Today we take you on a tour of Osaka Japan through food. On our tour today we show you some of the best street food Osaka Japan has to offer. Osaka Japan is know as the stomach of Japan for good reason. It has some of the world’s best food and we can’t wait to show you.

Here is the list of all the places we visited on our food tour:

Strawberry Mania:

Mankadou Pastry Pie :

Dontonbori – Street Area with lots of food:

Okonomiyaki Mizuno:

TARO’s Parlor:

Kushikatsu Daruma – Fried Food on a stick:

Osaka Osakamaimonzushi Kuromonten Maimon Sushi:

Kuromon Burger – Japan Burger and Fish Cream Filled Pancake:

Takoyaki Wanaka Dontonbori :

Ice Dog:

Ultimate World Cruise Day 128-132

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hello and welcome back everyone to day 128 of our 9-month ultimate World Cruise adventure and today we are going to show you the absolute best street food that Osaka Japan the stomach of Japan has to offer welcome to living Phase [Music] 2 hi I’m Mike and I’m Nancy and we’re empty nesters striving to live life to the fullest living that full life aboard Royal kerbin’s 9-month ultimate World cruise on serenate of the Seas we sure are well friends today we’re in Osaka Japan and this is this the stomach of Japan it’s kind of the food capital of Japan so we did a lot of research we wanted to kind of create our own food tour well what we really wanted to do was do all that research and share it with you so that if you’ve got a day in Osaka this is the thing to do street food these are going to be the best places to go for the types of foods uh that we’re going to show you yeah which is a huge variety well our cruise ship pulled into port and it was very large industrial Port um but it’s very nice and there’s a ferris wheel there it seems like Japan likes their Ferris wheels at at every port so that’s that’s kind of neat uh but but we got out of the ship there’s six of us and we walked to the subway very easy to get to the subway very everything’s very well identified so you you can find your way there uh quite easily after getting our all day pass we took the Subway downtown and the first place we went to was strawberry mania this is a fun place uh one of the things that I enjoyed the most there was strawberries on a stick they were candied strawberries and they were decadent they were so good MH yep it was you you really did enjoy that in fact you can see your reaction shot here just how is it live reaction okay fabulous can I just say crunchy strawberry strawberries are ridiculous they’re good got flavor but we also got to try a bite of a strawberry CLA that a friend of ours had purchased how is it it’s a whole bunch of yummy goodness is is it worth it it’s worth every step for every calorie and the final thing that I got there is I picked up some strawberry popcorn um some strawberry coated popcorn and almost finished with the bag here but that’s also quite yummy yeah that place was really good uh one thing to note we will list all the places that we stopped in the description so take a look down there if we have links to them or if we have any Google Map uh locations things like that but we’ll give you as much information as we can down in the description so be sure to take a look down there um and hey while you’re down there there’s a button down there to hit like if you like this video or a little early but you know hit like and be sure to subcribe to our CH subscribe to our channel for our whole 9month ultimate World Cruise Adventure that said uh take a look down and it’s interesting we built this tour north to south and one thing I will say is that if we were going to do it again we would actually go south to North and the reason being is the areas down that you’re going to see more toward the end of the video and we had some really good food down there there were a lot of fresh fish markets down there and unfortunately we took so long to get down there that the fresh fish markets a lot of them were closed by the time we got there so strawberry arm Mania was a great way to start and it was an easy walk from the first uh Subway or Metro stop but just um think about when you look at that order of the places that we went you may actually kind of reverse it from the way that we went just a little bit of a Pro tip here go to any place if you want fresh fish fresh sushi shashimi hit those places first in the morning and then work your way back up to the other good point absolutely all right well after we left strawberry Mania so after we left there we uh moved through the shopping areas and got to the mitarashi Ki pie and that so that’s an interesting pie it’s a it’s a flaky buttery pie crust but it’s filled with a a bean paste and this mitashi sauce forgive me friends if I am not pronouncing it right but this was also very good yeah it was we just kind of and another protip here this is very unusual Osaka is really known for their street food but there’s a couple things you need to know as you’re going through this tour and you can see that we were sitting on a little bench kind of down by the river and we were having our mitashi pie two things bring a plastic bag with you for your trash Oh yes that’s a pro tip for sure because there are no trash cans um sometimes the different restaurants you know will have maybe a trash can there but most of the time they won’t you have to take any of your trash with you so have a little bag to put in your backpack and the second is you really shouldn’t eat on the street while you’re walking in Japan that’s seen as bad form uh people don’t do that here so if you are eating street food in Japan you can eat right out front of the street food vend just stand in front of that restaurant or that vendor and you can eat there but don’t don’t take it uh to go and eat it as you’re walking right as you’re walking now if you go to a park or something like that story get to a park bench or something that’s okay you know and even the different vendors they don’t the vendor next to them do not want you eating the vendor next to them their food in front of their shop right so don’t you don’t eat and walk and bring your own trash bags those are two big Pro tips for a food tour in Osaka so just take those to Heart well so after we finish that Nashi pie and I did think it was pretty good the sauce really made it the first bite I just got more of the more of the uh pcee than I did but then once we hit the sauce it was really good it was after our mitachi pie and again please please please we’re probably way mispronouncing a lot of these we’re doing our best uh we walked through the Sashi and then the doam bore area the dam bore are is really well known for food but it’s amazing it’s almost a an overload of the senses carnival rides and tons of food vendors and shops and lots of people so just be ready it’s it can be a little sensory overload that’s a good way to put it that’s right so then we walked on to the next Food location yeah it’s called mauno and we had our okonomiyaki there which is Osaka pizza now this is very similar to what we had the other day we had the the Tokyo pizza but this they call it the Osaka pizza and it’s cooked there on kind of a Skillet just right there at your table and it’s um got a sweet potato flour and or a tapioca flour in with it and vegetables and seafood and they cook it and until it forms kind of a little pizza right so take a look back at our day two Tokyo video uh if you look at that one I will tell you I like the place our guy took us in Tokyo a little better I did too and this mauno was actually a Michelin star Place well it’s Michelin rated I don’t think it has star but it was listed in the guide which is a big deal just to get in the guide and this is the most famous okonomiyaki place in okanawa um or sorry in Osaka but the I just didn’t think it was as good as the place in Tokyo I mean it and there was a long line to get in and um but yeah I I think it was a little bit better still good food the okonomiyaki was still good um but it wasn’t quite as good uh I think as the as what we had in Tokyo so um take it for what it is I’m not you know I think you it’d be worth it to try mauno if you want a Michelin rated but there’s lots of places in Osaka to get okonomiyaki and you have to try okonomiyaki make sure you’ll see vendors all along the street and uh so there’s two different so when you’re looking at it there’s two different types there’s the Osaka style which is the tight kind of very you know it’s it’s a it’s all scooped together and it makes almost like you said like a pancake or a pizza and then there’s the Tokyo style which you actually right on the table and it’s all flat and kind of runny and and laid out there both are good but here you’re probably going to get mostly the Osaka style right okay well after that we wanted a little ice cream we actually ran across the Turkish ice cream vender that was and that was yeah that was great fun it was and you teased him a little and let’s just show you the whole interaction here I think you guys are really going to like this [Music] [Laughter] yeah they do this in this hey [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you can do this all [Laughter] day how is it the CH well that was a ton of fun watching Nancy there and always be careful if you’re going to tease that Turkish vendor ice cream vendor with your dollars you know you’re going to get quite the interaction there a little and and be sure to give them a little tip as well but yeah if you ever have if you have an opportunity opportunity to interact with a Turkish ice cream vendor it is yes for sure well we continued walking down the street we walked past a restaurant that happened to have a huge tuna out on on Ice that was wrapped up on Ice in front of the store it must have it I’m not kidding it was probably worth thousands of dollars because it was huge and then we walked by that same place later in the day and you could see that had cut they had it was almost cleaned because they had cut so much and used so much of it throughout the day G it was all gone yep well after we saw the fish right there near that area is taro’s parlor now this is a very famous place in Osaka it’s a real Landmark it’s known for the clown beating the drum it’s a mechanical clown outfront beating a drum it’s just kind of silly but the entire building it’s known as the eat till you drop building and it’s full of restaurants restaurants bars Etc and then tar the The taros Parlor clown there’s a whole gift shop right there in the they have everything from little dolls to socks to t-shirts with the clown on it so if you want that that’s a very famous landmark and symbol of uh of Osaka and so we walked by there I don’t think we actually ended up picking up anything but we did get to see him beating his drum and and we got that to see that famous landmark we wanted more street food rather than um a sit down restaurant although the next place we went to we did sit down we did good the next place we went to was kushikatsu duruma and again hope we’re getting these pronunciations right but this is an extremely famous place it’s one of the original if not the original fried food on a stick places and uh so we went into their restaurant and they took us down to the uh the basement and and we we had it luckily enough of a table for the six of us and it did not disappoint uh you’re going to know the different places that serve this fried food on a stick as you’re walking through Osaka you may see the angry looking Chef he’s like and he may you know he’ll be Crossing his arms and and looking very angry and he’ll be holding why is he so angry right and you’ll see those angry Chef faces all over for the the places that are like kushikatsu and it’s um the reason being is when you get this fried food on a stick you’ll have a a container of sauce on the table and you never double dip your sauce so you don’t want to put it in take a bite and put it back and in fact what they do is you can have lettuce or cabbage leaves and if you dip take a bite and then you want more sauce you can take the leaf and scoop some sauce on and pour it back on your your food on a stick and that way you never have to double dip so that’s why he’s angry cuz he’s telling you not to double dip but that that was one of my favorite places that we ate at it and and actually for our whole group of six people we all said this was really good you could come here in an evening have a couple beers get some you know fried food on a stick and it was really good and it wasn’t super greasy no no it was really kind of light and I thought it was really good it was yeah well where’ we go next Nancy after we finished at Kakashi DaRuMa we wanted to get across the street and the way to get across the street was to go under the street so we took the stairs under the street and found a surprise that there’s an entire Mall underneath the street uh which we really didn’t spend time at but we we crossed the street got to the other side we saw a big boba stand although I didn’t get any Boba te you said I should take a sip you had the whole Boba te you said I should take a sip of the you can see that here yep yep so you were probably full after that Boba te yeah but we found a place for sushi one of the things we wanted to eat was Sushi it’s hard all the sushi seems to be very good but and there were lots and lots of places but the place we found malman Osaka that has been some of the best sushi I’ve had in my entire life the rest of our group a agreed just the way I mean the fish was very fresh but the rice the the rice vinegar whatever it was that they put in that rice was incredible it went so well with the fish and the different types of fish that we had now we didn’t eat a lot because obviously you can see we’re having a lot today on this food tour um so we had uh Sushi and we had I think we probably had a total of about eight to 10 pieces something like that with shashimi and Sushi and uh but yeah I would agree with you the fish was so fresh and that combination of the rice and the fish were excellent so so malmon Osaka that’s the place to get your sushi I would if I were going back there I would definitely hunt that place out I love you’ll see a link to it in the description as well yep yep well after leaving the sushi place we yes we’re still trying to fill in the corners here we’re going to have what instead of like a hobbit second breakfast we’re going to have second dinner here now we’ve heard these Legends of this wonderful Japan Wasabi hamburger so we hunted down the place and it was a Kur uh kuromon burger kuromon burger and we got two treats there actually we did I had a um fish custard pancake that was there I was did not disappoint it was actually quite good really good it’s softer and just creamy and there were several places actually selling the but that one was really good so he had kind of a standout front selling those and then he had his hamburger place inside and we tried the what they call it the Japan Burger which has Wasabi and seaweed and all kinds of things on it it was honestly one of the best hamburgers ever had in my life you had the whole hamburger I had a bite of it it was so good it was so good I did and uh one of our traveling companions got one as well and he loved it also so we’ll put the link to kuraman Burger in here as well if you’re looking for a hamburger as you’re walking around it it does not disappoint and it’s a real good Japanese spin on a on a hamburger so well we finished our burger and we walked on to the next place which was yeah tadori wanica which is also in the Michelin guide and it’s octopus balls it is so you cannot come to aaka without trying the tadori everybody has to try it and these Osaka these Osaka tadori octopus balls are very famous and honestly it didn’t disappoint the only thing Pro tip here this happens to everyone they come out they are hot not SP spicy like temperature like temperature hot they hold the heat incredibly so just be careful when you get your tray of tadori that you know you don’t burn your mouth because everybody Burns their mouth the first time because you’re taking your chopsticks and putting them in and that I don’t know what it is about that sauce and the octopus inside and all that it’s it they they’re temperature- wise very hot yeah how do you like it Mike I like it it’s hot hot hot or hot spicy the liquid is is different and then the inside is the chewy P yeah it’s good though okay yeah and they you when you see the balls you you’re thinking it’s going to be a little more cakey like but it’s not it’s it’s very very soft very creamy uh they use a sweet potato flour to make the what little dough there there is there but it was good it I wouldn’t say it was excellent but it was it was good after our squid balls our tadori we decided we’re getting to the end of our food tour now we’re kind of getting to the end of our day we have a certain amount of time we have to get back to the ship but we wanted one more thing we wanted a little dessert to top it off and we’d heard about this really interesting place in Osaka called ice dog well it was interesting so ice dog is a hot dog bun with ice cream in it but it’s not just regular hot dog bun it has been deep fried and then ice cream is on it so you and it’s the hot dog B is hot it I mean hot temperature- wise and then they put the ice cream on it immediately so the ice cream kind of melts into it and it was delicious oh yeah the the texture differences of the bun and the ice cream and the the hot and the cold and it was the perfect topper for our day I thought um we got just the regular vanilla some friends of ours got the green tea and vanilla mix all of us said it was really good I mean you you look at this thing and you think it’s really unusual and it is but it actually is very very good so we can uh highly recommend an ice dog to top off your day there and not only that that’s a continuation of hot dog tour 2024 of the World Tour I’ll let you count that as part of your hot dog I think it’s a hot dog I think it’s a very unusual one but it was a lot of fun well really at there it’s starting to get dark the sun’s going down and we have to get back we have to take a train ride back to the port Subway that’s right so we took the subway took the train back back we got back about an hour before all aboard and we mentioned earlier there was a ferris wheel there so a giant Ferris wheel and it’s right hanging over our ship almost so we would get a nice view of the top of the ship and we found out that it takes about 20 minutes for it to go all the way around one time so we decided Well let’s take a ferris wheel ride and the the Ferris wheels are actually fairly affordable we’ve rode a couple of them now you’ve seen that in a few of our videos this one was like $ 6 or $77 for a ride I think or $5 so yeah very affordable for a 20-minute ride and the views were spectacular and because it was at night time too so everything is all lit up both the city as well as our ship was all lit up so it was really pretty to see yeah and it was nice just to relax for 20 minutes after literally walking I forget I think we did 20,000 steps this day it was nice to just sit for 20 minutes and have and take in the views so yeah it was really nice after our Fair first whe ride we headed back to the ship and it’s uh fairly late and we need no dinner after this so we went ahead and hit the bed nice thing is now we have three C days to recover that we get to just enjoy the ship and catch up on things and on the first day right well on the first day we worked on videos for for YouTube here and we did that but they’ve also brought along an origami expert onto the ship and so she’s been having origami classes I made this Sweet Little Flower here which I thought was fun and I made a a crane MH so that that’s been fun to you really are getting good at and it’s something you’re really enjoying enjoy it and it’s some things that even some of the crew does origami you guys been swapping things in and out we have yeah it’s a lot of fun well then the next day we had a fun thing some of our friends put together a pub crawl it’s actually a poker pub crawl on the ship so we went to five different uh Pub locations or bars around the ship and at each bar we got a a playing card actually got an envelope with a secret playing card in it so by the time we got to the fifth bar we each had five envelopes and then we got to open up the envelopes and then whoever had the best poker hand won the prize or won the money because everyone chipped in I think $20 right or $10 everybody chipped in $10 and then they split the pot between the first second and third best poker hands and guess who won the best poker hand this girl here [Applause] [Laughter] I’m not a big poker player but I had a flush ace high yeah you did and $150 which waset it was kind of nice it was nice so things like that uh a lot of the passengers will arrange different activities and things to get together outside of what the ship’s doing and the ship actually did work with us and they moved a couple extra bartenders to the different bars as we moved along cuz we had a fairly large group and in fact we we had some of our friends there and we’d like to give a shout out oh yes Keith uh his his mother his family watch us so thank thank you family for watching us that’s right we’ll see you later and uh we they just Keith and Mark just a joy to good friends good friends of ours so we wanted to give a shout out there um well then the next day after our Poker Run I did more origami you did you did but we also went to a zumies they were having a special event uh Chef Travis is here and he is the the founder of isumi and so yeah he created the concept for RO Caribbean so he did a special a sushi and Saki pairing and we went and had that he described you know his background and then he introduced each of the different courses and he did bring on a little bit of extra special fish from Osaka in fact we even bumped into Chef Travis and a couple of the crew members uh in Osaka as we were doing our food tour they were doing a little food tour of their own so in fact he even asked us if we had the ok iaki and the tadori said yes we did we did and he goes did you burn your mouth on the tadori and we said yes we did so but yeah that was that was a nice event and Patrick Mulla was the headliner he was a comedian magician and he was actually really good yeah he was I think he’s one of the better magicians we’ve had on board yeah I really did oh and then our next day well you know we actually had four SE days so more origami for me well on our last C day we just kind of had it relaxing you did more origami it’s really neat we’re even though we’re quite a ways from Shore you can see how long we’ve been going across the ocean here we still have birds and everything that follow so we look to look out on our balcony and they swoop and they fish and they dive into the water so we got a little bit of video of that but yeah it’s really neat to see the wildlife even in the middle of the ocean uhuh it it is well the headline show for tonight uh was was excellent it was Aiden and Evelyn and they they’re World Championship harmonica players okay and I have to say when we saw that description I was like You’ got to be kidding me no they were amazing they were a lot of fun to watch I mean yeah you think you think harmonica do I really want to see that but it it it was spectacular I wish YouTube would let it let us you know they they don’t let us play the music but just trust us it was really good and they were energetic I I actually did enjoy it it was really good well the next day we’re in n Trang Vietnam right what are we doing in Nang Mike we are going to relax so natrang is really kind of a beach Spa kind of place uh it’s a resort town in Vietnam and so we are just going to go to a spa and have a day and just relax and we’re going to show you how we did that yeah and well let’s go back to Osaka real quick would you go back absolutely 100% no question F we have said Japan so far has been one of our favorite places and you can’t go to to Japan without visiting Osaka we would love to go and spend an evening there CU we did have to leave at night see some of the night life see some of the restaurants at night um it was I enjoyed that thoroughly I did too I I yes I did too all right thank you friends for watching we appreciate you being here have a beautiful day take care byee bye bye [Music]


  1. Miss Osaka….. been there three times already and still not have enough of it…..
    7-11/Familymart/Lawson foods/drinks/ice cream are an experience, too!

  2. All the food looks fabulous! My only worry visiting Japan is I have shell fish allergies, and so many dishes have shrimp and crab in them 😞

  3. You're so good to share your pro tips.
    You've inspired me to do more research for our time in Lisbon following our transatlantic this fall.

  4. Ready to move on to Africa……..please!!!!Its the sauce that can kill ya!!!Oh boy both my faves asian sauce and a ferris wheel.LMAO and top off the horror with oragami!!!!!

  5. This is the type of tour experience I would like…..I usually don't care for Japanese food…..It's too healthy for me……

  6. Holy guacamole, we were just in Dotombori 3 days ago! We just missed you! We had the fish dessert too. My husband got the custard one which he loved, and I got the red bean paste one. I discovered while in Japan that I love red bean paste. Who knew. 
    We got takoyaki while in Dotonbori, and it was *amazing*. We'd had takoyaki before, in Canada a few years ago, and at Hama sushi just a couple of days previously and both had convinced me I did not like takoyaki. I decided to give it another go in Dotombori and OH MY GOSH it was SO good. And yes, wait at least five minutes (ten is better) before you bite into them. They cool faster if you poke a hole in them. 
    So fun to watch your Japan journey after being there at the same time ourselves.

  7. I think just touring with you two would be fun. It really wouldn't matter where it is. Thanks for sharing.

  8. You’ll tried some interesting foods! So I have to ask, because I’ve been wondering for quite awhile now, have either had any issues with eating all the different foods? I’ll at 95% looks so yummy, I would be trying almost everything too, but my tummy would be upset with me 😂😂😂
    I would have loved to ride that ferris wheel too, the views at night is beautiful! Thanks for sharing

  9. Thank you for this! Currently planning a trip to Japan but will spend most of the time in Tokyo but will have a few days in Osaka.

  10. You can play 15 second snippets of a song. I watch a YouTube who goes by the rules, if the ship says no recording – they don't even do the snippets. They started as a music parody channel, so music is a big thing for them. I may have referred to them before, but the are ParoDeeJay. To be honest, you remind me of them. When I try to explain why, I can't. I just think highly of all four you, as couples and as individuals. Thank you for the great videos and the even better character.

  11. OMG the Ice cream vendor was so funny! Love you street food video! The hot dog ice cream looks neat. Love hearing what you are doing on the sea days. We have enjoyed seeing the specialty restaurants that you have been attending, we did the Chefs table, for our anniversary on our Europe cruse after watching your video. This was as amazing review of the last couple of days, thanks!

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