ASKA – 伝わりますか (Tsutawarimasuka – Can You Feel It?)

by SerialStateLineXer

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  1. SerialStateLineXer

    Aska originally wrote this song for Naomi Chiaki, whose [excellent recording of it]( was released in March of 1988. Aska then recorded his own version for his first solo album, Scene, released in August of the same year, though I believe that this recording is from a later concert.

    The song is written from the perspective of a middle-aged, or perhaps elderly, woman yearning to experience once more the passionate, all-consuming love of youth, and I *think* it’s implied that she’s trying to seduce a married man, but I’m not 100% sure (to answer the song’s title, ちゃんと伝わりませんでした). Unlike in English-language music, Japanese lyrics are not, as a rule, changed to reflect the gender of the singer, so Aska is singing the exact same lyric as Naomi Chiaki.

    There are several other covers, including by [Rimi Natsukawa]( and [Hiromi Iwasaki](

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