This is the 6th day of our trip in Osaka and today we explored the Tsurumi Ryokuchi Park which is not too far from where we are staying. Took the Tanimachi Line and transferred to Nagahoritsurumiryokuchi Line and got off at Tsurumi-Ryokuchi Station Exit 1 and walked about 12 minutes to reach the park. Please join us as we explore this beautiful park for you to have an idea of what to expect when you plan to visit this amazing place! Thank you so much!

[Music] all right today is our how many days six days six six day in oaka now we are in chumi ryokuchi station going to this uh flower garden supposed to be and this is how it looks uh look at this landscape design feature wall I don’t know what’s the meaning and there is a grand staircase around here leading to the park and also that one I don’t know what is that it’s in something like a small shopping let’s see let join us name chumi rui Park windmill oh the have a swimming po I think these are some recreational facility swimming pool I can see some kids with the [Applause] equipment and that one is the chumi RO cheese huh I yeah oh my God so from exit one look for loon shop loon store convenience store and then turn left go to the uh traffic signal cross ing pedestrian Crossing and you can enter the park from there all right so right now it is stopped we can cross the road before it’s changes stop right this must be a chaos but right now it’s close what why what OMG okay we are now going to enter this gate going to the windmill like a Dutch windmill with uh sunflower Garden and as our Co Filipino told us we just met a while ago oh botanic Botanical house what is that must be a flower house let’s see ver what’s inside I think it’s the they have tables and chairs oh restaurant a Cafe restaurant bar barbecue well it’s a big park I think you have to spay to spend a whole day here it’s a restaurant see wow it’s a [Music] restaurant oh my gosh sweets old sweets they also have some dishes let’s see no I’m still full nice Lake where are the birds where are the birds in this m 299 huh oh on the other side we have to enter enter this gate w look at this array of big trees W Golden Leaves in the way in Autumn find the shade and then eat first the our kababayan our fellow Filipino guys who’s working in Japan that we met a while ago told us some of the places that we can see in and around oaka and outside a windmill height oh here Rose Garden T room muras Sak Union Square Garden site of the Japanese government Garden oh why is it like this oh wow lash green Lush Greenery another Park that we will explore for your own enjoyment so as if you are traveling with us here in Japan this place is outside of downtown Tokyo and sorry apology downtown Osaka well because last March we were in Tokyo oh it’s some cute dog hello doggy cute cute dog wow oh toilet for your necessity wow amazingly the birds are the IGS a gray Heron gray Heron are here W they are tame wow oh another Filipino another Filipino girl relaxing in the park yes see chatting online H see I told you hello Kabayan right while we are resting and EA enjoying our chips and ice cold coffee can coffee this is where we are right now resting area interesting area [Applause] this way to the windmill right going into the windmill wow nice see Japanese garden Japanese landscaping rocks Boulders they love rocks and Boulder for their landscape oh and there’s a man with a kimono nice what is this I think it’s a restaurant sorry thank you what is this wow nice nice I don’t [Music] know well according to the signage it’s the Japanese garden Japanese garden landscape of Sansui graceful vibrant mellow what’s inside nice Japanese garden traditional ma hello wow nice can we have matcha can we try the matcha only matcha okay no problem oh thank you wow I need to remove no no wow okay okay [Music] [Laughter] okay oh sorry oh sorry two two person yeah oh thank you wow this is a unique experience here inside the park we will try the Japanese real authentic oh Japanese oh here oh see ah okay wow ni I didn’t realize there’s some people around already yeah yeah okay thank okay here have to sit down [Applause] this is a special treat [Music] MAA it’s a unique experience of matcha and some dessert wow werve with in kimono beautiful wow look at that oh my gosh oh is it like this it’s specially for today oh oh that’s Co on July the third we usually eat this oh okay you have card yeah yeah yeah yeah we got the card thank you this is a unique experience eating a real one authentic matcha Japanese this is a unique experience here in in Japan having a uh authentic matcha with uh sweet red bean in uh rice powder like like I don’t know how to say but uh it’s a very nice experience being served with a lady with a in Japanese kimono it’s quite amazing experience a very nice woman trying to explain something to my wife the story behind how to make the matcha see powdered matcha powder matcha yeah in yeah and then melt [Music] it Tokyo this is Osaka I know I I mention Tokyo ma coffee shop coffee shop in Hong Kong oh yeah yeah we have a we have a there is a Tokyo uh Tokyo Macha in in Hong Kong the name of the shop is Tokyo Macha look we are being served every a tradition oh you need to do that I don’t know because I don’t know this place and my husband is the one who to [Music] [Music] [Music] which one the name yeah yeah that’s the name of the flower have here yeah yeah June June oh oh here they have oh June July July this month June last month month wow this is an amazing experience having a matcha drink in this uh very traditional Japanese Japanese serving so what is this one different different but many many people people in in ceremony now she say she say after 10 after 10 minutes 10 minut you can see go out and you can see oh I see no I just want to see no ceremony ceremony group of people though [Applause] together okay smile okay thank thank you thank you thank you go can see it’s okay the head bow down bow nothing I can [Music] understand bye bye thank so this is a unique experience oh they’re taking the portal she’s taking okay oh here is the map I think it’s free it’s free thank you Japanese no English have a nice day thank you unique experience [Applause] H Nota only 500 yen wow so cheap and if want that’s a traditional you get a tea ceremony ah ah ah that one the Tea Ceremony okay good okay next time maybe maybe next time okay thank you thank you so [Music] much wow we had a very nice experience drinking traditional matcha serving with an authentic authentic Japanese presentation ah lady in kimono and a very hospitable lady very kind local lady Japanese lady who help us do some translation bit by bit that’s really very nice of the Japanese people that’s why we love coming here over and over again having a clean City nice people kind very helpful ah we love Japan love the people of Japan thank you very much how youas wow this is a Rose Garden here in the park almost the same as the one in nagai Park Botanical Garden but this one is in another park outside of Osaka so you have to you must come here and explore this beautiful Park there’s so many things to see here there’s a windmill we are now approaching the windmill the Dutch windmill in the park there you go the windmill wow direction of train station to the right side and they have a Bend vending machine again a closed kiosk wow look at this this one is another flower bed just planted and the flowers are beginning to bloom wow I think we have to wait for a few more days before you can see the entire area in red color and green leaves then again this is Sunday today and very few people around here I wonder it is very quiet a bit windy today so probably the video will be a little bit noisy hopefully I can remove the background noise when I edit the video wow amazingly this park is littered with washroom so it’s good for your personal necess necessity mount Mount truma oh we should have gone to mounton this one is already going back to the MTR to the train [Laughter] station small world Eco Museum of sh Kai all right where are we now in this malapa H naot Yung [Music] [Applause] ano amazing view the Dutch windmill beautiful [Applause] scenery nice trisis with benches and table coming from a different angle of the windmill the windmill of Your [Music] Smile ah there’s a gazebo where you can sit down relax and spare a few minutes of rest okay this is going to mount Chun shinzan here yeah oh okay let’s go up and CL the mountain nice nice nice if you are into Park this is one of the best [Applause] park like a scary one I wonder what’s lies what lies up ahead oh sunflower the big sunflower there you go tiring for all this like me ah nice sunflower ah windy sorry for the noises background noise because it’s so windy here climbing up from from that [Applause] whoa oh sh go up to a much higher ground or a much better view w north south east and west east south west north and [Applause] west even higher look at the mountain range from very far away Japan and I think that one is an OB obervatory Tower I’m sorry about the noise it’s just so windy okay now going down again from the top they call it mount mountain I mean IND L Mountain ah no more noise there’s no wind here being covered by the trees but from the top it’s very windy and noisy now we’re going into the inner part of the Jungle literally ah there is no monkey no wild animal only Birds craw quacking quacking quacking wow let’s walk around oh some sculpture I think this one is sculpture pth oh I didn’t see the sign oh no Mount that one is the mount mountain this one is the oh more relaxing ah some sculpture contemporary sculpture oh I think you can walk down there by the bush oh there’s another one there another sculpture hidden I don’t know what’s the symbol look like a flower are blooming and this one oh that’s a nice bird look at the bird what is this what sculpture is this like a bird flying with a butt I think people are doing their morning hike or afternoon hike here that’s a nice place to hike you know going uphill and downhill under the trees it’s very comforting oh and a lot of [Music] Craw very nice Forest a na iniwan oh my God [Music] where is this West Asian rest house Union Square a so [Music] hot there a craw [Music] [Music] there a West Asian rest house with a viewing Upper Deck it’s in japanes you can see upstairs [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] view from the upper deck of the asan West Asian rest house all trees nothing much to see covered with large huge [Music] trees they [Music] do this one is United Mexican state but it’s close to public the public viewing it is close Asian different aan [Applause] Garden Asian gardens in the park oh they open from 9: to 5:30 but now it’s closed another one of Nepal oh Nepal is Garden [Applause] they’re open wonder what could that be what Garden which country this one is the direction for the mini golf course [Music] Republic of the Philippines this one is another country another country South Pacific Nations that means uh what uh uh New Zealand uh uh Papa new guini something like that near the Australian continent and let’s see the map where we are now ah I wonder if somebody is playing golf here I don’t see anybody carrying Golf Club Park golf course they have a mini golf course here only only pitching wedge you can use only pitching wedge you cannot use Drive Drive or iron just pitching wedge no only for practicing but nobody seems to use this one all right okay just being curious let’s go out nice stone wall R WAP [Music] different Garden [Music] again United State of America city of San Francisco Israel again Israel Garden Asian gardens oh World [Music] Garden some of the area are not well [Music] maintained what is that what is she doing what is she doing washing her hand some of the gardens here need some care and maintenance plants are overgrown I wonder if they have regular maintenance being done here this wi Australia see overgrown Australian Garden they go back this one is what kingdom of Netherlands yeah King today de King United Nation system Garden Chinese Garden World Gardens Federal Republic of Germany free state of Bavaria [Music] overgrown wow this park is so huge so big ah you need the whole day to explore the entire Park where is this going Organization for the economic cooperation and development what is this oh lakeside [Music] lakeside lakeside lakeside pathway we came from the other side of the lake galing I think so if I am not mistaken woo so hot a good place to meditate spend time with nature very quiet Ambiance cool Ambiance it’s so humid even though it’s windy and cool air Cool Breeze but you are still sweating a lot I don’t know why probably because of the humid humidity is so high well we’ve almost completed our walk of the entire park and this will be the end of our exploration of this beautiful Park even though some of the world Gardens are not well taken careed of but it’s not so bad with this array of trees this SED tree of seasonal tree this will be golden leaves in the Autumn pictures s in November or octob wow look at that this is an expo Expo Building look at the staircase artistic staircases okay now we are going back to the station metro station so tiring let’s sit down for a while and thank you for watching our video please support and subscribe to our channel so tiring oh gosh but it’s worth coming here not too far from where we are staying about 8th station from Tini T Mai ton Mai station n okay now people are starting to come not like before when we arrived here earlier not much people but now the number of people are increasing rapidly all right that wraps up our one day trip to the park oh my goodness ah oh my goodness the name of the park is what chumi RI there is an onen chumi onen SE hotb I don’t know if it’s real or not byebye and [Music]

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