
Osaka Tour Castle Park

Hi guys here my vlog in Osaka castle wearing the kimono together and also taking a picture for those people who’s I apologize for the wrong pronounce of kimono but in the last I say it right

wow thank you and of course that’s night time that’s will be our gift for our Papa when we come back to Oakland and I know he will be happy yep thank you thank you so now we finally got the for our Papa y bye so at least since like um on this shop they are um they are good at like I’m speaking any International Language oh and also guys remember if you want to buy some knives here in Japan make sure you have to go into this shop because it’s much way more cheaper than in Tokyo [Applause] [Applause] [Music] over here and also I have my Haim Maki at the moment so right now I’m just waiting for my younger sister and also her friends what does their look like cuz since like like um they already gave they already gave me this bag that’s like where I can put all my stuff at the moment and also my cell phone and my wallet and also my trains card and also my um phone so yep that’s it hey guys so for all of you who wants to come to Japan and also if you wants to have a t which one is cheaper and also affordable you need to come into this sh because this one is much way more cheaper and of course like I’m since for all of you um who’s not um was literally interested um to to wear it and of course I’m sure you’re going to like you’re literally going to like it and also you can take a picture and also you can take a selfie but there was a limit time on it just like making sure you have to return it so right now we all dressed up and also we’re it’s already P who the ladies it’s all good cuz it makes me look samurai oh right now we’re going to the Osaka castle and of course since this one makes me look like a young Warriors so right now we were just like I’m about to go somewhere so that’s my younger sister and also her friends of course the shop of we’re really nice [Music] so right now we just arriv into Thea Castle so seem like we just got down into the taxi so at the moment we were just um walking around and of course since my younger sister and also her friends they were still uncomfortable wearing the Cino and of course me I’m still comfortable wearing this and also since this with the Hatchi I don’t even know what because at the moment I kind of look like a samurai who just came back from the from this country so as you can see that’s the thing yeah course since like there they are and also there feel like I’m having uncomfortable about it and of course me since like I’m having a confidence because this is my first time wearing this she did it was free yeah what does m look like it’s like folded she she’s she’s like simple should write the R which oh that one surely they have it ask I’m kind of I don’t mind yeah what you have to own it yeah you look awward you you’ll be awkward you guys are not even look awkward you guys just only having a everyone’s unfort really put the bridge like [Music] this I can’t do it can’t do it come on I will literally it’s a bit cold you know get used to it it was so hot my girl hey guys so today and now like I’m day and she’s doing a vlog as well so yep I’ll see you when I get into the castle oh hey guys um we’re here right now in Osaka Castle so we just made it here the one that’s side where we can see the main one so that’s the Osaka over there as you can see so since I come so many people over here right now know there so many tourists as they are here and of course at the moment we were def going be walking around just to find the good spots for our picture so at the moment since I come since it’s too hard to take a picture over here and also it’s too hard to take a selfie cuz it’s like um you can just only take your um half body and also there’s another tourist as well wearing the and of course me like um I’m wearing the Pino and also with this like haimi and of course that’s the bonai plant yeah so at the moment since I come we’re here into the side of the other pre Garden of um Osaka Castle because since like into the main Garden they have um we need to pay the fee and of course since like that’s kind of like expensive so we just only stay here and of course um that’s the river and also over there there’s like a two boat and oppose the boat ride is going to cost you a lots of money just to ride on that boat so what with the SE full body no half all right I’m in the middle of the grid that one all right one 2 three just keep pressing there so I just Pam it so at the moment I just take her a picture because since like um she literally love uh taking a photo in me I love taking a vlog at the moment because right here and of course I know a lots of people they keep staring at me due to my hachimaki words because it said it’s like I’m Kami as I can say and of course in Google it said um God so it means it’s look like um one of their G to send me down down here in Earth so just to save them and I feels like I’m the most like um most powerful Samurai Warriors that’s like I that’s like they never [Music] seen so yep I know like I’m some of the people they look happy and also when they see me because since I come they look like since like their God is just only they came down to heaven and of course since like they is like um one of the castle over here it’s about to save by the young the most powerful so right now we were just about to leave the wasaka castle and also we’re about to return this dress at the moment and of course it’s like um I take the Vlog of this and also we already take a picture of it as a background and of course I say in to my younger sister and also her friends just I come to force their partner to wear some to wear some type of this thing like I’m the one I’m wearing in of course I’ll force my partner as well like um to wear the commun the one that like they’re wearing at the moment and also the hair as well and of course like um if me and her are going to come back here in Japan especially for our hand wants to wear a Comm and of course I’ll wear a Comino as well and also I’ll put some hachimaki as well because this one’s like um it makes me look some comfortable wearing this one because since I I always wanted to wear this when I was a kids because when I was a kids I just only wore those like um the native Filipino dress some tribes just like a big the igot because that’s why it’s just only a b and also a sleep on the top and also with some feathers in the head so at the moment I’m into the in front of the Osaka Castle so since um I already take a selfie of this and also I already take a picture of this so right now um as you can see that’s like this what I’m wearing and also that’s the color of my socks and of course I’m wearing blue color just makes me looks like a new Samurai young recruits I know it’s ug so right now we just um we were just um walking now and also leaving the usaka castle as you can see so at the moment since like um we all already um take a picture and also I take a video as well and also I take this as my Vlog dressing like this and of course since like I already take a picture as well as part of my um so Winer here in Japan before I go to Korea because tomorrow it’s going to be my last day here in Osaka and I’m going and we’re going to puka because after puka we’re flying to Soul South Korea and of course we were just only going to be stay there for 5 days so yep so that’s it so I’ll see you guys when I came back into my hotel because since I come we’re going back to waro just to return our Kino seem like we just rent this one and the first time so at the moment we were just going to walk going into the train station or maybe we were just going to CCH the bus or or maybe ride the taxi hey guys so we just came back into our hotel now so at the moment we were just starting to packing up because um tomorrow we’re leaving Osaka and we’re going to puka and of course beside it’s from going to puka tomorrow we will be going to Universal Studio Japan as our last journey here in Osaka and then after Universal Studio we’re going to puka and of course like um and this is very um depressing for me and also for my younger sister and also for her friends that’s like um we’re leaving Japan now and also we’re flying to South Korea soon so at the moment this going to be my last part video here after we did the Osaka Castle wearing our kimono and utaka and also wearing my hachimaki headband and of course it’s quite fun and also it’s amazing and of course since like um I was so very comfortable wearing it because I know just like um when my younger sister thinks a lot of people they’re laughing at me but they don’t even know like I’m they were just only happy that’s like I was wearing their traditional dress and also their traditional headband because I know it’s a part of the respect for their culture because I know a lots of c a lots of tourist people from from my motherland from my motherland Philippines when they go to Bago and also they wear the EG costume as well and also of course this is going to be my last video for today so I hope you enjoy the video my friends so have a nice day bye-bye peace and also I’m very sad that’s like Japan I’m leaving you soon [Music]

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