【一人旅山口編+福岡】ぶらり旅 第464回「山口県:みもすそ川公園&関門トンネル人道+和布刈神社」-アクセス,駐車場,関門海峡,下関,門司,壇ノ浦古戦場-




壇之浦古戦場を一望出来るこの場所は、『今ぞ知る 身もすそ川の 御ながれ 波の下にもみやこありとは』(長門本平家物語)という二位の尼辞世の歌から地名が生じたといわれ、当時を偲ぶ石碑や、歌碑があります。






I would like to introduce some places I went to on a whim.

In September 2022, I went to “Mimosusogawa Park & ??Kanmon Tunnel Pedestrian Path” in Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and “Mekari Shrine” in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture.

Click here for the previous video of Kaikyokan.

・Mimosusogawa Park

The sea that spreads out in front of the park is the narrowest part of the Kanmon Strait and is called “Hayatomo no Seto”, a difficult sea area with fast tides and rapid changes in tides.

This place, which overlooks the Dannoura battlefield, is said to have been named after the poem by Nimi no Nimi, “I now know that the flow of the Mimosusogawa River, beneath the waves, there is a palace” (Nagatohon Heike Monogatari), and there are stone monuments and poem monuments that commemorate that time.

This is also the site of a battery that fired cannons at foreign ships during the anti-foreign war at the end of the Edo period.

・Kanmon Tunnel Pedestrian

A 780m-long undersea pedestrian tunnel that connects the Kanmon Straits.
The tunnel that stretches under the sea is divided into upper and lower sections, with the upper section being a roadway and the lower section being pedestrian.
An elevator is installed at the pedestrian entrance, and the Moji Ward side is about 60m underground, and the Shimonoseki City side is about 55m underground before entering.
A sign marking the border between Fukuoka and Yamaguchi prefectures is located in the middle of the tunnel, and it is famous as a rare undersea border.
If you stamp both commemorative stamps installed in the elevator halls on both sides of the pedestrian tunnel and present them at a tourist information center or other facility and answer a questionnaire, you will receive a “Kanmon TOPPA! Commemorative Certificate.”

Pedestrians: Free, Bicycles and Mopeds: 20 yen
Opening hours: 6:00 to 22:00

・Mekari Shrine

Located at the northernmost tip of Kyushu, it has long been worshiped as the god of maritime traffic.
Empress Jingu, wife of Emperor Chuai, stopped off here during her expedition to the Three Kingdoms of Korea, and founded this shrine to express her gratitude to the gods who had looked after her during that time.
“Wamekari” means “cutting wakame seaweed,” and every year on New Year’s Day of the lunar calendar, the “Wamekari Shinto Ceremony” is held, in which three priests each take a torch, bucket, and sickle and go into the sea to harvest wakame seaweed on the shore, which they then offer to the altar.



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