
KYOTO- November 2023 (4K) Gion Geisha District

So many things to do in Kyoto! We went on a Geisha walking tour and spotted real life Geishas on the streets! Then we got to meet a real one! We also ate the best food (oldest restaurant in Kyoto!!), visited temples, and shopped.

[Music] [Music] we got back to the hotel changed for Aubrey so she’s not freezing at death still freezing at death got some jeans on her uh now we’re going to go explore kind of the guon area see if you can see the big pagota and uh yeah good don’t forget that got to eat yet I Haven e any of these today except two Almond Joys I think you had three Almond Joys I didn’t [Music] there’s zero trash G just holding them all [Music] day we definitely found all the people it’s like packed over here and we still have no trash can and there’s not really any resturants it’s more like try to find a yeah we asked if she can throw a trash away and she said no I have been holding these for literally an hour and now I found Holy Grail trash can finally feels Goods feels good to have free hands it looks cute they take really good care of like making it all clean and nice they keep like wiping them all up and making them look nice I know it’s Macha I don’t know I don’t really know what it’s in it other than that take a [Music] bite is it good it is good I don’t know what it [Music] is what do you think terrible it’s so F you don’t like it it’s fun all right we got a premium beef to looks good it’s like a little place at the [Music] bar and and egg did you get all that um no basically he’s saying he just walked us through everything that’s here and there’s like a million ways to eat it piz soup egg salt soy sauce and then we can it here also keep in mind not problem one by one okay one B one okay one or something like that okay all it literally took 2 minutes to get our [Music] food it [Music] good uhhuh okay okay okay okay please don’t call me p why not dry he tricked me sweet thank you [Applause] [Music] by I just want to take credit for making us go to that restaurant because I insisted that we go to that restaurant even though it was pretty away we’ve been leaving restaurants for like 3 hours and au’s like I really want to just go to KATU Place worth it was absolutely worth it if you’re walking down on here in Kyoto that’s the place to go so good we got some stickers I’m good fantastic Hu [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yum what is it actually I have zero idea it’s cheesy something cheesy I think there’s crab in there take a bite you love it that’s so funny you would hate this I think it’s like just long Taco Yaki ew pancake butter but it’s crab instead plus Seafood in it it it is pancake SE I’m not I’m not into that after a quick break we’re back at it again with the white Vans what are those just a little internet joke for you I don’t know that you don’t know the white Vans J what about damn Daniel do you know that no okay so this Temple and this gate that we just walked through is n’s it’s just like a few minutes walk from philosopher’s Park which is where we’re going pretty cool they’re all really big these are like some of the biggest ones we’ve seen I don’t know there’s supposed to be bunch of stuff in this whole area guess we’ll find out I don’t know what is here at all au’s just aaring for the ride I’m just cold [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it’s so pretty this is gorgeous it’s like the end of philosopher’s path which was fine I think philosopher path is definitely a better in the spring with the cherry blossoms I think now they’re kind of blossoms and leafless but very fun mut walk surprisingly cool I did not know what this was but the grounds are like amazing op tree this tree I like bang my head into anyway you find it hello hi you have reservation from 5:30 yes and what is your reservation number oh let me look so sorry you excited for your tour yeah I’m excited first is the walking tour then is the G mro show [Music] okay we just saw a real gisha on the street right by their house I was [Music] [Music] so s pleas have a seat pleas squeeze [Music] [Applause] so she is from she said welcome and thank you for coming in kyto dialect okay so can everyone guess if she’s Myan or Gan M everyone M perfect you might already know about every season the hair ornaments will change every month and this month it is um the maple tree because maple tree changed to red or yellow in the season it represent this a [Music] you can do [Music] it good job [Music] [Music] [Music] you can try becoming a Michael [Music] [Music] good okay so we just got done with our gisha show and tour and that was like so cool and we got a a m who is like AA in training she’s brand new has been like a Mah for one month she was so cute she literally has braces she’s like 15 yeah she’s like 15 years old and she like you learned so much stuff I just couldn’t believe how like special the whole thing feels like yeah like there like you feel like they’re very special but also you’re very special to get to sit with them and talk to them it’s like so weird like Elite thing like they seem like kind of like it’s exclusive it’s yeah yeah like and I can’t believe we saw one on the street I think we saw two on the street I’m like so happy right now I’m like it was it was great it was a great night got your bib very cool my B they’re worried I’m going to spill they are worried like what is this they made us wear these how’s your soup potatoey it’s good it’s like shouldn’t be this good I can’t wait to get my apple juice we order children’s drinks cuz they don’t sell like ja Coke or anything we’re [Music] [Music] getting okay look at Aubrey so cozy in my coat it’s like 10° out here I’m freezing in short sleeves I could you’re [Music] right okay King Kakui are we now we’re on the grounds of King Kakui we grabbed the taxi to come out here and it’s supposed to be cool [Music] yeah okay kind of busy can’t um I’ll show how we’re going to get a pig I don’t know if we are but we get the video yeah it’s so pretty though like I’m glad we came but [Music] yeah so there’s not really area that’s not busy as Tyler runs into a group of there’s a lot of school like f trips here so we it’s cool though it’s [Music] [Applause] really it worth the wait I know I don’t know yet many looks good [Music] this is like the first restaurant that even had soda let alone goes here so they you know when you’ve been around since 1463 or whatever it is they know how to have a good restaurant [Music] I just love the presentation she’s always just like lays it out unveils the like food she’s like very hot for you is it going to be good I think so great thank you so this meal came with a list of instructions well it’s basically talking about like the history of soba too like the family that knew R Resturant the 14th generation 14 Generations ago they invented so so you’re supposed to like put all the stuff in there and then pour the sauce on just kind of crazy been here for 600 years still alive jeez what’ you think I think it was worth it I think we only waited like 30 minutes even though the line was crazy long and it’s like kind of cool to go to something that’s like way older than oldest restaurant in Kyoto yeah it’s the oldest restaurant Koto like I feel like there’s like monuments that you go to in like Mexico where it’s like oh this is chichin It’s been here for eight years you8 years [Music] [Applause] it’s kind of cute except is it even ice cream so I think there’s ice cream on NY the flowers I don’t think are ice cream but it’s just super sad to leave Kyoto cuz this has been such a fun I’ve been looking forward for this forever but like we’ve done we saw everything so much we could not have done more in a day than we have been doing so I’m proud of this yeah I think we did good but it ises believe so it is so sad we’ll be back maybe probably yes we will in like 100 years yeah [Music]


  1. “Tourists are being banned from entering certain alleys in Gion, the famous geisha district in Kyoto, with Aussie travellers warned to take note. Local residents had become fed-up with hordes of tourists, saying their neighbourhood “is not a theme park,” pleading with the city to take action” posted April 5, 2024

  2. I've lived in Japan over 30 years and that Chef's Japanglish was at a different level.

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