Eating Convenience Store Food in Japan for 24 Hours

Eating only convenience store food for 24 hours in Japan!


  1. 7 Eleven!😊. And a suggestion pls. If u can also do halal videos in ur country and the countries that u travel to. Ty

  2. I never thought id see them start doing the challenges, i hope it will be a mix of both this and the old type of content ❤❤😅😊

  3. This was a good video. Japan has some good convent store foods. Thanks for sharing your meals with us

  4. The large amount of GMO soy consumed on this channel a long with the petroleum food dye consumed it's a wonder they're still a live.

  5. Aww the first time I ever saw this challenge was on Pretty Pastel Please (RIP Alex!!) AND WHAT NO FAMICHIKI :O

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