Kyoto and Nagasaki – 8mm Home Movie (1960s?)

At last, another film shot in Japan! This piece I managed to get through a famous auction site, simply described as being shot in Japan and featuring geisha. Well there’s no geisha, but there are some kimonos.

This film was shot on 8mm and edited onto a 400ft reel. I’m not too sure if it was all edited in order as some places it does jump around. Thankfully this time around the cameraman captured some signs so we can more easily tell the locations.

It would appear that this was shot by a guest aboard the SS Rotterdam cruise ship. The films possibly starts the ships arrival, welcomed by a brass band and locals releasing balloons. After which passengers and crews are shown Japanese wedding clothing and even get try some on. After this we travel to places such Kyoto, Kamakura and Nagasaki to see various monuments, shrines and temples.

Once again I’m not a hundred percent sure on when this was shot. I am guessing the 60s. Looking the cruise ship I couldn’t determine when it visited Japan. (But I do know its now a hotel in Rotterdam itself).

Here’s some of the things and places we see:

00:00 Arrival with welcoming committee
01:43 Japanese Wedding Costume Exhibit
06:09 Heian Shrine, Kyoto
08:08 Market stalls (possibly the same one we see at start)
08:40 Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture
11:15 Peace Statue, Nagasaki
14:17 Shopping street run by Hamaichi Shopping Union
16:55 26 Martyrs of Japan Memorial, Nagasaki (and Peace Statue again)

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