Mt Fuji, from Fujisan Station (Shot on Fujifilm)

by -Satsujinn-


  1. -Satsujinn-

    My first view of Fuji. It completely caught me off guard – We were on the wrong side of the train to see it, and I had promised myself I wouldn’t sneak a sub par view from across the train, I’d wait until we arrived and disembarked. I was even considering keeping my eyes to the ground until we could get somewhere suitably scenic.

    What I had forgotten, was that the train does a little dog leg manoeuvre for the last few stops, which meant that suddenly we were on the right side.

    I had been fiddling with my camera, offloading the SD cards to portable storage etc, and just idly glanced out the window to see this. I literally gasped out loud and kind of jumped in my seat. I had dreamed of this trip for decades, absolutely obsessing over it – for years I would check the webcams every day to watch sunrise and sunset over Fuji… To suddenly have it in front of me was almost overwhelming.

  2. Stunning_Pen_8332

    Great! It even has the name Mt Fuji ふじさん on the side.

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