Cape Kedo: Remnants of Quarries and Geological History in Chiba・千葉の石切場跡と地質の歴史「毛戸岬」

by pix4japan

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  1. pix4japan

    Location: Kedoura Inlet, Chiba Prefecture, Japan

    Timestamp: 9:22・2024/07/10

    Pentax K-1 II + DFA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 + CP + 10-stop ND filter

    ISO 100 for 3.0 sec. at ƒ/6.3

    Cape Kedo, situated on the east coast of Chiba Prefecture facing the Pacific Ocean, showcases heavily eroded sea cliffs and remnants of quarried stone.

    This coastal area, including Cape Kedo and numerous other capes along the Boso Peninsula, was once a bustling site of stone quarries. These quarries extracted Boshu stone, which was ideal for crafting tombstones, stone lanterns, and large blocks used for building foundations and construction materials during the Edo Period (1603–1868).

    Read the full write-up (2-minute read), which includes links to maps and sources for further reading (link in Profile).

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