My Hokkaido Trip Part 1

Join me on an unforgettable adventure through Hokkaido, Japan’s breathtaking northern island! In Part 1 of my journey, we’ll explore a series of stunning locations:

Nakafurano Hokusei Ski Area: Experience the winter wonderland with panoramic views of the Furano Valley.
Farm Tomita: Delight in vibrant flower fields, especially the famous lavender.
Panoramic Flower Gardens Shikisai-no-oka (四季彩の丘): Be amazed by a colorful tapestry of blooms that changes with the seasons.
Hinode Park (日の出公園): Enjoy serene landscapes and picturesque mountain views.
Ningle Terrace: Wander through charming wooden shops and cafes, showcasing local craftsmanship.

Next, we’ll head to Sapporo:

Hokkaido Greenland: Discover thrilling attractions and beautiful scenery.
Odori Park (大通公園): Stroll through this vibrant city park, perfect for relaxation and people-watching.
Hokkaido Jingu (北海道神宮): Visit this tranquil shrine, rich in history and spirituality.
Shiroi Koibito Park (白い恋人パーク): Indulge in delicious chocolate and explore whimsical attractions.

Finally, we’ll visit:

Asahiyama Zoo (旭川市旭山動物園): Meet unique animals in a captivating environment.
Otaru Canal (小樽運河): Enjoy the charm of this historic waterway, lined with beautiful old buildings.
Goryōkaku Tower (五稜郭タワー): Take in panoramic views of the star-shaped fort and surrounding scenery.

Stay tuned for Part 2, where we’ll travel to Noboribetsu, Toya Lake, Hakodate, and Lake Shikotsuko. Join me as we uncover the beauty and hidden gems of Hokkaido! Don’t miss this incredible journey!

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