Japanese Food – The BEST PORK STEAKS in Tokyo! Mallory Pork Steak Japan


  1. Five thousand years ago, many herbivores were killed by wild cats, and humans ate large pieces of meat every day.

  2. اكتب لحم البقر حتى لو هو لحم خنزير ،،، شكل اللحم روعه بس لاتكتب لحم خنزير

  3. They don't rinse the meat before prepping it, and then they pour the finished meat juices down the drain? That is all backward!

  4. Come to Serbia. Our food is not prepared in plastic bags. As things have turned out, in a few years we will be offered to eat plastic bottles and other waste.
    Raise your voice

  5. ;;; ;;;/:My Lord J.ESUS Returns, repent of sin and OBEY the LAWS of my Father…   Y..A,,H.. is a d.amn eegipt DEMON, BEWARE … (HalleluJAH is a PAGAN word)://;;/;

  6. 這影片蠻多重複性的動作,像是用刀切割豬肉表面還有調味這動作就拍了兩段,而且也不是重點,重複性的動作可以不要拍這麼多次,把片長縮小的15分鐘以內,這樣觀眾才可以有耐心看完,

  7. マッシュポテトがどうみても巻グ◯にしか見えないんだがwww

  8. There's something really special about watching this while eating a Japanese-seasoned sous vide pork steak myself, although theirs looks way more advanced! I'll have to check this place out next time I'm in Tokyo

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