Fauna of Mishaka-Ike Pond: Akiakane Dragonfly

by pix4japan

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  1. pix4japan

    Location: Chino, Nagano Prefecture, Japan

    Timestamp: 08:06・2024/09/11

    Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter

    ISO 320 for 1/900 sec. at ƒ/3.6

    Velvia/Vivid film simulation

    While wrapping up my photo walk along the shore of Mishaka-Ike Pond in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, I came across several akiakane dragonflies (Sympetrum frequens), also known as Autumn darters, perched atop the barrier fence posts lining the northern shoreline of the pond.

    The Autumn darter is a species endemic to Japan. These dragonflies migrate to high mountains, where they feed, before descending to lower-altitude bodies of water like ponds or rice fields to breed.

    In Japan, akiakane dragonflies are often associated with the arrival of autumn. One well-known haiku by Kaya Shirao (加舎白雄, 1738–1791) even references the dragonfly:

    秋の季の (aki no ki no)

    赤蜻蛉に (aka tonbo-u ni)

    定まりぬ (sadamirinu)

    The start of autumn

    Is always decided by

    The red dragonfly.

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