OVERTOURISM in Kyoto- How bad is it? (Japan Travel Experience)

How bad is the overtourism Problem in Kyoto, Japan?
Japan has been in the headlines recently for a lot of overtourism problems and Kyoto is probably the epicenter of that because everybody wants to see the traditional, historic Japan. Kyoto delivers exactly that. We went and explored the city by ourselves and we found stark contrasts: from concert-like Tourists crowds to mythical, quiet mountaintops – Kyoto got it all! And of course we try some fancy food in this video as well.

Let us know if you think overtourism has gotten too bad in Kyoto, in Japan or anywhere around the world!
#Japantravel #overtourism #kyoto

00:00 Overtourism in Japan
00:37 Budget Tip
01:08 Arriving in Kyoto
01:51 Kyoto’s famous Temple
03:49 Crowds
05:36 Streets to Gion
07:48 Calm Sushi Restaurant
11:52 Kyoto’s famous Geisha district
12:25 Busy City Center Market
13:18 Calmer Side Streets
13:45 Japanese Food at Kamo River bank
17:31 Crowds at famous Tori Gates
19:11 Big Turn of Events

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  1. Kyoto you go to hot springs, the castles, maybe go to a geisha event, do a few kendo lessons, and enjoy the traditional food. There really isn’t much else. Possibly a concert if someone big is in town.

  2. Hi bist einfach die beste youtuberin der Welt. jeden Tag wenn ich Kummer habe gucke ich deine Videos und bin dann wieder glücklich

  3. Ihre Videos sind eine Quelle der Inspiration! Wie wunderbar ist es, eine so leidenschaftliche Herangehensweise an die Erstellung von Inhalten zu sehen. 🍺🍺🍺 % 🦆*

  4. als Jahrelanger Japanurlauber war ich dieses Jahr super enttäuscht. Waren leider wärend der Goldeweek da und in der 2ten Woche (von 3) lag ich 6 Tage mit fieber flach. Alles war voll mit Touristen ( Osaka/Nara ) Aber nicht nur so ein paar, sondern Komplett voll mit Chinesen und ein paar Amerikanern. Auf grung des schlechten Yen kurses hat es auch Billig touristen angelockt die sich total schlecht benommen haben. Hab noch nie soviel Müll gesehen wenn ich da war.

    wünsche euch aber troztdem einen schönen aufenthalt. hoffe ihr könnt die Zeit da genießen

  5. I totally understand your stress level was higher with all the people around you. I have the same problem ( the crowded it gets, the more I feel more panicked and it gets worse with each year) I always want to visit Japan but I think I would avoid some tourist spots due to the mass of people. I really enjoy your videos 🙏🫶

  6. Like Deana, I am not a fan of crowds too much of the wrong kind of energy for my psyche. Love the architecture of old Japan, it’s esthetically pleasing to the senses. Shushi looked really tasty, I only cringed when you said mackerel, too strong and greasy for my taste and apparently yours. Wish it was less crowded, maybe there is a time of year that would be better? Thanks for taking us along, always great to see you 🏯⛩🍣💕👍

  7. Immer besser ein bisschen weiter zu gehen als die paar hundert Meter vom Parkplatz. Die meisten Touris sind zu faul. Bin mir nicht sicher, hattet ihr schon Yakitori?

  8. Non tourist area, but out of context. If you are used to walking on mountain trails, the mountain at Chiang Mai, Doi Suthep is a must go hiking area. The trail is void of people, and the risk of imminent death is very real. Small red flags are used as where to go, but can be very confusing, and that the trail has huge gaps, only two planks to traverse, makes it a near death situation. I climbed it half way, and a temple midway saved my life. So, a recommendation for a non tourist area, but don't try it alone, and remember to inform the ranger at the base, that you will try the endeavour. To be honest, if not a professional, only do halfway. Transportation will be available halfway. Good luck. By the way, the two planks situation only happened once, the rest of the trail is ok, but you can get lost. The depth of the two planks situation, maybe 2 metres, so nothing like a 500 m fall, but if alone, not good. Hope you forgive my exaggeration. Anyhow, would be nice to see Deana and Phil trying the climb, of course with guides. They love Thailand, so maybe good content for the channel.

  9. I'm fairly sure that I might have left this bit of information on another video, but, here it is again, mostly because Phil seems to have some difficulty in dipping 10:03 . When eating Sushi, it is perfectly acceptable to use your hands as it is actually considered finger food, it is Sashimi that you should eat with chopsticks, I hope this might help someone on their trip to Japan somehow. =^.^=

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