“Keiko + Manabu” is a creative duo led by Keiko Uchiyama (内山 敬子) and Manabu Sawase (沢瀬 学), working across Seattle and Tokyo. Their projects span urban spaces, public installations, and private residences.
One standout piece is Hummin’ Bloom, crafted from 5-mm titanium plates with crescent-shaped windows, nestled within the woodland of the Pola Museum of Art in Hakone, Japan.
Its specialized coating transforms the surface into a shifting palette of colors, harmonizing with the surrounding nature and seamlessly blending art with the environment.
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“Keiko + Manabu” is a creative duo led by Keiko Uchiyama (内山 敬子) and Manabu Sawase (沢瀬 学), working across Seattle and Tokyo. Their projects span urban spaces, public installations, and private residences.
One standout piece is Hummin’ Bloom, crafted from 5-mm titanium plates with crescent-shaped windows, nestled within the woodland of the Pola Museum of Art in Hakone, Japan.
Its specialized coating transforms the surface into a shifting palette of colors, harmonizing with the surrounding nature and seamlessly blending art with the environment.
Location: Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Timestamp: 10:26・2024/10/15
Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter
ISO 160 for 1/40 sec. at ƒ/2.0
Velvia/Vivid film simulation