Han Megumi (Noko), Fujita Saki (Torako), Izumi Fuuka (Bashame) and Tanabe Rui (Anko) performing the Shikanoko opening song at Anisama vtuber festival
Han Megumi (Noko), Fujita Saki (Torako), Izumi Fuuka (Bashame) and Tanabe Rui (Anko) performing the Shikanoko opening song at Anisama vtuber festival
by Acrzyguy
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The interesting thing is that they danced along with several Hololive vtubers including Kanata whose model is also designed by Oshioshio sensei (who drew Shikanoko).
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The interesting thing is that they danced along with several Hololive vtubers including Kanata whose model is also designed by Oshioshio sensei (who drew Shikanoko).