Pardon for this very odd question. My switch thunb grip looks to be a japanese character. Is it? What does it mean?

I am a tourist currently in Tokyo, so no friends to help translate this

by SuchALoserYeah


  1. Stunning_Pen_8332

    I can’t recognise any Japanese character out of it, but I think I see a letter J and a silhouette of a joystick rotated 90 degrees clockwise.

  2. No_Wasabi1307

    It looks like “た”(TA)or “に”(NI).

  3. Telefragg

    Looks like a scuffed misprinted に (“ni”). Doesn’t mean anything on its own.

  4. Responsible-Stick-50

    It’s the Toni Kensa logo from Splatoon 2. Must be a special edition controller.

  5. It’s logo for fictional brand called Toni Kensa.

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