Mr. Lawyer in Trouble: Two-Day Deadline for Homeowner and Despair in Finding a New Home.”
Mr. Vakil tried his best to find a new home, but these efforts seemed to be in vain. Despite the limited time he had, he felt frustrated because he could not find a suitable accommodation option. The owner of the house told him in a serious and decisive voice: “You have two days to either vacate the house or renew the new contract with a monthly rent of 10 million tomans.” This sentence put a lot of pressure on Mr. Vakil and he did not know what decision to make.
The sense of dispersion and confusion in Mr. Vakil’s mind made him unable to think properly at this critical time. Should he agree to the new conditions and pay the rent or look for new options? He thought about all the pains he had gone through to find a home, and the ambivalence was overwhelming him. Finally, deciding on his future was by no means easy.
In this difficult situation, he needed to find a solution with the advice and consensus of friends and acquaintances. Mr. Vakil knew that he was not alone and that he should use his communication network. This moment is an opportunity to show his ingenuity, flexibility and efficiency in facing challenges. In the meantime, the most important issue is reaching a decision that does not harm both his personal life and his career.
#lawyer #house #rent #decisionMaking #challenge #consultation #friends #networking #confusion #emotions #personalLife #career #genius #flexibility #efficiency #problems #problemSolving #effort #success #stressManagement #rentalHouse #contract #tension #limitedTime #duality #feelingOfFailure #fate #job #socialIssues #change #opportunity #assertiveness #toughDecisions #selfBelief #solution #housingCrisis #strategicThinking
Ma non riesco a capire tutti in questo paese fanno quello che vogliono buttano fuori le petsone dalla propria casa ? O vanno e denunciano senza prove senza certezza e mettono in prigione le persone i bambini sono pochi postali a chi decide di averli senza averne diritto 😮😮😮😮😮😮 ma le leggi diritto le avete ?????
Dobro vece iz Srbije😊
Zelim vam da sto pre nadjete kucu
I pray you can find house soon 🤲
Han skulle skämmas den där hyresvärden!En omänskligt man och girig! Advokaten är en underbar man,snäll,omtänksam och ser så bra ut.Han är värd all lycka!❤❤❤❤❤
Me apena mucho por lo que está pasando el licenciado,es una persona muy noble y bondadoso,nunca me imaginé que en su país existiera gente tan dura de corazón que al parecer es la mayoría con sus excepciones,nada como México, que apoyamos aún con nuestros escasos recursos,a quien más lo necesite,ojalá el Licenciado pueda encontrar una vivienda más económica y pueda seguir apoyando a la señora y sus dos niños, Dios lo bendiga y lo ayudé a encontrar donde vivir, bendiciones para el operador.
❤❤ Quanta ganância desses homens. Vc vai consegui uma casa Meu Advogado favorito.🥰🥰🥰🥰
Señor casero no sea tan exigente . Cuando muera se irá con las manos vacías no se llevará esa casa . Ingeniero compre un terreno y una carpa grande y entren todos ahí en lo que construyen una viviendo y no siga alimentando la codicia y la maleza de este casero. Dios lo bendiga y le ilumine como solucionar este problema. ❤❤
Mr. Vakil; Perhaps i have misunderstood. Are you and Mahnaz planning to marry and that is why you are looking for a new home? If so, congratulations, if not, my error. Blessings from Oregon USA 🇺🇸
Cel mai bine e sa va cumparati un teren de200 m 3 si sa construiti dumv Domnul sa va ajute sa reusiti ca sunteti o famile foarte buna😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤
Cenegrafista diga ao senhor Vakil pra comprar um terreno e compre tbm uma barraca grande e boa construa um banheiro que já pode ficar pra casa quando for construída e deixe esse dono da cada a ver navios homem explorador qdo morre não leva nada
Seños Balkil mire por otros publos seguro que encuentra alguna casa los caseros que tiene uste son malas personas no tienen sentimientos son malas personas cuando se mueran no se van allevar nada ala tunba no se desanime conpre un terreno y costrulla su casa mucho animo me alegro que su madre este mejor es una mujer mui buena y usted tan ien es buena persona
What a horrible greedy landlord
Qué personas poco empaticas. Cómo se aprovechan de la gente humilde. No merecía darle nada para beber.
Snr Vakil será mejor que compres tu terreno.Mucha suerte 🍀
El doñio de la casa se ta aprovechando de ti no tiene piedad 🥺
El hermano letrado es más bandido que el analfabeto.
Oh man you Landlord you are so greedy. I am mad at him. Mr Lawyer I wish you the best to find a place. I wish you buy a land and build you own house and nobody can take advantage of you. Bless you always.
Señor vakil usted es el mejor del mundo, quiero ayudar como hago
Please support Mr. Vakil so that he can buy land and build his own house❤❤❤❤
Cinegrafista traduz os comentários em português por favor.
Sr Walkir é um homem muito nobre, e caridoso Deus irá te abençoar e vc conseguirá uma nova casa, mesmo porque vc tem que sair das mãos destes bandidos.
Merhabalar.yaa Ne kadar fırsatçı kötü ev sahipleri var.Allah bunlara fırsat vermesin.vekil bey çok iyi bir insan Rabbim yolunu açık etsin 🤲❤
These people don’t care about no one but money. What a shame
These owners are ruthless! I hope Mr. Vakil finds a home in the next couple of days. He and his family are such nice, helpful people. Mahnaz has a beautiful heart just like them. 💖
Aencontar yna casa que tengan suerte❤❤
Aver si tienen suerte a encontar casa Amen❤❤❤❤❤
Espero que sua mae esteja melhor sr vakil ,vcs sao pessoas maravilhosas, manaz e uma boa mulher uma boa mae e muito caprichosa vai dar tudo certo pra vcs fiquem com Deus ❤
Usually people who are criminal infuence people like some men or women that raised priceand now their going after those one that raise prices on homes and foods and trying to get more houses for people to made to order their own homes to get to them and pay equall payments for all and those who raised to be reimburesed on taxes paid and items also which were dooing and the 400.00 that has to be paid to all canadians and chidlren whu are 16 year odl and up Greed falls many times and it hurts them and they suffer more for it We trying to brand new homes if like to the poor countries first .
❤❤❤กอดๆๆทนาย ตากล้อง และแม่ขอให้หายเจ็บเข่าเร็วๆๆๆ ฉันขอส่งกำลังใจให้ทนายหาบ้านได้เร็วๆๆขอพระเจ้าอวยพรคุณ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hello 😊
Salaries for lawyers vary from country to country! 🙂
I don't know the salaries of the lawyers in your channel, but I thought it would be really tough if the amount you are offering is high! 🥴
Are there any facilities in the government system that give priority to mothers and children?
Are there any welfare programs?
Please contact them and check!
You shouldn't even think about it any more! It is stressful!
Women may expect a lot from you!
You may not be able to live worse than you do now because you are already used to your current life!
Sorry to write all this when it's the lawyer's decision!🙏
Hola mis saludos señor Vakil, operador, a su señora madre, a la señora y los hermosos niños, es mi deseó que pronto puedan encontrar una casa 🏡 y el dueño estafador es un sinvergüenza, usted como abogado porqué no lo denuncia por lo que le está cobrando del alquiler, yo no le daría te, que se largue.
Dios lo bendiga grandemente, 🙏 si va a aparecer la casa que necesita.
Лучше говорит закрою дом если не будет квартирантов.Дай бог чтобы не было,чтобы дом твой был закрыт навсегда. Посмотрим как он запоет когда нет поступлений денег ни от кого.😂😂😂
This is very heartwarming to watch
Yg punya rumah sadis ga ada kemanusiaan nya… Kasihan pak Pengacara… Semangat ya Pak
Ces deux frères se crois procédés un château, ils n'ont aucune pitié pour ces petites enfants , cette maison ne vaut pas un sou est dans un village minable .
🍀I think it would be good if there was a system to temporarily shelter single mothers who cannot work due to childcare or other reasons!
Iran should also build apartments for rent so that the number of tenants will increase and finances will change!
🍀However, it is not going as smoothly as I would like!
🍀Speaking of which, I saw a comment earlier about a girl's left leg that concerned me!
I was indeed feeling discomfort in my left leg as well!
I thought that since she is a child, she might not have a stable gait!
But I felt my axis was unstable!
I am sorry if I offended you, I was just curious!
The house hunting is also stressful!
I hope you all take care of yourselves!🙏
herr valki gehn sie zum herrn Qasin der hat doch ein leer stehendes haus neben irman den schwager
Hello 👋 hello Mr Valkil Lawyer is good to see you. So sad the way those home 🏠 owners charge too much for Rent but mortgage I don’t think you should pay mortgage it’s not yours to begin with you only should pay rent
And also storage room it’s only to sleep 😴
Hopefully you can find something better and for less rent big hugs 🤗 and kisses 😘 to everyone God is with you always ❤blessings ❤😊