Shiroikoibito Park and Sapporo Manga Park, we visited during heavy snow. 我們在大雪期間參觀了白色戀人公園和札幌漫畫公園。

We visited Shiroikoibito Park and Sapporo Manga Park during heavy snow. We also found a place to buy a lot of Shiroikoibito cookies really cheap near the Park!
0:00 Heavy snow
0:08 Purchasing cheap cookies in Route 148
1:17 Cheap Shiroikoibito Cookies
1:44 Entering Shiroikoibito Park
3:40 Resting inside a bus
4:58 Free area of Shiroikoibito Park
5:10 Premium price cookies
6:21 2nd floor of Shiroikoibito Park
7:30 Shiroikoibito Park bakery
10:10 Sapporo Manga Park
11:27 Sapporo Manga Park Paid area


Kami mengunjungi Taman Shiroikoibito dan Taman Manga Sapporo saat salju turun lebat. Kami juga menemukan tempat untuk membeli banyak biskuit coklat Shiroikoibito yang harganya sangat murah di luar areaTaman!

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