Tried making rice balls today. Ant tips would be appreciated. I definitely need more practice with cooking.

by Kuraigan2


  1. Stranger_Danger249

    Looks delicious. What are you using for the filling?

  2. Standmixermorsecode

    1. How wet is the rice? Make sure it got a good but gentle wash, then drain the water. (You can give the water to plants)

    ***too much water still tastes good but the texture will be affected, the same goes for broken rice pieces if you washed it too aggressively

    2. Use less water almost 1 cup rice to 1 cup water, or 1 rice – 1.25 or 1.1 water. Steam from the rice on the keep warm setting will finish cooking the rice. Just fluff it up with a paddle and close the lid to steam it more if its undercooked)

    3. Finally, without fear, grab the hot rice with DAMP (but NOT DRIPPING wet hands) shape in 2 or three motions. The triangle forms in the palm of your hands with both hands cupped or bent to a 90 degree angle. At this point its maybe halfway done.

    ***make a small hole in one side and add a filling, patch it with a snall bit of rice or just push it together

    4. Apply the nori that you have. Lay the rough side facing up on your palm and place the onigiri on the middle of it. (This should be on your less dominant hand)

    5. Touch sea salt gently, then touch the rest of your damp hand with the salted finger (Dominant hand). Finish shaping, 2-3 motions, let the salted hand (in the same roughly 90 degree bent/cupped shape as earlier) touch each angle one last time to smooth out the shape.

    ***try not to over squeeze the rice, preferably make onigiri that would fall apart instead of learning to make onigiri that are pressed into a puck shape

    ***if using plastic wrap, salt the rice during step #3 and lat the wrap on your non-dominant hand and lay the nori on top of the wrap.

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