We’ve got lots of travel news to share and a bucket list destination coming up soon. So we thought it was about time we tried this whole live thing, will this be the most embarrassing day of our YouTube life? Maybe.


→ Bali Travel Guide — https://geni.us/baliguide
→ Queenstown Travel Guide — https://geni.us/queenstownguide
→ New Zealand Itinerary — https://danegerandstacey.com/nzguide



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#live #livestream


  1. Sad I missed the live but have loved the chat. We got caught in Japan when covid hit. Flight got cancelled. Border in Aus was closing. Very stressful. But I love Japan. Been twice. Going by the fun things you do, I would love to see you guys do Mario Cart in Tokyo. Think you both would love it. Kyoto is amazing. Rabbit Island from Hiroshima. Just so much to see to list.

    Your talking about wine. We did Sail Croatia. That's how we found you guys. The wine on the wine tour was dreadful. I'm a wine snob. As an Aussie I will only drink a NZ Savvy B. It's the best.

  2. This was too early for me in the US. Can't believe we're going to a place you haven't been. Next year we're doing South Africa. Basically Kruger & Cape Town. I need to see the penguins. ❤❤
    Thanks for the chat & update. 🎉
    – western NY Aimee

  3. You are never too old to travel, I’ve just reached my 71st birthday and just come back from my 3rd holiday to New Zealand from the U.K.

  4. Hi both! Just caught up on this and always love your videos so thank you. Yes please to another van life series around New Zealand! 😊 Me and my husband visited NZ from England and would love to visit again sometime in the future so any more insights into places to visit is always appreciated . Enjoy your travels!

  5. Aww missed the live 😢 But it was really nice to see you hear how your both doing😊.
    Wauw exciting trips Vietnam and Japan 😅. check out Flying the nest videos they done japan not so long ago 😜
    Its their favorite place too . Plus i follow an American family from Utah that moved to south Germany lived there from 3 years .They have now moved to Japan (our story to tell is their youtube channel ) it very interesting following their journey of a new life their .
    Aww Nalu your getting bigger where has the time gone ,still adorable ❤. The Bloopers at the end
    Thats lovely to hear stacey that your dad still talks about that awesome trip you all did 🫶.
    Have a good weekend 🥰

  6. Sorry to have missed the live (watching from the US) but always love seeing updates from you both and hearing about your travels! The hubby and I are headed back to NZ next year for another trip and will enjoy watching back through some of your videos for tips and travel recommendations! 😊💛

  7. We live in Cape Town, South Africa. We have been following the channel for a while and went to Thailand based on your videos😊. Please let us know when you come to Africa!

  8. If you're heading to South Africa, would be great to see a Mauritius vlog! We love your vids and your honesty. Cheers

  9. Woohoo Japan is epic!! I would recommend Team Labs even with the mixed reviews, it was pretty cool! I was there for 3 weeks and did Tokyo, Hakone, Mt Fuji, Nara and Kyoto. It was not enough time! Can’t wait to go back for another 3 weeks at some point. Can’t wait for the videos!

  10. I'm off to Vietnam and Cambodia in September so you going to Vietnam soon is soooo exciting! I'm also doing a north to south tour so what you get upto will be so interesting. Watching your chat on Saturday arvo and it's hilarious, thanks for trying something different 🤣🥰

  11. Kudos to you all on doing a live. You nailed it! Excited about your upcoming travels. Also, do get to Tahiti asap!! My suggestion is to check out Paul Gauguin cruises. My mom and I did one of their 7 day-ish cruises with a big group of friends. It’s an AWESOME way to see the main islands. It’s the most colorful place I’ve ever been. People we were with had been to Hawaii a lot and said Tahiti is the Hawaii of 50 years ago. Then, after your cruise, do a couple nights in an overwater bungalow to end your trip. There are actually some that don’t cost $$$$$ (only $$$) 😂

  12. You guys did a wonderful job with your first livestream. It was raw and unfiltered and certainly out of your comfort zone and it was good. You hit all right notes.
    Let's do again in six months . All the best guys❤ Harriet, Jim and Yuki

  13. Sorry I missed the stream! Absolutely 100% do the hike on the Nakasendo trail between Tsumago and Magome juku (and narai juku if you have the time). Amazing nature, not a strenuous a hike, fantastic history and beautifully maintained Edo period towns and food. Cannot recommend it enough and its a great contrast to the bustling crazy cities

  14. Love you guys, sorry I could not make it live. Can't do Friday nights but will always catch up Saturday afternoon.

    Anyway, keep doing things the way you are doing as you are already mixing up the content to provide good variety and are always interesting. I actually love that you do extended videos in some places because there is so much to see and do. Oh, and I vote for bloopers at the end, only so you can edit and present the content as intended while still incorporating the hilarity.

  15. Missed the "Live". Was at work (rude aye 😆) Watching it now. Awesome work, you two! Exciting times. Sending love from across the ditch. Hi Nalu!! 😍

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