in the westernmost part of Japan’s main island of honu is a place that played an important role in the country’s political history it recalls a time of warrior Clans fighting for power and the rise of the Samurai class in this charged political landscape a distinct culture flourished influenced by the beauty and Bounty of their natural surroundings join us in exploring the Lesser known but no less historic prefecture of Yamaguchi known as the Kyo of the West [Music] [Applause] [Music] there are so many facets to Japanese culture that a visit to a different region and prefecture always yields new discoveries this time I visit Yamaguchi a rarely visited part of Japan to see what Treasures are hidden here this was the domain of the powerful Uchi Clan a wealthy and prominent family of feudal Lords not only were they influential in the Japanese Court they also had a friendly policy towards foreigners controlling trade relations with the kingdom of Korea and the Ming dynasty in China because of this Yamaguchi became a very prosperous [Music] City what flourished became known as the Uchi culture a unique Fusion of Japanese Korean and Chinese elements heroo II the clan leader spent a lot of time in Kyoto as chief vassel of the muromachi Shogun thus he modeled the town after the capital that Yamaguchi became known as The Kyoto of the West a culturally rich and elegantly styled City one of the legacies of this golden age is the ruri Koji Pagoda a five-story Buddhist temple that is considered a National Treasure unfortunately I arrived just as it was about to undergo a major renovation meuman a Yamaguchi resident tells me more about it meian I’m very happy to be here but unfortunately I’m unlucky it is I think you are still lucky because next month whole are covered by Blue sheet oh so you can see anything but now you can see the roof yes I can see it this pagod is uh built for the conso the spirit of O yoshihiro his elest son of hiroo so this Rico was built in 15th century and this is one of the three most beautiful pagodas in Japan I see you know it’s so beautiful and the other two you can see this Ed roof tiles but here it’s a hiada uh it’s a a back of the Japan Cypress a kind of sheda sheda tree wood yes yeah yes it’s a highest quality in Japan a stroll inside Coen Park where the pagod is located yields even more historical Treasures mumian points out an interesting feature beneath our feet this stor pavement called n pavement so here okay here if we up there the echo to this uh storm St back to us yeah and also [Music] used can you hear that there oh good there’s the echo the pavement makes the sound of what is called a Japanese Nightingale a bird that signals spring the steps lead to the tombs of another powerful family the Mory Clan was also one of the most influential feudal Lords during this period and the family played an important role in the events that would shape Japan’s history fast forward to a few centuries later we walked to another important historical site feudal Japan had been closed off for 200 years mounting International and domestic PR pressures fuel discontent against the shogunate from Feud the Lords and the samurai class I understand this is the old tea house that was serving dual purpose during the time yes this is the only place to talk with Road talk freely and secretly yes so this is very good opportunity to talk about the revolution yeah yes yes so so information yeah he can listen similarly revolutionaries from different domains met in another Tea House forming an alliance that overthrew the shogunate and ushered in the modernization of Japan in just one morning I have been taken through key moments in Japan’s fascinating history while here I enjoy the stay at the Historic matsudaya Hotel a property that has been around for more than 300 years I can just imagine being a samurai living in a place like this having this uh peaceful garden wherein you can concentrate and uh think about life life it’s like going back in time in fact the revolutionaries that ushered in the Magi restoration also stayed here no doubt enjoying a stroll like this as they plotted to change the course of history and uh I guess a samurai would uh take it easy and have a foot bath after a long walk but it’s so nice and peaceful to be here the area is known for having healing water said to be blessed by a fox God who visited the town but the best part for me was waking up to a traditional breakfast reflecting the seasonal local flavors of the mountains and the Sea which Yamaguchi is known for up next I Explore More of the prefecture moving Westward towards its surrounding Waters to sample its most well-known but potentially lethal [Music] catch the surrounding Waters of Yamaguchi prefecture is the setting of Commerce transport and even Wars between Japan Korea and China since ancient times I am in shimonoseki the most western part of honu Island over there is already kushu though forbidden by the Imperial government the Uchi Clan welcomed foreign trade as well as visitors like St Francis savior who disembarked here and described Yamaguchi as a prosperous City the waters in this area have provided a bountiful catch for Generations which include one of Japan’s most controversial Delicacies shimasaki is the poer fish capital of Japan they Supply Fugu all over the country for centuries Fugu consumption was prohibited due to widespread poisoning shimonoseki was the first city to have the band lifted and today it’s all about living on the edge with every bite of this potentially deadly fish I visit the city’s oldest Fish Market to see the day catch karat Market began as a Street Market in 1909 now it ships fish all over Japan straight from the Waterfront all kinds of seafood are brought here it can’t get any fresher than this unlike the Chini fish market in Tokyo anyone can purchase products here not just Traders aside from Seafood there are also local sea seal ingredients from Farmers around Yamaguchi the main attraction is of course the fugu puffer fish has been consumed in Japan for over 2,000 years even though its organs contain poison more lethal than Cyanide and there is no known [Music] antidote I opted to visit the one of the city’s specialty Fugu restaurants for The Full Experience feeling extra Brave I chose to try their keki lunch a 13 course meal of fugu dishes well let’s hope I survived the first one first we start with Sashimi put a little bit of this lemon the buffer fish the does not produce poison it actually eats on uh little things under the sea which are poisons preparation is key as the slightest mistake can prove deadly and you need to have a license to prepare this uh sashimi and for the chef it takes uh several years before they’re releas to prepare this kind of food for everyone Fugu meat is firm and has a light almost sweet flavor I can understand why it’s worth the risk I think this is actually perfect the spicy radish and I put this onions inside and uh wrap this Fu sashing and the dip is really good I survived on to the next course with it slight delicate flavor it can be prepared in so many ways as it complement all kinds of ingredients a little bit of uh French cooking here but it’s still good so here’s another way of cooking the fugu uh tambura style nice and crispy M and guess what the soup is Fugu miso I will be Fugu out very shortly very nice hot miso soup and it’s very good Japan has very strict laws on Fugu preparation so you can be sure to enjoy this delicacy without needing to check for symptoms of numbing and paralysis and as expected dessert is still Fugu Fugu dessert Fugu shaped cone matcha ice cream some uh red beans and some strawberry I thought I was very fulled but I think I can still manage with dessert I think I look like a fug already having lived to tell the tale of this great meal I went to pay my respect at one of the most pictures shrines ever built on the year I was born it is said that a local fisherman was visited by the fox spirit and was asked to build a shrine on the cliffs where he would go fishing and the shrine that he built was this 123 Tory Gates facing the Sea of Japan the mumi inar red gates make up a tunnel that winds down the cliffs in a striking contrast with the natural landscape each Shrine gives special blessings and the fox God is said to give business success to those who make offerings here unlike in other shrines the offering box here is at the very top of the Tory gate making it even more challenging for pilgrims My Wish can only come true if I can put this coin inside that [Music] box maybe today is not my lucky day one last [Music] try now my wish will come true yay up next I trade Samurai history in the city of Iwakuni and behold one of the most enduring structures of this period while sampling the unique local Cuisine this side of [Music] Japan my exploration of Yamaguchi prefecture takes me to its Southeastern side to the city of Iwakuni this Castle Town holds a lot of history Lying by the border of Hiroshima prefecture Iwakuni became the territory of the kikawa family prominent Samurai Lords related to the Mori Clan by marriage Kiko Park is where the residence of the kikawa family used to be today visitors come to see the samurai houses and museums featuring historic items from this [Music] period and during more than a thousand years of internal conflict Japan’s unique history bred generations of aristocratic Warriors called Samurai who have sworn to defend the fudal Lords they serve the Japanese regard for refined details functionality and craftsmanship can be seen in the samurai suit of armor and weaponry the Samurai armor is about 10 kgr in weight or about 22 lb unlike the European armors it’s easier to move with this kind of armor made up of tiny metal plates and rately sewn together by Silk and leather cords the armor was unpierceable and allowed for flexibility of movement it included a metal face mask with a thick mustache designed to terrify the enemy each piece of armor is brightly embellished and artistically made for each Warrior [Music] looming over the city is the Iwakuni castle built in 1608 the castle we see today is only a replica built in 1962 as the original one was destroyed only 8 years after it was built because of the one castle one Province policy of the Tokugawa Shogun today it holds more relics from the age of the Samurai including their traditional double-edged shorts a notable part of the collection are paintings and models of the kintai bridge considered one of Japan’s National Treasures before I see the kintai up close I met up with Reno Chan and E COI resident who is happy to share more about her town since uh her father who is a pilot cannot be with me I have Reno Chan who will explain to me the food here in Iwakuni you ready yes okay so we will eat II okay it called sushi for load because this town was Castle Town long time ago okay usually Sushi is lice and lowfish right but this one but this one is like a cake oh so it’s like that one it’s a layered multi-layer uh Sushi and uh usually we make this Sushi 150 person oh but we’re only two yeah yeah so we will make small one okayy one okay good okay I follow you then which one first the mushroom we okay add okay I have to see you do it oh we use the Chopsticks now and be careful to keep frat [Music] okay for both then huh and then what do we do next is e we add e okay this is like a full meal in itself M the there’s a mushroom there’s eel there’s everything we call this fish anago ano yeah and then lot good okay and we like make it flat yes okay and then we add egg okay but there’s so much here will we all fit this here yeah we don’t need to use o m then this pink powder we call this Sakura de what is it supposed to be Sakura means Cherry Brom it’s very cute right and then we push oh we push uh-oh I have too much I place too much it’s enough to uh-oh what did I do it’s difficult maybe you cannot do it you let me do it oh I got mine uh-oh I messed up I better keep before the waiter comes now how do we eat this and at last decoration just on [Music] top so we can eat already yeah okay Japanese say before eating let me see you eat first how do you eat it no soy sauce no soy sauce oh no soy sauce because mushroom is with soy yeah with so [Music] okay M it’s very good it’s perfect I think I’m a perfect cook perfect the thickly layered Sushi was already very fill but R Chan still let me try a few more Iwakuni Specialties this is Wu steak oh and then use the Takami beef okay prect special beef so takamori is special for this area this is also iak traditional food we call oh we like Chinese character beak and the frat because long time ago we ate this yes big and frat oh I see so we call oh oh very soft and tender M and flavor is very good huh garlic sauce is also very good with the rice M even this is also nice H with the sauce and everything if I eat this way every day I will have the ambition to be a sumo [Music] wrestler the Nishiki Rivers’s clear waters flow through the middle of the city and under this beautiful ancient bridge this bridge is a feet of engineering and it’s one of the legacies left by the Kwa family here in [Music] Iwakuni even after being damaged by natural calamities over the centuries generations of Engineers restored the bridge the same way since it was first built the kintai bridge was first built in 1763 This Magnificent five Arch Bridge is made entirely of wood without the use of nails the construction of this sophisticated sloping arches is said to be Flawless even from a modern engineering perspective the bridge offers a unique charm no matter what season today at the height of Summer a cool surprise awaited me on the other side the best part about crossing the bridge is being welcomed by 100 flavors of ice [Music] cream M very nice Yamaguchi offers a peak into a quieter side of Japan which still shows the most important values they hold a respect for nature history and tradition plus a healthy Appetite For [Music] [Applause] Life this has been your captain Joy Roa see you in the next Asian air Safari [Music]

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