The Nintendo Museum was SOMETHING ELSE!!

We were lucky enough to visit the Nintendo Museum in Kyoto, Japan! There’s so much cool history and fun exhibits to enjoy.
We also stopped by a few of the Nintendo stores in Kyoto and Tokyo to show off all the cool stuff you can buy!

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0:00 Nintendo Museum
5:52 Nintendo Stores


  1. 8:13 I’ve been in that Starbucks on the third floor next to the pillars over looking the crossing and having a really expensive drink

  2. Nintendo proved that they could bring back duck hunt if they really wanted 😊

    Also, the super scope is that one accessory that I didn't have as a kid. Never even touched one. Pretty cool.

  3. Hey Mr. A Game! I know you probably won’t see this but do you think it would be smart to buy a Switch OLED in 2024? I’ve had my switch since 2017 and I need a new upgrade but I might just wait until the next console. What do you think?

  4. The attention to detail in the merch shops are top tier. Thanks for sharing the experience with us 🫶🏽

  5. Next holiday: Japan!!!! It looks sooooo fun, I really want to go there now. Thx for another great video a game!

  6. 0:28 oh my god it's Jido Hanbaiki mouthful! Well done Stepf, you got third in the shooting game! Mr A-Game, next time you go to Japan, can you buy me something from Nintendo stores 😂

  7. Awesome…. wait… TOTK gacha only sold in Japan. SO rest of the world on ordinary budgets doen't matter? 🤤🤪🥺 Maybe get scalped on resale websites like Ebay🎉

  8. Was the Mii on your badge generated on the spot from a photograph or did you provide them your Nintendo account so they could pull the Mii from there??

  9. I remember watching you when I was younger (grew up with you lol😅)
    Still love watching you, you are always so chill! ❤
    (Also love these types of vlogs you should do more!)

  10. Well. I've got the store in NYC. It almost costs as much to get in Manhattan as a flight to Japan😂j/k
    Glad you got to the museum and stores in Japan.👍🏼

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