Are These Places in Tokyo Overrated for First-Time Visitors?

From the famous Shibuya Scramble Crossing to the crowded, narrow streets of Asakusa, we’re looking at some of Tokyo’s most famous tourist spots and whether you should visit them on your first trip to Japan.

Aimee’s channel: @RoyandAimee
Yuta on Twitch:

0:00 Intro
00:37 Meiji Shrine
1:08 Asakusa & Senso-ji
2:03 Tokyo Skytree
3:12 Ichiran Ramen
4:15 Takeshita Street
5:18 teamLab
6:19 Golden Gai
7:40 Shibuya Scramble Crossing
8:39 Tsukiji Outer Market
9:24 Kabukicho
10:31 Ameyoko
11:13 Akihabara
12:17 Don Quijote
12:40 Kawaguchiko
15:11 Hakone
16:08 Kamakura

★★★ TokyoCheapo ★★★
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★★★ Credits ★★★
Intro sequence by the most talented Peter Laugesen

Creative commons images used in the intro:
* Wild Cat
* Ginza Holiday Promenade
* Shibuya Crossing


  1. Been to Tokyo twice (2016 and 2024). Other than the day trip ones, agree on all the places. When we went on 2016, it was not as crazy busy . I think for a first timer Don Quixote is fun but on our second trip this year, did not enjoy it as much. We also went into Ginza and Tokyo Station on our 2nd trip, that was cool to visit, especially Ginza as I always see it in movies and anime.

  2. If you are not an otaku/gamer, then Akiba is super overrated. What you have is a really crowded shopping district with mostly specialty shops. Normies would have a better time in other more popular districts.

    If you are an otaku/gamer though, Akiba is a must visit, along with Ikebukuro and Nakano Broadway.

  3. I agree that Sky Tree is overrated because it's more beautiful to look at, rather than being in it and looking out

  4. Thank you for the video! Even for someone who went to Tokyo quite a number of times, its good to be updated.

    Usually I would recommend Asakusa Tourist Information Centre (opposite Kaminarimon) for free skyscraper view, but it has gotten too crowded there too.

    If you are curious about Ichiran, you can try the package box ones in DonQuijote but you will need to cook it yourself (but if you are just curious and don't want to queue, and do not want to hunt for other outlets)

    TeamALab is worth it if you really like interactive museums but people are afraid of being trapped in a room may have to consider twice. It is really cool, but Japan has so much more to offer for free or cheaper if you are first timer.

    Kawaguchiko is my favourite! But my recent trip there when I brought my family and friends, it was overcrowded so much and If you really want to go, winter is the best time as most days, the skies will be clear. (I experienced before 4 consecutive days of clouds and fog blocking Fujisan when it is not winter)

    If you are nearby Tsukiji Market, consider walking down to Ginza which is nearby and has lots of cool stuff also, or highly recommend you to WALK to Odaiba across the rainbow bridge, really some of the best views ever!

    Some other day trips you can consider are Mt Takao, Saitama, Enoshima (usually coupled with KAmakura).

  5. Amazing list and very much like our experience in the same spots we skipped going to Ichiran all together in favour of more local ramen shops

  6. Ameyoko is definitely overrated. Too many Chinese-owned stores catering to Chinese tourists that doesn't make me feel it's Japan anymore, and if not, selling overpriced touristy knick-knacks. I'd rather go to Yanaka Ginza or Sugamo for a more peaceful old time shopping street vibe.

    And any restaurants lined up with tourists only – give them a pass. Not worth the 1 hour wait unless you are only craving for that TikTok / IG thumbs up rather than the food itself.

    Ichiran – I agreed it's a bit overrated. It's good, but not that good worthy to wait for anything over 30 mins when other ramen shops are everywhere. If it's only a short wait / no wait, by all means give it a shot. They also have shops opened in other countries too.

  7. 2:40 for SKYTREE I think it’s worth it IF you are going there for something else and it’s a weekday. For example, you are having dinner at Kirby Cafe you may as well visit.

  8. Excellent video that remembers what it's like to be a first timer. Asakusa, Shibuya, Shinjuku, and optionally Akihabara (you know if you need to go there) are all must do's for the first timer.

  9. Thank you guys for all your informative videos. Do you have one on Ramen at all as in the best in your opinion Ramen places in Tokyo? I'm coming to Japan in Feb next year with my kids, well young adults really, so have watched many of your videos really love Chris in the video about mistakes to avoid so funny…"Sure sure". My kids are looking forward to a small Jazz club that a Japanese friend told me about but is there any other cultural experiences we aren't there for long more a taster of Japan you could say but are staying in Osaka and will go to Kyoto and Nara.

  10. My opinion on the ones I've been to:

    Meiji Shrine: Worth it. Spacious and beautiful. The walk to it through the forest is relaxing too.

    Asakusa+Sensoji: Pass on Sensoji and Nakamise dori. Lots of very touristy shops and there are nicer temples to see imo. Asakusa though, is a very nice city with plenty of shops and restaurants to check out, so it is worth it.

    Takeshita dori: Worth it if you are interested in clothes, but avoid the instagram foods and the obvious cheap touristy shops. It's changed over the years but there are still plenty of interesting things to be found there. Avoid late afternoons and weekends as it gets TOO crowded.

    Shibuya Scramble: Honestly if you go to Shibuya you'll probably find it even if you aren't trying so just check it out on the way to something else.

    Akihabara: If you like geeky stuff, absolutely. However, I HIGHLY recommend checking out the second-hand stores there first since you can often find rarer stuff and/or some really good deal. I got 2 Nendoroids for 1800 yen at Trader and a massive figure for 15000 yen (retail was 20000 yen) at Mandarake. Aside from Akihabara, I also recommend checking out Nakano Broadway, as it is a mall with a ton of anime/geeky secondhand shops.

    Don Quijote: 100% yes I love this place. Great for souvenirs when you don't want to think too hard. I recommend the one in Shibuya if you are in Tokyo or the one near Shinsekai if you are in Osaka. Went to Pokemon Center in Kyoto whose mascot is Ho Oh and they had no Ho Oh merch. You know who had Ho Oh merch? Don Quijote has my back.

    Kamakura: Beautiful seaside city. Just walking around felt so relaxing. Got to see fish jumping out of the water in the river where it meets the sea and there was even a swallow nest in a shop entrance with baby birds. The temple I went to was nice, but I think the city itself is better.

  11. You can only say something is ovwrrated if you experience it. This video doesnt make sense if you are a first time traveler because you want to see all

  12. Ichiran : Definitely overrated. This place is like a egg farm shack. There are hundreds of better ramen places in Tokyo
    Ameyoko : Definitely overrated. It used to be a nice place to visit, but recently it has turned like a China Town.
    Tsukiji Outer Market : Definitely overrated. So touristy and street food are outrageously priced. Local people do not go there

  13. Don Quijote is interesting to see as a store, but all the prices aren't that enticing. I'd much rather go to Seria or Daiso. They have amazing deals on items that are useful. Donki didn't have bargains on anything I'd like to take home with me or have a use for like bags, clothing items or electronic goods.

  14. I finally fly out for the first time in 7 days

    Been waiting years for this holiday and looking forward to hitting up some of the spots in this video

  15. Whenever first-timers to Japan say that ICHIRAN is the best ramen in Japan or best ever…I roll my eyes so hard I almost fall off my chair. It's basically the McDonald's of ramen for me. Tokyo alone has literally 10,000+ ramen restaurants. Do a bit of research and don't believe the hype these influencer types spit, especially if it's their first time to Japan.

  16. Kamakura being only an hour away by train is a must. Visit the Giant Buddha, the temples, make friends with the Sail surfers on the beach and enjoy the water, ride the seaside train down to Enoshima, eat some fresh seafood, explore the island, buy some souvenirs, enjoy some coffee watching the sunset, then go back to Tokyo with enough time to decompress and relax at the hotel.

  17. Hello there.

    I’m flying with my wife and sister in law on the 1st October from London to Tokyo and of course we are all excited. But regarding the golden gai area and the cover charge you mentioned, what do you prefer: a pub/izakaya without cover charge or one with? Because I heard some stories that if a place charge you cover charge, they charge ridiculous prices inside the place and some of them could be scams. Do you have any good places to go? Where they don’t do this kinda shit to foreigners and something that’s affordable as well?

  18. Hey kids. Thankyou so much for all the videos and guidance. We are flying to Tokyo this weekend and are visiting Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka and also doing a day guided trip to Hiroshima as well as a trip to Nara (all in 10 days)! With all of your guidance we think we have a really fun packed trip planned. Really looking forward to using the bullet trains (and purchasing some amazing bento box es from Tokyo Station…yum! We'll let you know how we go.

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