I Rented a Friend in Japan For $100

There is a man in Tokyo named Shoji Morimoto, and he makes a full time living by literally “doing nothing.” If you pay $100, you can rent him for a few hours, and he will join you around Tokyo to be your companion. Want to grab a beer at the bar? He’s in. Want to read a book in the park? He’s in. Want to relax at home? He’s in. Even though this was one of the strangest experiences I’ve ever had — it’s actually a pretty neat concept. And I think it can only exist in a country like Japan, where the culture is very lovely and isolated!

Would you ever consider renting Shoji for the day? Or are you too creeped out? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

#travel #japan #culture

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Thank you to ElevenLabs for dubbing my videos into Spanish, French and Portuguese! If you want to learn more about their amazing technology, click this link: https://elevenlabs.io/drew_binsky

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👨🏻‍🦰 WHO AM I?
I’m Drew Binsky and I have been to EVERY country in the world (197/197). I make documentaries about interesting people and cultures in faraway places. My ultimate goal is to inspire you to travel because I think it’s the best education that you can get. And our planet is beautiful!

► He Is The Ice Man: http://y2u.be/VF8dkjEdKNo
► Tallest Humans on Earth: http://y2u.be/u03kNQNclGY
► He Hasn’t Slept Since 1962: http://y2u.be/EDx1JvPEtxs
► 3 Things You Can’t Do in North Korea: http://y2u.be/mNsx0Nqryos
► Why is Everything Free in Pakistan?: http://y2u.be/CWeWxl7ruGE

► Website: https://world.drewbinsky.com/
► Email: partnerships@drewbinsky.com


  1. The "be there guy". Sometimes less is more, and that's all a person needs. This guy will be there for you when you don't need anything, great business model!

  2. That boy aint right. I seen that look in peoples eyes before. Hes off in the head but im sure he has some skeletons in his closet

  3. And people wonder why Japan's population is falling. So many guys like Shoji in Japan. Herbivore men. Think he will ever get his willy wet?

  4. His LEFT EAR LOBE.. iT is so Unique he could have a Instagram JUST for his left ear lobe. Pretty cool

  5. I really like your shows and everything but I felt like you knew about this dude coming into this, and then you want to hire him to harass him and make fun of him doing "nothing" when again you knew this. Maybe I'm wrong.

  6. That guy would quit on me in the first 3 minutes. I don’t shut up and I talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. I like talking. Come to Youngstown Ohio and order a Lyft and if a 2021 Chevy Equinox shows up to give you a ride, I’ll talk to you. Or you can hire my wife’s and my commercial cleaning and janitorial company and I’ll talk to you well cleaning your business.

  7. If the rent a friend worker does these videos, won’t it blow his cover for folks that hire him. If he is hired to be a date for a wedding or something. Maybe it doesn’t matter. 😊

  8. I thought the friend l hired in TJ just stood there didn't speak English seemed interested, until I saw this.

  9. He is not a rental friend.
    He is just a person to do nothing.
    何もしない人(a person to do nothing) is his job.

  10. he is weird no speaking english not event counting boring so why hire him wtf. With same money i bet you can rent a girl.

  11. I don’t think he’s acting as a friend. He’s just there like a dead weight. I have more interaction with the Lyft drivers than this dude has with who pays him.

  12. An introvert renting himself as a body to be with people so they aren't alone is genius. I'm a true introvert, and having to constantly interact with people is exhausting. He's not offering conversation, opinions, or anything. He gets to be his introverted self, all while meeting so many people and experiencing different things while getting paid to "do nothing". Amazing.

  13. I skipped this video before but hen i saw that tour guide on slums of japan video got so hooked on it. drew and that guide has some chemistry

  14. It's crazy that he's taking advantage of sex*sm. A woman could never do this job without being expected to do other things.

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