Kobe is an easy day trip from Osaka – only 12 minutes on the bullet train! We’re going off the beaten track to a waterfall, with an easy hike and a ropeway with beautiful views – and it’s right next to the shinkansen station.

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If you’re staying in Osaka and want a break from the city, Kobe is a really easy day trip. It’s not just about Kobe beef! There’s a waterfall right next to the shinkansen station. It’s called Nunobiki Falls. You can either hike there in only 15 minutes, or you can take a ropeway. There’s also a herb garden, which is included with your ropeway ticket. The view from the top is stunning! You can see the sea, the city of Kobe and even Osaka in the distance. Then we hiked down, past a reservoir, an observation platform and finally the waterfall. It really feels off the beaten path in Japan – a true hidden gem for your Japan trip! The video includes how to get to Nunobiki Herb Garden and ropeway from the station, and how to buy train tickets at the machine.

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00:00 Intro
00:37 Buying train tickets
02:03 Taking the shinkansen
03:00 Arriving in Kobe
04:07 Ropeway
06:39 Nunobiki Herb Garden
07:47 Hiking
10:49 Nunobiki Herb Garden
14:05 Hiking
18:09 Nunobiki Falls
18:37 Review

#japan #japantravel #japanvlog #kobe #kansai #kobejapan

cor is less than 15 minutes on the train from Osaka so it’s a really easy day trip it’s not just about coobo beef today we’re heading to a waterfall that’s right by the shinkansen station I’ll show you the train ride there and how to get tickets a ropeway and nunoi herb garden where you can relax and enjoy stunning views we’re taking a ropeway up to the herb garden then we’ll be hiking down the mountain via the waterfall if you don’t want to do the whole route you can take the ropeway up and down and you can also hike straight to the waterfall from the station in about 15 minutes we are on the way to coob Bay we reserved a seat in the green car because we’ve got the green car Jr passes and wanted to make the most of them but the journey is only 12 minutes so if you’re going in the standard car you’re just as well just jumping on the train in the unreserved car you don’t have to make a reservation there is now yep veral train we want the first we can make a reservation on the ticket machines because we typed in coob and the shinen station is actually called Shin coob which is sometimes the case the shin in station isn’t always the same station as the main station in the city so that’s just something to watch out for shin means new it’s the same as in Osaka’s shinen station Shin Osaka 1118 [Music] yeah here is where you can select a seat with space for luggage if you need it you can choose your seat from the seat map it tells you which Carriage is the least occupied which is really useful go for these ones these ones yeah if you’re buying a ticket without a Jr pass the process is very similar you just pay at the end please take your ticket this display tells you which platform to go to 53 1118 Track 21 as well as the time of the train I think it helps to know the train name and number for us it’s Sakura 553 it was displayed on the ticket machine and on our reservation card here we are at Track 21 you can see Sakura 553 is on the sign and on the train so we know we’ve got the right one if you’re thinking of getting a pass for the green car there’s a video on my Channel all about it comparing it to standard class there’s a control your seat back and your leg recliner on this one I was excited to see the Hello Kitty Shin Canen at the station it runs once a day from Asaka to fuka and back normal Shin can don’t have a bow on the window I wish I could see inside smoking is not allowed on this train except in the designated smoking rooms welcome to K the buy design to where we’re going first the new noriki Falls they should be really close to the shinan station we’ve not been outside yet we’ve just been following signs towards the herb garden and these kakana say ropeway uh NBA where you get on the ropeway so we’re following to that we found a map of the nunobiki for and the ropeway so we’re going to get right way up and then walk back down looks like it’s quite nice on the way down you can explore places on the way here’s another sign you know Vicky her G some ropeway this way it looked like we were going towards the subway we’re just following the [Music] sign what do you think the house is for who lives in here we’ve made it herb gardens and Roo noriva just over there here’s the opening hours for the herb garden and the ropeway they change according to the season here’s the admission fee so if you get a ticket to the ropeway it includes admission to the herb garden there adult price is 1,800 Yen for a round trip or 1,130 for one way goodness look at this massive staircase that’s the workout do we take the staircase or the lift there’s the start of the ropeway and a tiny waterfall was this the one they were talking about when they said there’s a waterfall really close to shink Cobo station not sure how much there’ll be up there so I’ve got to drink for the way super cute orange juice and Phil’s favorite CC lemon 34 lemons in this one really could you put 34 lemons in there I don’t 34 lemons worth a bit of ins today’s a Monday at midday and it’s really quiet here we decided to come on Monday cuz it’d be quieter than the weekend oh we’re about to take off I don’t think that’s the route you’re supposed to walk down is it or maybe it is that is a route he looks exhausted oh no maybe we’ve made the wrong decision he’s going up we’ll be okay we decided to come on a Monday instead of the weekend so it would be quieter oh oh here’s the view oh you can see the sea as well come not to a building pretty nice oh yeah it looks like it’s apartment that’s lovely this will be Shen coob the station oh yeah where we just came from there’s a waterfall down there it looks really tall beautiful and I’m guessing at the top that’s the herb garden with the green houses we’re coming up to the halfway point the herb Garden’s over two levels the idea is you can get up to the top walk down here and then you the rest of the way back down so you see the garden oh I see so you do a bit of walking yeah and then a bit of radway yeah you get theway to the come back down just been point to help you we’re going to walk the whole way down is this going to be a mistake I’m thinking it’s downhill so how bad can it be here’s the herb garden there’s nice hammocks to relax in what a view I like how you can see nature with the mountains and the city and the Sea this right where’s got everything [Music] here’s the top station looks like European style buildings here bumpy here’s the view from the top at the herb garden lovely view so out there you can see coob airport is that strip of land over there and over this area is coob Harbor land which is where we’re planning to go later and here’s the start of the h Gardens we’re in historic European style there’s some interesting ice creams here we’ve got Rose and raspberry Wild Grape UI matcha Yuzu and bamboo charcoal one of these flavors sounds less delicious than the others we’ve also got lavender ice cream and some snacks we’re going to get some french fries to fuel us up for the walk down the mountain honey mil ice cream that sounds really nice lots of places in Japan do take cards now but this is one place that was cash only so it is still worth having cash with you here’s snacks before the walk down the mountain enjoying the authentic local Japanese Cuisine there’s all these fragrance bottles it says you can smell them and find a fragrance you like so far I haven’t really found any that I like they all been horrible so far this one Raven Sara SM like Ana seed here’s a sign to the start of the hiking trail it’s upstairs in the concert hall fragrance Museum building if it’s busy downstairs at the entrance when you first come off the ropeway up here is a good place to get a view just over there is Osaka makes it seem like we’re really close I suppose we are it only took 12 minutes on the bullet train oh wow does it say that oh yeah keep the door closed to prevent World BS from coming inside wow it says this is the start of the hiking trail so I think you go through this gate and then right we don’t want to go walking off to another mountain in completely the wrong direction this is where we went wrong you’ll see in a minute if you’re coming here do not go this way it’s 10 to 1 now so let’s see how long it takes us to hike down the mountain the woman at the ticket desk said it would take 2 hours I don’t think it’s going to take that long we’re supposed to be going down a mountain why is it uphill do you want to change your mind about this F let’s go you can only go up so far the path isn’t paved or anything it doesn’t look very well trodden maybe not many people come this way that’s because it’s not the right way I don’t think you’d want to be doing this if it was rainy it might be a bit slippery and muddy there’s quite steep inclines on both sides it’s a drop off on that side and a drop off on the other side we’re walking along a kind of spine it has got a bit steep now there was a slidy bit back there I forgot I’m scared of sliding down slopes this probably looks really stupid because it’s not really that steep but this is actually terrifying it’s really slippy because of the leaves and the um the dirts really loose and this is a pretty steep bit I’m glad no one else is around we made it through the dangerous bit it is quite steep to be fair there’s no signs that anyone else is coming or has come this way no we haven’t seen anyone else on the trail or any signs where are we going you’re at least heading towards the city it’s very Steep and slippery so I’ve gone low center of [Laughter] gravity maybe Converse aren’t the best shoes maybe and maybe wearing a white dress Dr was a bad idea as well we’re prepared for hiking careful we’re almost at the middle station of the ropeway so this is the lower level of the herb garden you wouldn’t guess this is so close to the city of kobay we’re literally off the Beaten Track here we’re back on concrete there’s some Ventures and an area to sit down I think that’s that area with The Hammocks we saw from the ropeway so it turns out we started the hiking trail a bit too early there’s the top of the ropeway where we started and the track we took was this one all the way bypassing all of the attractions of the herb garden which would explain why it didn’t seem very well trodden most people would come and actually want to see the things that are here you miss the waterfall patio The Glass House Oriental Garden it took us just under 20 minutes to do that which is not bad considering I think and this is wheel check accessible but the pass is steep we’re going to go up and actually have a look at some of these things it says there’s glass houses and some footbaths want to picture [Music] as they weren’t joking even the paved path is very steep I would not recommend walking up it it’s pretty exhausting cor is a long City along the bay backed by mountains the herb gardens on the side are a small Mountain so that’s why it’s so steep at the moment it’s the first week of March I think if you came here a different time of year it would probably be more green and colorful than this what’s our elevation at this point of here we are at 1,055 FT and we’re about halfway up the herb garden I think and next we’re going to go up these steps to get to The Glass House up there are we well if we can if you can make it without having a heart attack we made it to the Glass House this is cute in here smells nice too like getting behind in the stamps on cob I couldn’t find one at the station it says glass house as if there’s some sort of stamp rally around here this is the only one I’ve seen so [Music] far that’s an Inky one grass house this is nice in here some big tropical plants look at that bamboo the flowers are in the shap par these will look like the flowers in Animal Crossing there’s the highest and maybe the wind flowers that’s where my knowledge of plants end Animal Crossing there’s a fit bath up here which would be pretty relaxing it’s actually full of people at the moment so it is quite popular supposed to bring it together [Laughter] which R back best what did that say try that one two three loud is loud that must be a sacker that you can see far off in the distance so close just outside the Glass House our elevation is 1,000 225 ft so let’s see how much it is when we get down we’re at the middle station of the radway so we’ve got to walk all that way I think it said they had electric wheelchairs to rent at the top so while the path is paved it really is very steep so it would be a job pushing a wheelchair or Wheeling your Wheeling yourself up that or even down I think it might get a bit of a Runway situation so far from The Glass House to here at the middle station the changing elevation has been 250 ft and it only took about 5 or 10 minutes to walk that so that’s an idea of how steep it is oh there we are there’s the Red Dot you are here ichara is that way and the rest of it down there to the little shink aren’t we supposed to go to the right and then left into this and then enter the hiking trail Squigly Squigly Squigly but which way do we go it said ichara iig gahara is this way but the waterfall is the other way I don’t want to miss the water we’re going right past the pond and it looks like the hiking trail goes past the waterfall as well and here’s the start of the hiking trail the mountain side is quite steep there’s a long series of these switchbacks going down could this be a tiny Temple or Shrine what’s that a bom we keeping it nice up here it’s very steep want to go down them and I can show to see just how steep they are well that demonstrate it I think you’ll only get a about six or seven steps down to be your height yep you’re very far down Amy come back big steps I just wanted to make you walk up them it’s .9 kilm it’s .9 K it’s .9 km to the waterfall and 1 2 K kilm try again 1.2 km to shinco station where we started out and that’s our goal and most importantly that means we are definitely going the right way 1.2 km doesn’t sound that far no it doesn’t sound like a lot but at the start of this whole thing I did say it’s not very far how bad could it be and it’s downhill so we’ll see this is nunoi Gohan Matsu Dam a nice place to take a small break now we know Japan loves top 100 l and this is one of Japan’s top 100 Dam Lakes Dam Lakes it’s Japan’s oldest gravity concrete Dam and it’s important for providing water to the city of cobay all the way along you get a glimpse of the ropeway running overhead so this hike from the middle station of the ropeway to the bottom seems a lot easier than that first one we did it’s only the switchbacks at the start that are a bit Steep and slippery and this part is much easier come to a crossroad do we continue along the path or do we cross the bridge my Japanese isn’t good enough to read that to take that’s probably completely wrong I think we will be here maybe we haven’t seen the waterfalls yet though oh wait hold on the dam we’ve been past that then we crossed one Bridge didn’t we yeah we did then I think this will be the next one that one looks kind of by the side of the PA well this is the monkey kazula Bashi brid is that right that looks about right the bridg is in Chicago called Kashi I think maybe that just means right Bridge well in either case I think we cross we don’t cross it we carry on but it looks nice so I’m going to cross it anyway you cross it if you want to here enjoy [Music] yourself we’re coming up to a view you can see you can see the city of coob through there and down there it looks like the river starts to drop up as well so maybe we’re coming up to the [Music] waterf we’ve come across a little Lookout Point I guess if you hike upwards from shinco bay station go past the waterfall then you could stop here and still get a nice view what’s the elevation update feel 600 ft so we’ve gone down another uh about 450 something since that middleway we’re going to check the video find out we’re completely wrong about all these numbers so that was Mi harashi observation platform and there’s a high school around here as well just sped assigned to the waterfalls and the way back to the stations this way too and here’s the first view of the waterfalls L Falls it said they’ve got one mixing start in the mixing green guide there’s a little area to sit and enjoy the waterfall if you’re walking from the station to get to the waterfalls this is the route this way is towards the station and then going up to the waterfall there are quite a lot of steps well that was a nice little Adventure all in all it wasn’t that difficult there were some parts that were a bit tricky a bit steep a bit slippery but it wasn’t too bad after we got past those tricky sections I would definitely recommend taking the cable car up and then if you want to take it down as well if you want to walk down go through the herb garden on the proper route for that first set section and then from the middle station to the bottom it took us about an hour and that included time to stop and take pictures and film it was nice to be somewhere that felt like the countryside and felt more relaxing and to hear all the birds and the Rushing Water even though we’re so close to the city of coob and we had some stunning views on the way there as well it’s really easy to get here if you’re at Shin coob station there’s signs right from the station and the start of the route pretty much is at the station and shin coob is only 12 minutes on the bullet train from Asaka I couldn’t believe how quick that was if you’re driving between the two stations it takes 54 minutes but the bullet train only 12 minutes amazing like in Osaka the shinkansen station slightly away from the main city center cor has a small Subway so we took that into town from there we had to wander around saw Chinatown and went to the seafront but that’s for another video so that was Nuno VII herb garden ropeway and waterfall Cor is so quick to get to on the train from Osaka and it was a lovely getaway into nature a real contrast to the city of Osaka then afterwards you can head out to get some coob beef and enjoy the Waterfront the city has a really good feel to it and it’s not as hectic and crowded as Osaka tell me in the comments if you’ve been and what you thought of it and I’ll see you next week with more videos about Japan on Thursday [Music] he


  1. Awesome video! I've been recently binge watching your videos lately as I booked a spontaneous trip to Japan in January for my 40th birthday. First time for me and I'm so excited!

  2. It looks like a beautiful place to visit 😍 I love waterfalls 💕 and nature. This is definitely worth a visit ☺️ Thank you ❤🫶

  3. Hello! I'm new here – loving all the videos so much! I'm heading back to Japan in September for a month to travel after 6 years of missing it! Are your face masks a personal choice, or is it still quite normal and expected in the country still? Thanks for all your amazing informational videos, they're so much help!

  4. Great video u had a longer more detailed comment however samsung decided right then and there that my phone had to be updated

  5. I was thinking about a quick stop at Kobe Harborland on my way from Himeji to Osaka. But it seems like I gotta dedicate a whole day for Kobe now.
    Lovely video as always. ❤

  6. Kobe is a big city, but it's good that nature is close to city of center.

    The mountain is close to the sea, and we can see the town and the sea from the top of the mountain. In that respect, I think Kobe is similar to Hakodate and Nagasaki. It's a really nice city.

  7. I'm hoping to stay for a couple of days in Kobe next April so I'll probably have a chance to go to the herb garden. it looks like a great place. I wasn't aware of it before so thanks for showing it on your video.

  8. I've stayed at the ANA Crowne Plaza by Shin Kobe station but I haven't used the Ropeway. I don't know if I will go to kobe again in September as the Sogo store has now closed down.

  9. i went to the herb garden last year — really nice and came across two ladies randomly performing an ocarina duet after their hike. my other fave memory was visiting kobe animal kingdom — a fantastic zoo that lets you get super close to their animals! i have never been so close to red pandas before. i'm surprised you made kobe a day trip, there's actually quite a lot to do there.

  10. I walked up to the observation deck and the dam then turned back, didn't know there was anything behind it!!

  11. Really loved the "adventure" vibe of this video! Every day in Japan was that crazy for my dad and me — never totally sure we were going to right way, especially when traveling by bus. Spent part of a day in Kobe in '23 and the harbor area was a great visit. If anyone is interested in woodworking, there is a carpentry museum that is well worth visiting, it is near Shin-Kobe station.

  12. Kitty shinkansen ❤Kobe is stanning❤. I love Rokko mountain, too. it's cool on top and only few minutes by cable car.

  13. Ropeway up, Gardens down to halfway, out the side gate. Then choose to see the dam or not. If seeing the dam, do the switchback by going up a ways and get into the trail at first opportunity. If not, turn left and head down to the next entry point to the trail. From here, its all the way down to Shin Kobe station. We did this in 2015 when my girl was 12yrs old.

    This leg of our trip was planned by my son (at the time, 17yrs old). The only daunting part, was trusting that we were headed the right way as we kinda always expect that Japan has every route nicely labelled and drawn out. This hike is the exception to that expectation.

    Glad you got to the Nunobiki falls! I always advise folks who want to try this, to give your self more time than you think you need. Also to consider lighting conditions. In December it gets dark at about 430pm and you don't want to be caught hiking on this trail then.

  14. You did brilliant job here, absolutely amazing film my friend! Shots and storytelling are stunning!

  15. Thanks for another great video Amy ! I havent been to Kobe yet, but its now on my neverending list, thanks to you ;-). Keep on the great work.

  16. I feel your pain about taking the wrong path. I visited South Korea this year, and their paths are extremely well-labeled. It made me realize that in comparison, Japan is really asking people to wing it. I made path mistakes so many times. But luckily, civilization is never very far away.

  17. I’ve always found your videos entertaining, fun and informative….but this is the first time I’ve actually laughed out loud watching one (twice in fact). Thanks for showing all the silly moments of your day; it’s good to see that I’m not the only one who can get turned around in Japan every now and then!

  18. I think Kobe is a good city to live in, the city is surrounded by the mountain and the sea so you can feel nature and you can go to Osaka by taking the JR line. Many foreigners also live in the city with their jobs for trade. The atmosphere is close to many kinds of foreign countries. So different culture is easy to accept there.

  19. I love herb garden. Best free footbath with view ive seen. Is this same trip from when I saw you at teamlab in march? Keep up videos🤙🏽😁

  20. We went to Kobe, but didn't go to the Herb garden. It's still on my bucket list. Instead we went to a downtown teppanyaki restaurant with a view over the city, where we tasted Kobe, Wagyu, and Japanese beef to experience the differences. An amazing experience. After that we when to the old onsen town Arima just on top of Kobe. I really want to go back to Kobe and see the Herb garden … and now I know which way not to go 🙂 Thanks for another great video, Amy.

  21. I appreciate that they've made an effort to make it as accessible as possible – can't do much about those steep hills lol, but I sure would give that a go in my power chair haha. And thank you for looking out for that sort of thing. It's rarely mentioned in Japan videos.

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