🗾Japan Travel Vlog | Vol.8 ~ From South to North – Okayama to Hakodate 从南到北 – 冈山到函馆 | 日本旅游视频博客 第8卷

🗾Japan Travel Vlog | Vol.8~

0:00 – Introduction
1:02 – Okayama 岡山城
2:02 – Okayama Korakuen 岡山後楽園
4:41 – Hakodate 函館市
5:24 – Daimon Yokocho 大門横丁
6:20 – Hakodate Morning Market Square 函館朝市ひろば
8:19 – Goryokaku Park 五稜郭公園
9:25 – Hachiman Zaka Slope 八幡坂
10:18 – Mount Hakodate 函館山

Thank you for watching until the end.

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Music by – YouTube Audio Library

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