Send this to Japan and watch as the chaos unfolds

by Upper-Technician5


  1. abbot-probability

    Nah, Japan is ok with things like “American sushi” (saucy and avocado), they just call it “American sushi”. I don’t imagine they’d be offended by this. Heck, they probably already sell it in Tokyo.

  2. elferrydavid

    my man, I bought a sushi burger in Osaka. This is, a Burger that instead of bums it has rice.

  3. JackyVeronica

    It’ll be caught on our 2pm mid-day TV talk/news show and we’d all laugh about it 🤣🤣🤣

  4. JackyVeronica

    PS you should post this in r/sushiabomination 🤣

  5. Repulsive-Painter-16

    If the rice used in this “Burger Sushi” is vinegared rice, Japanese people would consider it a “non-traditional but modified/arranged variation of sushi,” regardless of whether it contains chicken, avocado, or cheese. However, if it’s not vinegared rice, it’s highly unlikely that any Japanese person would recognize it as a type of sushi.
    For example, a ball of plain white rice with salmon roe inside is called “Ikura Onigiri” (salmon roe rice ball), but when salmon roe is placed on top of vinegared rice, it becomes “Ikura Sushi” (salmon roe sushi). These are clearly distinguished.
    For Japanese people, the essential condition for sushi is the use of vinegared rice.

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