🇦🇺4 DAYS Sydney to Cairns by Australia’s First Class Sleeper Trains

◆NSW TrainLink: The XPT Sleeper Cabin (Sydney Central Station→Roma Street Station)
Queensland Rail, Spirit of Queensland RailBed (Roma Street Station→Cairns Station)

◆I’m a Japanese train enthusiast and stayed in the Australia🇦🇺 and New Zealand🇳🇿 for 3 weeks.

✔︎🇦🇺Australia and 🇳🇿New Zealand in 2024

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  1. what an embarrassment to call that a first class train. Australia needs to take 1 look at any other developed nations 'first class trains' and they would soon realize how far behind we are. Like 40 years at least.

  2. What the hell kind of train schedules their arrival to be 4AM… Slow down and arrive at a more reasonable hour so people dont have to wake up in the middle of the night to disembark…

  3. To explain of “why this train arrive at 4am or some ungodly hour” it’s because QR has a separate gauge track to NSW and only 1 track in the qld system which NSW train can use but that also dual gauge which QR rail also uses for their peak hour service and they want the xpt to get out of qld before 5am so that why the xpt has to arrive at 4am and depart back to Sydney at 5am).

    Also explains of why there’s no overnighter from brissy to Sydney. You would have to get a coach to casino in NSW to do the overnighter. Likewise for day trip from syd to brissy. I’m sure if is wasn’t the qr douchbagery they would make the arrival time and departure more reasonable and also do a second service (of reverse timing) as well without terminating at casino.

  4. Great trip. I think the first train should be departed later, at least around 5-7 PM, so the train can arriving after sunrise and people can stay longer on the train. For second train, not bad.

  5. Is this a different sydney-brisbane trip to the one in the video that you posted about 4 months ago

  6. If that train was Amtrak it wouldn't even be having a mid life crisis yet, let alone retiring.

  7. Terrible time to arrive in Brisbane. Ive done that trip in a sleeper. I'm sorry it cost you so much 😭🛏️🛏️

  8. Thanks for this. Family was keen on going on one but this video deterred us from doing so. You saved us a lot of heartache and disappointment 😅

  9. I’m confused — why does it say “4 days”? It’s roughly 1/2 day of travel plus several hours’ wait plus roughly 1 day of travel.

    I did this one 10 years ago and the arrival time truly is horrible! But I highly recommend doing one of the old QR trains with sleeper cabins, instead of the modern tilt train with “railbeds”. The service to Longreach is the nicest one, with proper dining car. But the other two parallel ones also have the amazing sleeper cabins for singles, plus real cabins for doubles and families.

    I think the tilt train sleepers are modern and well intentioned, but truly awful. You get airline style warnjngs at every station, interrupting your movies. Zero privacy. And the information display lights keep you awake.

    Sadly the classic cabin train option along the coast is gone now. It was called the Sunlander or Queenslander — I forget which. Whichever one this one is not. They fixed the doors by 2014 but in 2010 you could still open the swing doors while the train was in full speed.

    Importantly, even though the train took longer to get to Cairns, it never FELT longer. You could rest in your cabin in silence, or enjoy the lounge car. And when it was time to eat, you’d find a table at the dining car and meet some people, talk to them and make new friends.

  10. Hello,
    Just discovered your channel. Your videos are not only informative but funny!!! Keep it up!!! 😄 Also, take ear plugs next time. Lol

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