NETHERLANDS TRAVEL VLOG | tulip season, miffy tour, exploring cozy amsterdam and utrecht 🌷

I decided to say goodbye to Japan for a bit and went solo traveling in Europe this summer 🌷

I spent 3 full days in the Netherlands and had miraculously good weather for early May and was able to see everything I really wanted to while spending time with my friend 🤗 It was really such a beautiful country!!! And everyone was so kind and wow…! Such good memories! I really took this and my coming France vlog for my own memories, so maybe it’s not the best storytelling or anything, but I hope you enjoy coming along with me 🌞

Here was my loose itinerary, though I didn’t film Day 1 or 5:
Day 1: Arrive in the evening
Day 2: Utrecht → Keukenhof → Leiden → Utrecht
Day 3: Utrecht → Amsterdam → Utrecht
Day 4: Utrecht → Rotterdam → Utrecht
Day 5: Utrecht → Amsterdam → Paris

AirBnB I stayed in (not sponsored or anything, just loved it):

🌸 follow me on social media 🌸
twitter: @allisonintokyo
instagram: @allisintokyo

support my channel 😇



❤️ music ❤️
Daystar – Animal Forest, Closed my Eyes and it was Spring, Daisy Fleabane
🎵Music provided by BGM President
🎵Track : Blue Bossa –
🎵Track : Bossa Lounge –

NETHERLANDS TRAVEL VLOG | tulip season, miffy tour, exploring cozy amsterdam and utrecht 🌷


  1. Presenting….EUROPE VLOG #1 🌷!! Thank you guys for waiting~~ I had so much fun (and took way too many videos) so this took awhile to make…but I'm glad to finally be uploading my good summer memories 🥰

    I don't think these videos will do very well since I usually do Japan videos~ So pretend you are traveling with me~ and Leave a comment to support the video~

    What's your favorite place in the Netherlands, or where do you want to go? 😍

  2. Oww! Welcome to the Netherlands🤩 I've been following you for a couple years now it's so fun (and sometimes funny) to see my home country through your eyes. Glad to see you enjoyed your time here😊
    P.S. you pronounced Nijntje correctly! You might now recognise the Dutch "-ijn" sound in my name too😁

  3. Still sad you didn't come for coffee 😉 But amazing to see you have been here! Specially cause you were a big part when we decided to go to Japan. Still strange to observe what foreigners think of my country and city, always makes me appreciate living here even more.

  4. Looked lovely! I personally always feel like Utrecht is a bit too industrial for me, but Leiden is really pretty and Amsterdam, for a city that size, is really nice too. Additionally, Leiden means to suffer in German, which is always funny to me. Leiden is also the only place, I nearly caused a traffic accident among bikes, by slowing down while rolling towards an intersection to check the street sign, which the commuters behind me did not expect and nearly ran me over.

    Lovely place, very pretty country in general.

  5. 9:06, oh no, dont look Alison. Its better in your dreams. People basically work to afford to live there. I could write a whole essay lol. Im glad you on holidays !! and getting to see your friend. Enjoy 💚💚

  6. Beautiful scenery❤ Really makes me want to revisit the Netherlands outside Amsterdam! Can’t wait for 🇫🇷

  7. Some sections of Amsterdam can be really bad smell wise. It also looks like you experienced our amazing Dutch weather as well which makes it all the more authentic 🤣

  8. Nice Alison:). I am traveling to Tokyo within 2 moths from Rotterdam lol. It will be my 2nd time in Japan, My 1rst. time was in 2018. I traveled: Tokyo, Hakone, Nagoya, Takayami, Osaka, Himeji, Hiroshima, Kagoshima, Kyushu ( cant't remember the town name) > Kumamoyo> Fukuoka.

  9. Those wharf cellars are so iconic for Utrecht! The place where you stayed would have been build anywhere between 1150 and 1500 AD. So, you probably could not have any better place to stay either, I am actually just a little bit jealous now!

  10. A very beautiful city, but the most beautiful thing about that city is you!!! (The monkey). Cesar from Medellin – Colombia.

  11. Love this! I went to Netherlands for two weeks in high school. We had wine at a bar 😂🩷 youre one of my new fave vloggers

  12. The Netherlands looked beautiful and peaceful. You friend was so sweet. My daughter that lives in Japan does solo trips sometimes and loves it.

  13. today i learned the rabbit is called miffy in english instead of nijntje in dutch, it takes an american from japan to come to the netherlands which is right next to me in belgium for me to learn this lol

  14. I'm glad you had such nice weather! I visited the Netherlands in 1991. I'm looking forward to your France adventures!

  15. you have to "onion look" in that part of Europe.. 😏😆that means many layers of clothes so that you can take off / put on layers during the day, as you go

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