Finding a little angel: the story of finding a child in the rubble after a clan conflictby thelawyer

Mr. Vakil, with a flag in his hand and walking slowly, was on the way to a painful story for himself. When suddenly between the singing of the wind and the ground shaking under his feet, he heard a loud cry of a child. With an unconscious tremor, he was directed to the displaced people’s prism, which shows a three-year-old child named “Elnaz”.

Worry appeared in his eyes and a strange relief began to appear on his face. Elnaz was a troubled and lonely child who was separated from her mother’s arms and lost herself in this ruined desert. Mr. Vakil, with flexibility and good business, took Elnaz to the police station and started a small human miracle. But the hidden secrets were waiting for him behind the rubble curtains, and he found the bitter truths with difficulty. This newcomer to the silent village witnessed the crimes that were involved in these unfortunate violences, and these events finally united everyone together with the strong power of two Niles alone.

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  1. 🤝 lonsieur l’avocat, vous connaissez fatima hosseinpour, vous les avez aidé pour recuperer la maison aupres du gouvernement mais ils sont toujours sous une tente à côté de la maison. La belle mere est de plus en plus violente avec son baton et dans l’épisode d’aujourd’hui c’est a dire hier sa belle mere a tenter de l’etrangler avec le baton. Pitie pour elle et s’il vous plait deposer une plainte en son nom car elle n’osera pas.🙏🙏🙏🙏

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