International Exchange Gardens, Fukuoka

by Keenan_investigates

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  1. Keenan_investigates

    In Island City, near to Kashii, there’s an interesting place called the “International Exchange Gardens”. 6 of Fukuoka’s sister cities around the world planned very small gardens to represent their town. For example, the one for Bordeaux is set up like a part of a French park with the plants, trees and benches chosen to reflect that. Guangzhou’s is like a tiny traditional garden. Oakland’s has a mini replica of their famous bridge, a swing and some mosaics of typical views. 

    Some are nicer than others, and unfortunately the Korea one (one of the most interesting) is closed now. It’s been really quiet with almost no-one there every time I’ve been. 

    The six cities are Atlanta, USA; Bordeaux, France; Auckland, New Zealand; Oakland, USA; Busan, Korea and Guangzhou, China.

    This is a video walking around the gardens taken last autumn.

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