The most northerly train in Japan! come with us as we travel slowly through northern Hokkaido

In the far flung reaches of Northern Hokkaido sits an unassuming little railway line, “the soya line”.

It connects Wakkanai to the rest of japan via rail and is one of the few remaining “single man” operated trains in Hokkaido, so of course we had to test it out.

For Y4500 and 4 hours of your time, you get to trundle through the northern Hokkaido landscape with the windows down. Feeling the warm summer breeze flowing through the cabin as you take in the views of the coast, mountains, lush fields and fast flowing rivers.

Along the way we stop at every station as this train connects remote communities with no other transport options.

We show you where to get your tickets and give you some insight into this journey, so sit back, relax and enjoy this slow train journey through Hokkaido.

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