll be the first to comment. I was living in Japan 24 years ago. First time in country, I took a Shinky from Tokyo to Ueda-Shi in Nagano-Ken where I took a teaching position. A few months later I was waiting at the same station to go to a training seminar in Tokyo, when an express Shinky flew by. Holy mother of god ! I barely saw it coming. By the time I swung my head around to look it was already by me. Loooooove me dem Shinkies !!

  2. Umibozu_CH

    2016, then a tourist, had to take a slower shinkansen from Himeji to home base (Osaka), was end of May, pleasant very warm weather, so decided not to sit in that glass box waiting room…

    And then an N700 Nozomi decided to fly by. DAMN THAT THING IS FAST.

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