
Tokyo LivešŸ‡ÆšŸ‡µLetā€™s try Train SpottingšŸ‡ÆšŸ‡µTokyo Japan

Ochanomizu is one of the best train spotting spots in Tokyo. Letā€™s walk around and see what we can spotā€¦ā€¦.
Iā€™m in Japan for the next few months and I am using the amazing pocket wifi from Japan Wireless. Highly recommend if you are travelling to Japan to use this for reliability and great connection at all timesšŸ˜

This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio

and good morning everybody greetings from Tokyo Iā€™m in old chanu and Iā€™m just in the mood to try a bit of train spotting today this is supposedly one of the best spots in Tokyo to do the that very thing weā€™re going to try and do so weā€™re going to start here at Old chizu station chanu station weā€™re going to cross the bridge going to cross the pedestrian Crossing cross the bridge weā€™re going to walk down thereā€™s a couple of bridges really nice Bridges to um explore on the way nice views nice walk and yeah so weā€™re going to cross now to the other side here and see what trains we can spot hey sometimes these sort of things when youā€™re a tourist these sort of things are F better fun you know itā€™s about that Explore More Travel More enjoy more I think Iā€™m coming up with a new catchphrase there but itā€™s all about the more but would be nice if if a train to just come right now but itā€™s probably a couple of minutes away uh weā€™re at o chizu which means tea water so in the old days this River of course was really clear beautiful clean water and itā€™s where the tea was made for the Shoguns so thatā€™s a little bit of a story of oano or child coures the tea weā€™ll just see if a train comes in anything coming the minute I move away itā€™ll come but thatā€™s okay hey Cy you love train spotting oh look Iā€™ll tell you what thereā€™s some really good if weā€™re patient thereā€™s some really really good spots here so weā€™re looking at the Cho line at the moment and the soou lines on the other side uh looks like theyā€™re doing some work here oh I hear a train do I I hear something no I think itā€™s a truck weā€™re going to walk down to where I was on Saturday towards that area and then Iā€™m hoping to get a good spot down there as well um to do oh here we go whoa Maturo line Iā€™ve just been on that I just got off here these trains move millions of people every day thatā€™s why Tokyo works why Japan works itā€™s amazing itā€™s amazing so you can catch a fast train you can catch a slow train whatever and they go every couple of minutes Hello Kitty how are you whoa hello fabulous to see you yes so now weā€™ve seen that our first um spot of a train so letā€™s keep walking weā€™re going to go past the station entrance oh the sooo is just going through there as well can probably just hear it and weā€™re going across to the other side yeah yeah itā€™s noisy when weā€™re training spotting but itā€™s okay so letā€™s head across thereā€™s a nice um pedestrian Crossing up here or chizu fairly close to uh Tokyo Station I guess weā€™re quite close to akih harbra the electronics uh District so there we go it has been raining it has been raining so Iā€™ve got a nice big umbrella with me old CH Mizu station well well Iā€™ve ridden the yeah the hello um kishan kene is not around Tokyo itā€™s in kushu it goes from fuk from Hakata actually to um Osaka so and it just runs twice a day once in the direction of Osaka and once back so we might get a chance but I have ridden the heruka the Hello Kitty which is the airport train um in that goes to Saka airport so letā€™s cross here so thatā€™s the thing with the Hello Kitty we might go for a ride when Iā€™m in down in fuk Walker how would that be donā€™t you love pedestrian Crossings whoa especially with the taxi going over oh yes the Hello Kitty station yeah we can do that we canot today cuz weā€™re in the wrong area but we can do that I took you there once on periscope I remember uh and itā€™s fun with all the stuff you ride the monoral out there so weā€™re going to cross over here but welcome everybody thank you so much for joining itā€™s Monday Iā€™m just waiting for the Green Man and then weā€™ll be off whereā€™s our Green Man here he comes any second now weā€™re away itā€™s humid today really very humid and we had um lot of wind in the night like really really strong wind thereā€™s a lot of musical um instrument shops around this area I can see over there guit guitar Planet acoustic Planet Bas Planet yeah lots of musical instruments Big Boss super guitar shop yeah o chizu not only famous for tea the tea water but also for the musical instruments what do we got here letā€™s just have a look looks exciting got a few Lotteria oh thatā€™s um food hamburger yeah itā€™s good just to have a little bit of a wander so oh I can hear trains W letā€™s go I hear them I hear them weā€™re going to linger around here for a little while there goes the so line just going to linger around here because as you can see weā€™ve got actually one two three four tracks Iā€™ve missed you too and I had lunch with Kim the other day and we were talking about you which was really nice so we talked about lots of people of course bringing back lots of good memories of the old Periscope days so here we are no train at the moment so letā€™s just have a little look around uh see whatā€™s going on I see people coming with guitars on their backs so this is the bridge over the river oh nice little bus the bridge over the river okay letā€™s see what we can see happening on the tracks I might just move along a little bit further thatā€™s good get a little bit of water in so you can see the ca River and um wait for a few trains to come in Florida Pete we are train spotting I am walking back again Janice CA nice to see you Iā€™m walking back again to the um Japan pan art the gallery oh here comes one here comes the Cho line um Japan what was it called Japan art station Japan Art Gallery Japan art bridge that was it the Old disused Railway line I loved it it was good I wanted to come back and do a little bit more of an explore so I thought weā€™d do some train spotting on the way love TS oh theyā€™re amazing and this is the line I came here on chro thereā€™s actually three trains that use this uh this track here that weā€™re looking at itā€™s nice when we get a double train going oh we might even get three going or four you never know weā€™ll just wait a couple of minutes then Iā€™m going to walk you off this really really nice walk down to the other train spotting um spots but thanks for joining in everybody Monday in Tokyo uh weā€™ve had a bit of rain Lisa how are you weā€™re train spotting and um I had a bit of luck the other just those red trains the marinucci line I put them both on Instagram and YouTube are shorts I just happened to turn around and there was a train coming and I took a photo and I thought oh no Iā€™ll do a video and then another train appeared so we had the two of them uh coming through we see if we had that luck today as well C Hugo train sporting Iā€™m in oan misu uh which is where I was at the Japan art station on Saturday and I loved it so much Iā€™ve decided to come back itā€™s you know when you f discover somewhere itā€™s all exciting the first time and then the second time you come you want to do a little bit of depth stuff itā€™s like that travel more Explore More enjoy more yeah so train spotting today we go churro line the soo line must use the middle two tracks I guess yeah fabulous isnā€™t it these trains move millions of people all around Japan every day which is absolutely incredible and of course Shinjuku hereā€™s another one here comes the soou so Shinjuku being the busiest station in the world puts through millions of people a day so where we are o chanu is supposed to be one of the best training train spotting spots in Tokyo um just for the sheer number of trains I guess the lines are visible because a lot of them are underground and here of course weā€™ve got the uh yeah weā€™ve got quite a lot of trains passing through this area the marinucci subway line is the red one that passes through uh but it does itā€™s a Subway but it does have little patches of being outside hereā€™s another one coming I want to have two going at the same time thatā€™s perfect train spotting beginning to warm up so this is the train I came on yeah theyā€™re all so clean theyā€™re amazing and people are so well behaved on them you know everybodyā€™s quiet youā€™ll have the odd just having a quiet conversation with somebody people are all on their phones or reading books but nobodyā€™s talking on their phone and it makes for a really relaxed nice experience weā€™ll watch one more train there it goes St it goes out toward goes to Cha is coming from tber at the moment yeah we go oh what did I tell you whoa I said I want to theyā€™re not Crossing but almost oh oh did you see my Instagram yesterday talking about coffee did you see my Instagram The Coffee Roastery in haoi he roasts individual amounts of coffee for people so we rather than buying a bag of already roasted coffee we went and we selected our coffee beans and should we walk itā€™s walk we selected our coffee beans and um he roasted them for us put us all them onto a little pack I think 250 g pack so letā€™s walk we walking over the ca River absolutely absolutely itā€™s all about patience Hugo itā€™s that patience just wait to wait a moment I always say look at that itā€™s all quiet All Quiet on the rail tracks right now so weā€™re going to keep walking interesting buildings around here as well so some lovely old of course in the old days this was a hub anyways this is where the roads met and that looks like a bit of an Old Railway Station down there or some sort of station building as well oh it took quite a while um you know and he was doing it properly and listening to the crackling of the beans and um it probably took a good I donā€™t know 5 or 10 minutes I guess and the smell of horse while they roasting oh so delicious we chose two packets we CH chose Kenyan Kenya and Indonesia so we had Kenya for breakfast this morning it was beautiful oh we got a green man so letā€™s go I think we were lucky with that um that little bit of train spotting there so we just Crossing this bridge over the Over the River and the railway tracks and I did really enjoy this walk on Saturday when I was looking for the Japan art station so oan AMU I was on the Cho line which is the Jr Japan Railways but this is the Metro so here we go ozu Metro you donā€™t actually um you canā€™t get from so you take this for the marinucci line actually so this is the red one yeah Kenyon it was really delicious yeah oh it was and you should have smelled it in the car afterwards yeah so this is takes you down to the Metro the the marinucci line which would take you through to ibukuro I guess um definitely Ginza depends which way youā€™re going to go so donā€™t think you can do a shortcut into the station by going down here in fact I even think they have a sign advising you not to do it uh attention passengers heading in the direction of Shinjuku the platform for the direction of Shinjuku is not easily accessible from this entrance please cross the street and use the entrance on the opposite side so yes yeah see all the old yeah old stuff around here thereā€™s actually thereā€™s a beautiful old wall on the other side and ah I think this is the science maybe the science university is was the first private university in Japan oh no am I thinking something else oh no no I might be getting mixed up here with kagar raka I was just reading about kagurazaka this morning I am going to be on the 13th Iā€™m going to an event in kagurazaka which is for those of you that are on X um I follow somebody called paprika girl and she is here in Tokyo and sheā€™s an expert on kimono and ukata and theyā€™re having an event in oaka and itā€™s not only is it um like some information and tutorials I guess interesting itā€™s also u a language exchange so it be quite interesting so I put my name down for that lovely oh these gorgeous green trees Lisa yeah really really beautiful yeah a interesting thanks Hello Kitty thanks thanks there Emily always have a bit of fun with Emily and her Hello Kitty chat here we go ni Bashi urako hongo hongo and Iā€™ve never donā€™t know hongo but weā€™re going to walk under this bridge which is I can see itā€™s a pedestrian bridge probably most lamps um itā€™s probably a road as well yeah itā€™ll be interesting so I actually asked would it be okay to go because I am I said Iā€™m you know Iā€™m just visiting and would but Iā€™d love to come would that be okay and they said yes please come come and meet the locals and enjoy so Iā€™m looking forward to that you know itā€™s nice sometime you follow these people for a lot yeah quo yes I met up with quo in Osaka look at this bridge this is pretty gorgeous isnā€™t it look I mean this is a photographerā€™s dream waa ah this is where we might see the marinoi this is it so the marinucci the red ones this is where where they come out so they have a brief moment in the daylight thereā€™s the Cho line over there so weā€™re now opposite the station Iā€™m looking down in this direction oh this could get good oh wouldnā€™t it be fabulous we had three imagine two marinucci and the chwo wow that could be good not going to happen today unfortunately oh hey who knows who knows Pete is good I wish Pete would live stream a little bit more always love seeing Florida and whatever heā€™s doing unfortunately for me X Twitter is just now full of so many people that I donā€™t follow the Japan part of it is really really good but itā€™s just thereā€™s so much well Iā€™ll just say junk on there Iā€™m sort of like forever blocking and yeah oh thereā€™s another one coming in over there yeah never sort of really got my head around Tik Tock that well oh marinucci line I should have a look at Tik Tok again I occasionally will do something and get excited about it and then Iā€™ll oh two H but a bit off timing yeah Iā€™ll suddenly look at something yeah and then I get all enthusiastic and then I give up again yes the the marinucci thatā€™s their color when you look at the subway map they are the red line so and itā€™s a yeah theyā€™re quite old trains Ginza yeah itā€™s an old Ginza station yeah Iā€™ve actually ah here comes the soy this is a good spot isnā€™t it this is why Tokyo works so well these trains are never ending so so you know youā€™re never going to be late for an appointment if youā€™re properly organized catching the train is the easy part when youā€™ve got an appointment itā€™s finding your location yeah letā€™s see what else we can see here watch another couple of Marinis before we move on down can you see that beautiful green bridge in the distance Iā€™ll just zoom in thatā€™s where thatā€™s where weā€™re heading oh there another soou has just come in so thereā€™s two there thatā€™ll be taken Joe K we train spotting success so far itā€™s been really cool nice to see you Joe but a blue sky through there now and this is good Iā€™m going back to the Japan art bridge where I was the other day because I loved it so much I want to go back and just spend a bit more time there one good thing about uh Alan Tokyo yeah Al Allen Hawaii um yeah I used to always meet up with Al when I was in Tokyo too so Iā€™m starting to get busy Iā€™m so today and tomorrow Iā€™m in Tokyo and then on Tuesday Iā€™m going to a place called yugawara yugawara I think it is itā€™s an onen town by the seaside Iā€™m looking forward to having a swim oh thereā€™s another one coming in over there might just be able to see weā€™re just waiting for a couple of maruchis to come yeah oh here they go moving off those lovely train noises the bells going oh look at that nice over the bridge going through the green bridge itā€™s going to be a marinucci in a minute anyway just enjoy The View CA River down here used to be the cleanest water they made tea with it for the shuns itā€™s how the area got its name O chanu somebody was waiting with their camera but ah here comes another one thanks Joe yes reminding everybody awesome so Iā€™m quite close to akih harbra which is the electronic visit uh area and thatā€™s why I wondered why there were lots of big tourist buses and of course um I can see one just down there if I zoom in youā€™ll be able to see it thereā€™s one thereā€™s one there and they Dro people off at the electronic District at Akihabara and then they come back up here cuz itā€™s a few minutes away oh the marami is running late today but see it comes out at this side and goes in over there or vice versa which the way youā€™re going did you all have a good weekend for some of you itā€™s probably still your weekend so see this Cho line oh here we go [Music] whoa oh and the reflection go that yet kids thereā€™ll be one coming the other way so Iā€™m heading down to Japan art bridge to a cafe there called Platinum fish where you can sit in the cafe and the train is going that train that orange one Maturo line is going right past the window so hope theyā€™re open hope theyā€™re not too busy and hope I get a window seat ah the Red Train it looks very stylish doesnā€™t it hello Michelle nice to see you C you mod for Joey oh nice and Judy Ron well Iā€™m going to catch up with both of them in September when Iā€™m in New York I only have 3 days there so Iā€™m going to be quite busy but uh weā€™ll definitely have a catch up how are you Michelle weā€™re train spotting Iā€™ve been looking forward to this ever since Saturday yeah another big tour bus going oh here comes another train whatā€™s happened to the other oh there we go hey weā€™re good on train spotting oh we got three look at this woo so cold isnā€™t it it is really cool so I think weā€™ll keep walking and because itā€™s just one train after the other and itā€™s not boring at all that Iā€™ve got a lot more to show you good good good good cool so lots of people a couple of boys coming now with their cameras as well so I think this might be a famous spot itā€™s pretty good pretty good got the high-rise buildings youā€™ve also along the River Bank youā€™ve got the beautiful old buildings which I think might be the backside of restaurants and maybe some houses as well yes I am coming to Texas Emily I am having four nights in Houston and four nights in New York and that is my United States trip this year can I see you in Houston one more one more marinucci and then weā€™ll weā€™ll take off yeah so Iā€™ve got four I arrive on the 31st of August into into Dallas and then to Houston and then I will 4th of September head for New York and fly back to soul and back to New Zealand on the 8th of um September yeah so 31st of August 8th of September eight nights Iā€™m sorry thatā€™s all the time I can spare and itā€™s all the money I can spare as well expensive to travel come on marinucci are you want a lunch break must be lunch break we just wait for one more yeah so thatā€™s the big travel plan now oh I love all your emojis look at that we got hibiscuses and hearts and whoa happy faces nice there more action over there with the soo those Jr lines the soo and the to than there is with the marinucci must be two coming together right soon got to be letā€™s have a look and see uh yes clear I catch up with her whenever I can you know clear means with her fabulous voice and her fabulous songs and her fabulous guitar she works so hard whereā€™s the mar Mei whatā€™s happened never know known it take this long itā€™s always when I get to the station thereā€™s always one either wait waiting for me or whoa whatā€™s happening over here there we go yeah whenever I get to the station thereā€™s always one either waiting for me or one just going to open its door in a moment but this is why Japan works because everything runs like clockwork here we go uh we did it kids we did it look at that whoa the best train spotting we could do amazing amazing thank you marui whoa oh hello to all those people on board awesome so letā€™s head off weā€™ll keep walking going to walk down to the green bridge yeah get some more views down there we did it kids we did [Music] it on the other side of the road thereā€™s a beautiful wall and there is a temple in here which looks really really amazing so now weā€™re looking down on the tracks through the through the wire mesh yes I know she got married yes oh youā€™re still in touch with Beck no Rebecca good I see her occasionally she I think sheā€™s mostly on Tik Tok isnā€™t she that bridge is pretty gorgeous pretty gorgeous all the lovely green trees these um established areas have got a lot of nature they whoa weā€™ve got the sooo line oh weā€™ve seen enough of the soo havenā€™t we but weā€™re train spotting so there we go pulling into the station transporting was a big thing in Japan oh and I saw Dr yellow so Dr yellow is the inspection train for the shinkansen for the bullet trains and it just runs on the line between Shin oaka and I think so and itā€™s considered good luck if you see it anyway I did see it at Shin Osaka Dr yellow theyā€™re going to retire the Dr yellow trains so it was very fortunate that I saw it when I did so this looks like a nice little Shrine over here um no I havenā€™t seen your Tik toks Emily but who knows I should I should go and have a look at Tik Tok I forget about it all the time actually so I forget about it Iā€™m a bit busy with everything else just thought that looked quite pretty that vine look like itā€™s got pink leaves quite pretty [Applause] the green bridge is just coming into view and this is this could be where I was somewhere along here I started my live stream on Saturday Iā€™ll check it out then Emily looking down to the river down here between the buildings go down some steep stairs there so thereā€™s lots of officers here of course a vending machine selling nice cold drinks so who would know that they were cold when theyā€™ve got fire what we got here weā€™ve got a restaurant oyster pasta wine prep full [Applause] exclusively for foreign tourists well that doesnā€™t sound too good does it look at the oyster shells yellow lanterns oh this is soo line going over the green bridge look [Applause] nice I love this bridge it is gorgeous I love the color and I love the engineering of it thatā€™s a wine barrel I think thatā€™s a wine barrel not sure possibly wow look at this old stuff here all the meters yikes yikes thatā€™s dangerous W itā€™s a nice quiet area isnā€™t it if we kept on walking past where weā€™re going to we would end up in Akihabara which is crazy busy because itā€™s the little little woman project all these interesting things oh okay yeah everybody finds a home somewhere with live streaming donā€™t they you know we always thought Periscope was going to be uh was going to make us all famous and make us all millionaires thatā€™s what we thought that was what we thought unfortunately it didnā€™t quite work out that way the good thing about it was we all stuck together though real all partner oh another train itā€™s so Lineā€™s busy isnā€™t it think you look like a little cat a little cat if you donā€™t look like a pussycat Iā€™ll be disappointed ah yeah this is where we started I started on the other side of the road looking at a green bridge nice [Applause] nothing very special in there but we did find vending machines the other day that sold um sandwiches tonkatsu sandwiches and also hamburger steak dinners I think youā€™d need two probably they were like 450 y IE Candy Love A Little Bit of eye candy and your true age as well weā€™re going to walk under the bridge so itā€™s no not so good for train spotting is it but we know itā€™s a train bridge and then underneath the railway tracks as you can see if we walk down in that direction going to akih harra uh itā€™s all shops and electronics and bright lights down there uh did we walk past anything interesting no oh here we are this is interesting a samurai W all the trophies so weā€™re underneath the bridge now oh electionā€™s coming up whoa underneath the bridge so akih Harbor and that direction down there a little bit more train spotting maybe from this bridge so this is a beautiful Bridge with lovely l LNS itā€™s probably quite nice to come in the evening with it when the lanterns are all tuned on oh yes we canā€™t be too bothered about all the other people that are on the internet can we is this a good train spotting uh well we could have one go that would be the Cho line and the soo Line crossing over might be be quite good oh here comes the marinucci Iā€™ll not too bad either look there it goes uh until at least midnight oh two again [Music] oh yeah until at least midnight Iā€™m not sure what time they stop but they start again around 5:00 in the morning as well but I loved all these buildings itā€™s sort of they back onto the can you see here the side of them down onto the river must be nice looking out on this River every morning oh yeah okay hereā€™s something I hear something [Music] oh thatā€™s the one Iā€™m going to see oh thatā€™s the Cho line isnā€™t it gorgeous look at the movement of the water so underneath the railway tracks these are all restaurants here they all look fabulous as well oh this was a good train spotting day and a good time maybe so if we follow this train along it goes right past the Platinum Fish Cafe uh which is just along here a little bit and itā€™s just along there and they go right past the Windows of the cafe yes the architecture is amazing and this is all old you know a lot of Tokyo there was a huge fire I think it was in 18 something or rather 1875 maybe burnt a lot of Tokyo so a lot of the city was rebuilt with brick and brick was considered Western uh a Western influence at that time but itā€™s this lovely old red brick that gives itā€™s got a beautiful texture to it and I think it just is a really really gorgeous atmosphere or creates an atmosphere around it as well let me zoom in see what I mean itā€™s pretty cool Frozen in time yes and just hope that these you know theyā€™re not going to deteriorate too much and they are properly uh restored because theyā€™ve got those trains rattling over the top of them all the time so thereā€™s got to be a bit of movement there doesnā€™t it who likes train spotting weā€™ve done quite well so Iā€™ll cross over to the other side um see how these big buses come and just hang out here waiting for yeah waiting for tourists back to the gorgeous lanterns or maybe she has Iā€™m not sure I reckon Lisa I reckon Iā€™m happy so up close to these oh letā€™s along and have a look at some of these restaurants up close to the bricks of course oh can hear something going over the top of us o oh we could get a nice train spotting from up here I reckon rather than going towards where Iā€™m headed letā€™s walk up here looks like the train yeah the the looks like we go up to the track here this could be good elh pente fedir de gandia the psycho Barrel at the door a lot of good food here as well which is amazing well this looks really good this looks good I think in the restaurants theyā€™re pretty well um soundproofed I think itā€™s just the echo because weā€™re at lunch menu here 1,080 yen I think just because we were walking under the bridge it was like um vibrating and reverberating and doing all the ratings but I think theyā€™ll be pretty well soundproof oan theu Brick Mall itā€™s a good name for this so I think if we walk up here a little bit we might get a good View and then Iā€™ll head back down to Japan artbridge see what I can do down there might be good yeah this looks like it could be a good spot cuz hereā€™s the railway track I see thereā€™s a red light thatā€™s where the trains are going to go and suddenly the whole atmosphere changes as we head into these bright and shiny buildings obviously just walked into a work area this has got to be a good spot Iā€™d say weā€™ll see it may not be now that the lights changed orange and green which means probably thereā€™s a train coming green for go yeah thereā€™s lots of security fences here lots of about this is the track weā€™re right beside it yes and I bet they donā€™t take any notice of it as I looked up you see I could see this little Gap here so the St stationā€™s now just in front of us o weā€™re going to get a gap hereā€™s the track wow this will be good cuz the train is going to go right through here and I can put my look thereā€™s a gap in the wall W thereā€™s one up there oh I hope they use this track oh thatā€™s no thatā€™s the soo so this will be the Cho good we wait for it to come oh here it come oh no itā€™s going the other way o a bee oh theyā€™re great Joe theyā€™re oh here it comes theyā€™re really really great Iā€™m having a lot of fun with them and theyā€™re doing really good there it goes so here it comes oh that was a serious bit of uh train spotting I reckon wonder what happens when we get to the top look at this nice building over here Solar City s o l a Solar City thereā€™s a McDonaldā€™s in there thereā€™s quite a few restaurants 1 2 3 4 8 12 16 restaurants including Starbucks oh and some pretty purple plants up here so okay weā€™re almost walking back to where we started because this will be the hiiri bashy side of the station here these pretty flowers donā€™t think weā€™re going to see any more than this because then we get under the cover of the station but maybe we could just go up a little bit to the yeah doesnā€™t matter weā€™ve seen enough trains really just yeah weā€™re back at the back where we started from ah thereā€™s the green bridge nice thereā€™s the green bridge so I hope youā€™ve enjoyed train spotting I reckon itā€™s a bit of fun and getting away from the usual stuff that we do and itā€™s only in Tokyo that you can do this sort of thing you can train spot on lots of different places around the world but Tokyo seems to be a great place to do it because of the sheer number of trains that operate every day and heā€™s going over the green bridge great fun whoa now when I ride these trains Iā€™ll have more of an idea of whatā€™s going on amazing isnā€™t it thanks Michelle yeah thanks everybody fabulous to see you oh here comes the soo the one thatā€™s going to go on our track again right here there it is so maybe Iā€™m just going to say goodbye cuz weā€™re just going to head back up to actually just stick with me for a moment Iā€™m just interested to see what the side of the station Building looks like looks like it might be quite itā€™s just this one coming up here looks like it might be quite interesting and it might have some nice signage on it oo wouldnā€™t want to climb over there look W amazing yeah yeah so this is the other side the hagiri bsh oh this is the gray Bridge the one with the beautiful archers okay oh this yeah letā€™s look at the bridge I said to you Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s pedestrian and traffic and it is and it is so old station building here oh heā€™s got his camera out heā€™s going to do train spotting from here yeah getting ready to do it good train spotting itā€™s big in Japan itā€™s a good thing to do people go and stand on platforms all the time you see hundreds of them there a lady in a marinucci dress she might be catching the marinucci train the red train so there we go on the other side of the station now on the bridge with the archways so looking around at this intersection here comes that little blue bus again oh oh Iā€™m glad it was fun I thought it would be I did think it would be and we didnā€™t do train spotting from here so weā€™re going to finish Iā€™m just going to tune the camera he thanks everybody it was really really cool to have you today and yeah it was a lot of fun so Iā€™m going to go and do some more train spotting and weā€™re going to share a bit more with you so hereā€™s the platform oh here we go a penguin six yeah thatā€™s right ah weā€™re looking down on them now really cool hey so thanks very much for joining everybody yes Lisa itā€™ll probably be more than coffee you know I always like to reward myself with a nice lunch so yeah really really cool really good look at everybody lined up on the bridge this must be a good spot cuz itā€™s into the station okay hey thanks everybody it was really awesome to have you a there go thereā€™s the marinucci wow yeah this is a good spot as well itā€™s where the red trains come out so Iā€™ll say goodbye Iā€™ll just keep the this going so until we see a marui and um yeah weā€™ve sort of like done a bit of a figure eight here take care of everybody remember tread lightly leave no trace the train will be here in a minute what did I say Travel More Travel slowly and have a fabulous day thanks everybody K all see you again soon take care bye for now oh oh no weā€™re stuck here on the bridge yeah isnā€™t it fabulous who good take care everybody and have a fantastic Monday bye for now yes Hello Kitty everythingā€™s important for us take care everybody lots of love from Tokyo


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