Anyone have a copycat recipe for this? Tasted so good. I detected sesame oil, savoury seaweed, toasted sesame seeds and perhaps fish flakes of a kind? Would love to recreate this at home during summer🙏🏽

by woodchucker911


  1. pixelboy1459

    I’d try cutting English or Persian cucumber then letting it sit in some salt for 15-20 minutes. Squeeze out the remaining liquid.

    If it tastes vinegary, boil some vinegar and salt (like 1/4 cup to 1TBS of sugar) and stir until the salt dissolves. Remove from heat and let cool 5 mins.

    Put in the cukes and about 1TBS of what looks like hijiki. Maybe like 1/2 tsp of soy sauce?

    To serve, toast sesame and dress with the sesame oil, seeds and katsuobushi.

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