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Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Japan’s longest-running travel show, ‘Tohkueikitai : Hidden Gems of Japan’!
This program showcases the beautiful landscapes, rich culture, cuisine, and the daily lives of people in Japan.
It serves as a wonderful guide for your travels in Japan!

Share this video with your friends who might be interested in Japanese culture and travel!

Want to hear the video in English? Check out our English dubbing playlist!!
👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdns2D_BN4kG3XbW3gS9Id6ESLAIxU93E

【毎週日曜 19:00公開】※放送がある場合のみ

00:00 Opening!
00:11 鹿児島の絶品和牛を堪能/Enjoy the finest Wagyu beef in Kagoshima
03:42 南国で熱帯動物とふれあい!/Play with friendly monkeys and colorful parrots
06:36 栄養満点!鹿児島産うなぎ/Savory and nutritious Kagoshima eel
10:02 和食を支える日本の伝統食「かつお節」工場に潜入/Unveiling the Secrets of Bonito Flakes: A Cornerstone of Japanese Cooking
18:15 かつお節を使った大人気のご当地ラーメン/A wildly popular local ramen featuring bonito flakes

X 👉 https://x.com/tohkuytv
Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/tohkuytv/



#discover #japantravel #kagoshima
#countrysidelife #japanesefood #trip #summer #wagyu #southern #animals #katsuobushi #bonitoflakes #fishflake #ramen #taketora
#遠くへ行きたい #旅行 #観光 #グルメ #鹿児島 #南国 #夏 #夏休み #指宿 #和牛 #鰹節 #ラーメン #眞島秀和 #俳優

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