Take a walk in and around Kanagawa Odawara Station 小田原駅構内・周辺を散歩

History of Odawara Station

Odawara Station opened in 1887 as a station on the Tokaido Main Line.
Since the Meiji era, Odawara has developed as an important transportation hub connecting Tokyo with Atami and Hakone.
Especially in the postwar period, the Tokaido Shinkansen and the development of private railways have made Odawara a household name throughout Japan.
Today, the station serves as an important tourist destination and business hub, with many passengers using it daily.

Station Structure and Platforms

Odawara Station is an above-ground station, entirely structured with a bridge station building.
The ticket gates are located on the bridge, from which access to each line is available.
The following is a description of the platform features for each line.

1. Tokaido Shinkansen
– The Shinkansen platforms are located on the south side of the station, and are arranged with two relative platforms with two tracks.
– The Hikari and Kodama trains stop at this platform, which is used by passengers bound for Tokyo, Nagoya, and Shin-Osaka.
– The Shinkansen platforms are relatively wide and equipped with elevators and escalators to provide barrier-free access.

2. JR East Japan Tokaido Main Line
– The platforms of the Tokaido Main Line are a two-sided, four-lane structure, with trains arriving and departing on the conventional lines.
– The platforms are relatively long and are particularly crowded during commuting hours. Many rapid trains and local trains bound for Tokyo operate on the platform.

Odakyu Odawara Line
– The Odakyu Line has three platforms with two sides and three tracks, and trains coming from Shinjuku Station stop at these platforms.
– On the Odakyu Line, limited express Romance Cars and express and local trains arrive and depart. The Romance Car, especially popular among tourists, is convenient for going to Hakone-Yumoto.
– It is also possible to transfer directly from the platform to “Hakone-Yumoto”.

4. Hakone Tozan Railway
– The Hakone Tozan Railway platform is located near the East Exit; it is a one-way, two-track structure with trains bound for Hakone-Yumoto.
– The trains are small in size, and because they run in mountainous areas, they have a unique operating pattern such as steep gradients and switchbacks.

5. Izu Hakone Railway’s Mt.
– Izu Hakone Railway’s Oyama Line is a relatively small local line with one platform and one track. It is a popular commuter line for local residents.
– The terminal station, Daiozan Station, is a convenient way to get to Daiozan Saikyo-ji Temple.

Summary of Features

Transportation hub: A hub station where Shinkansen, private and local railways intersect, providing easy access to Tokyo, the Kansai region, Hakone, Izu and other tourist destinations.
Sightseeing Hub: Gateway to Odawara Castle, Hakone-Yumoto, Atami, Izu, and many other tourist destinations.
Well-equipped facilities: The commercial facility “Laska Odawara”, tourist information center, and barrier-free station facilities are convenient for travelers.

These factors make Odawara Station an important transportation hub within Kanagawa Prefecture, serving as a base for tourism and business.





1. 東海道新幹線
– 新幹線のホームは駅の南側にあり、2面2線の相対式ホームが配置されています。
– ひかり号とこだま号が停車し、東京・名古屋・新大阪方面へ向かう乗客が利用します。
– 新幹線のホームは比較的広く、エレベーターやエスカレーターが完備されており、バリアフリー対応がされています。

2. JR東日本 東海道本線
– 東海道本線のホームは2面4線の構造で、在来線の列車が発着します。
– ホームは比較的長く、通勤・通学時間帯は特に混雑します。東京方面への快速列車や普通列車が多く運行されています。

3. 小田急小田原線
– 小田急線のホームは2面3線の構造で、新宿駅から来る電車が停車します。
– 小田急線では、特急ロマンスカーや急行・各停が発着します。特に観光客に人気のロマンスカーは、箱根湯本へ行く際に便利です。
– ホームからは直接「箱根湯本行き」の乗り換えも可能です。

4. 箱根登山鉄道
– 箱根登山鉄道のホームは東口に近い位置にあります。1面2線の構造で、箱根湯本行きの列車が運行されています。
– 車両は小型で、山岳地帯を走るため、急勾配やスイッチバックのような特有の運行形態が見られます。

5. 伊豆箱根鉄道大雄山線
– 伊豆箱根鉄道の大雄山線は、1面1線のホームで比較的小さなローカル線です。地元の人々の通勤・通学路線として親しまれています。
– 終点の大雄山駅からは、大雄山最乗寺へ行く際に便利です。


交通の要所: 新幹線や私鉄、ローカル線が交差するハブ駅で、東京や関西方面、箱根・伊豆などの観光地へのアクセスが良好。
観光の拠点: 小田原城や箱根湯本、熱海・伊豆など多彩な観光地への玄関口。
充実した施設: 商業施設「ラスカ小田原」や観光案内所、バリアフリー対応の駅設備が整っており、旅行者にとって便利。


August 2024 2024年8月
ウォークランド Walkland 227

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