
14 Hours In Delta Premium Select From Tokyo To America | Was The 750 Flight Worth it?

Is Delta Premium Select Worth it? I’m traveling from Japan to America alone for the first time to go back home! I explore Haneda Airport then embark on my 14 Hour Flight To Orlando On Delta Airlines Premium Select.

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[Music] good morning good afternoon good night everybody it’s Jojo and unfortunately the time has come we’re going back to America but we’re going to be flying in style I was looking at upgrades for Delta the Delta 1 Suite was $3,743 198 I was thinking about doing that I really was but then you know what I was like I’ve never done Delta Premium select which is a lot cheaper coming in at $759 we’re going to test it out today on the way back to America 12-hour flight to Minneapolis or Detroit and then a 2 hours from there I don’t know which airport we’re going to yet honestly but oh my gosh we need to clean up and pack up I got so much merchandise from Tokyo Disney Fantasy Springs like it I I I’ve made such a mess it’s going to be a couple of hours before I get this all done it is 6:22 in the morning and I bored at 2: well this is awkward packing actually went really smoothly and I’m done I still have a lot of time left before my flight takes off not going to lie I thought I had a little bit more time boardings at 2:30 we take off at 3:00 I thought we were boarding at 3:30 so with that being said I’m I’m going to leave right now it’s 11:30 takes about 30 minutes to get to the airport I am going to be in an international airport so I don’t want to uh risk anything I want to be there on time no binkle for me today but it’s been a great time I cleaned up the room a little bit everything’s packed all of my fantasy springs merchandise it’s time to leave goodbye Tokyo I’ll miss you we’ll be back soon this bag cost extra but I actually love it so much it’s so freaking adorable it brings the Disney Magic home with you and it’s actually a nice bag it zips up so I think I’m actually going to check this hopefully they let me final fit check of this trip basically whatever I was wearing to begin with just with a beard now I don’t want to go but we have to we got to go back to America come on let’s go goodbye man oo good morning Japan it’s Wednesday so everyone’s starting the work day so most of the restaurants aren’t open yet because it’s freaking 700 a.m. in the morning I really want to have some authentic food before I go but we might be able to do that at the airport jaywalking the only thing that’s open right now is McDonald’s but I’ve been wanting to try Japanese McDonald’s for a minute now the amount of people that I know that have come to Japan as a tourist and have wanted to become a citizen here and just want to live here is insane that’s Testament to how nice this place is I kind of feel like I’m part of the city right now just walking the work again there are a lot of people here but it’s very quiet just how the city rolls crossing the street I’ve never gone to this side of the street before on this trip yet apparently uh they like to have KFC for Christmas it’s like a tradition around here buses for work I’m trying to rush on real quick I find it very impressive that there’s vending machines on every corner and they’re not old or dingy they’re restocked like every other day they got some Fanta grape in there right now we’ve made it to McDonald’s I think they’re open that looks good yes Japanese McDonald’s wow this place is massive two floors we are getting the Teriyaki McMuffin I’m so happy that they’re not doing only breakfast love that here’s the menu thank you for paying by card I’m also getting the spicy nuggets with the spicy sauce our total was 750 now I’ve been to Dubai McDonald’s but this one seems better they have a mcafe smoothie which that strawberry one is sold out unfortunately I’ve never seen a sold out item in McDonald’s so I could have gotten like the green sauce which is like probably like sour cream and onion but I wanted the spicy one oh that’s barbecue and then they have macaroons as well down here a lot of options I like how the menu is just so out here oh oh perfect our food SE that was so quick thank you coming down to the second floor people are enjoying their breakfast I am going to as well [Music] go too spicy [Music] the sauce is brown that’s kind of [Music] weird stay Bri it’s not spicy so good so good a nice little cleaning station the napkins here are very different like a whole different quality I it’s hard to explain another little coffee station wow that was the chillest McDonald’s I’ve ever been to it was so quiet the food was good the of McNuggets tasted a little spicier than normal McNuggets solid uh four out of five the teriyaki burger was good gave it a seven out of 10 I had some different sauces on it that I didn’t necessarily like but the Teriyaki bun itself was yummy and uh the sauce was weird not my favorites it’s like they took like a sauce that you usually don’t use for meat maybe like some variation of soy sauce I don’t know but whatever it was it wasn’t spicy didn’t really go with the vibe anyway kind of want to explore a little bit but I don’t want to get too far away from home this is what I wish I did a little bit more of but again I was focused on the Disney Vlogs so now I’m like actually lost in Japan obviously I could pull up my GPS and figure out where I am instantly I have a directional sense of where I came from but yeah people just going to work more vending machines I’m telling you they’re literally everywhere this place is so nice the air feels pretty fresh I got a 7-Eleven right here I’m not going to go to that 7-Eleven though I’m going to my 7-Eleven they have some type of Mulan Rouge here wait I don’t want to go to that only because I’ve been to the one in Paris like the original I used the rail station for Trans exportation but I feel like this is a different train I believe I don’t use that too often I feel like you can use this for the airport though we have another 7-Eleven I’ve seen three in the small area I’ve traveled here we go we got some of the public transportation up there when I first came here it was around like 5:00 so I thought it was quiet because everyone was at work or going home for the day but nope this is how it is all the time craziest thing I’m noticing not that many cars a lot of people walking bicycles yeah but people just blindly on the streets no Crossing signals unless it’s on like a major highway which is down the street over that way another 71 that’s three but I’m counting the fourth one from my Airbnb which we’re going to stop at before we go on our plane definitely lost it’s kind of fun not knowing where you are though have a big building being constructed right here I guess that makes sense why Disney is pretty packed because even on a regular Wednesday or Thursday there’s a lot of people who live in an actual City it just feels empty but it’s not but people just go where they need to go it’s different than America I wonder what all this Sayes the only reason why I Walk This Way is cuz look at this hippo what is he doing here I don’t know H this looks promising I think I know where I am actually now this is the casai bus station right here which you can take to the airports also we got a bunch of kids hanging outside the gacha machine area I wonder what they’re trying to get this kind of sucks I’m just teasing myself at this point I wish I got like a really early flight out of here or a super late flight I could push it and go to the city right now but if I’m by myself I feel like I will forget something or mess something up I like having people holding me accountable especially on the last day I know I could do it but you know why I’m not doing it I don’t have any cash and last time I tried ATM wasn’t working and I don’t want to take out cash on the last day I might try to slide here real quick before we go but Chingo and Slots so you don’t bet money here because casinos are illegal but there’s like a roundabout way you earn like fun money but then that fun money can translate into real world prizes so I don’t know if the tickets are already sold out but I know Star Wars celebration is happening in Japan in 2025 so maybe that’s when I’ll swing by again seems like a good reason to come out it’d be a longer trip though I’ll tell you that what the heck did a local bar here see that’s the fun thing everything you think is in the city no couple blocks down from my Airbnb in this local city this local town they got plenty of establishments to enjoy drink and food the more you look the more you realize there’s a ton of pachenko slots in this [Laughter] area obviously it’s closed right now Shad yeah 7-11’s just like run Tokyo apparently I’m just stopping in here to get some snackies cuz my seat today provides me pretty good food and drink for the duration of my flight but I want to get some stuff that I can’t get back at home AKA just some candy we’re just getting a bunch of these h shoes I’m addicted to them like literally it’s insane I want four of them cuz I will go through these in a day look at some of the other snacks they have corn snacks cheese corn snacks Moana MOA Mo mja snack of aged Cod row and cheese okay snackies ooh caramel corn M barbecue flavored salted butter that’s normal got to get my fix of Japanese apple juice one more time well actually sometimes they have it on a flight which is nice 8:41 Japanese Yen unfortunately we never got to go to Aladdin we did see Jasmine yesterday which made me really happy I had some comments on my Instagram where I’m staying it’s Hotel Min I don’t think you can just find it through a websites I got it through Air B and B I found it the second time by literally just like typing in the location you can’t search for it you have to search by location I believe so I’ll leave the directions to this place down below if you want to stay here for yourself it’s not too expensive gets the job done you know and of all that being said our final Uber has arrived in Tokyo [Music] [Music] 127 we’ve made it to the airport I believe Terminal 3 is the International Airport there we are Detroit dl276 checkin is at I we do have a new time it goes English and Japanese no stairs just elevators departure Lobby yeah oh boy here we are this place is massive we actually we have two areas for Delta which is nice J and I so with premium select you get Sky priority these are the things the agents can do for you I used to got priority going to Tokyo and they basically checked my bags and everything for me going to do it the uh automatic wayo hopefully this works trying to scan I had issues with this coming in too checked in please take your bags to one of our agents bag SL drop off I didn’t need to actually scan my boarding pass Sky PR priority allows you to bring you back straight up and they’ll do the luggage bagging tag stuff for you goodbye Fantasy Springs goodbye baggie see you later in Orlando so the biggest thing about Sky priority is that you don’t have to tag your own bags which is nice cuz I uh struggle to do that sometimes and then you don’t have to wait in this line you can skip all of this so I could have basically came later if I wanted to but I wanted to explore the shops Sky priority 10 out of 10 experience I’m actually a silver medall member so I would have gotten that for free regardless if I didn’t have premium select or not the real reason why we’re getting this is because we get bigger seats with additional recline and adjustable footrest specialty dining premium amenity kits and other goodies to enhance your flight experience flying here in main cabin wasn’t bad at all I definitely wasn’t well rested though I had like a crick in my neck I was sore you’re just sitting in a sea you know it was still a good experience we had some good food as well so I’m very curious to see if this premium select actually enhances my whole experience so much that it was worth the extra $700 obviously Delta 1 which is the suite you get a bed you get more stuff but I’ve never done this I’m excited now security is uh straight ahead but before that I want to show you the shops and restaurants cuz we have a little bit of time we have about an hour in 20 minutes before we should be at our gates so fingers crossed we don’t miss our flight we shouldn’t it’s like the last bit of Tokyo we’re going to get I’ve been up here before it’s pretty cool actually now I will need to pick up my bags again cuz I’m flying to Detroit than Orlando it’s a little bit of a layover last minute souvenirs I did just see someone walk out with a full-on suitcase so if you need an extra one cuz you bought too much merchandise they have them at the airport ports they do have some authentic restaurants as here as well which I might want to get something that you’re going to notice if you come to Tokyo they love their spaghetti like it’s a big part of their dinner here we will definitely be getting some Curry before we leave pork curry H garlic fried rice wagu oh I haven’t had any wagu I’m pretty sure this is the place that G and I went to which I might want to go back to you basically cook your own meat table for one I’m kind of mad try something new but I love that I can like cook it up here they have a beef cut chart here there’s a lot of stuff here I don’t know about I got this one it’s a little meal so it starts with a salad I also got a beer all right this came out pretty quickly we got rice some sauce a little bit of a soup salad here’s the meat that we cook up ourselves and then we got some kimchi and other things you can sprinkle on already daddy let’s try this I remember last time you just throw it on there oh yep look at that this is so much fun I’m so glad we did this okay um wa we’re going to have to let oh going have to let that cook for a minute here but I’m cooking I’m cooking yes sir I like how they just gave me the cons is a good luck but I mean it’s pretty understandable right you just wait it until it turns a certain certain color we’re going to go for medium right now honestly half the fun is just cooking it it’s making me more hungry by the way they gave me a bib which is nice all right I think I think we’re just about done you definitely need to give yourself some extra time if we were running into the airport right now we would not be able to do this got my beer I’m happy all right all right all right think we’re just about done here the beer here is so good too I’m going to miss this beer all the Japanese beer I’ve been drinking is just very light very crisp I think they filter in a different way compared to America feel like last time it didn’t take this long to cook but I think we’re good so we’re going to take this off I’ll show I’ll show you what it looks like right now all cooked up now you can do multiple at a time so that’s what we’re about to do but we have to try it here we go dip in the sauce that’s so good so good all right now we’re going to start cooking these up together ready look at this one hold on I can’t I’m struggling I can two and then we’re going to get another one we’re going to try the red one we haven’t done this one yet three nice and while that’s cooking I’m need some rice my shot my salad what a great meal for 2700 Yen not that bad does that not look good everybody it is a glistening I will say this is actually a pretty hot open fire so you put your hands on that you’re in trouble this food is so good every time I take a bite I just get excited I love Japan so freaking much I don’t want to leave I really don’t want to leave you know I met a fan the other day who recognized me from the vog V and he was like I’m trying to Vlog with my other hand while I’m trying to cook he was like yeah I’ve been here for about you know a couple weeks now I think I’m going to try to live here you off and on every couple months you know it’s just the food is so and the beer it’s the beer compliments the food so well like it’s just this is just a nice balanced meal you can get it for pretty cheap food was really good thank you I got to I already got to total was 4,000 590 Yen all right got all right got thank you great place if you ever in the airport uh recommend it it was here a year ago it’s still here but honestly there’s a ton of restaurants to try here a really cool thing about traveling to Japan but also an a really annoying but cool thing about Japan is that when you travel here you fast forward in time you’re literally 12 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time at least so right now it’s uh 2:00 p.m. almost here it’s like 1 a.m. midnight in America but when you travel back to America I’m getting there on Wednesday so it’s Wednesday right now but with the time difference I’m literally going back in time so coming to Japan keep that in mind you’re going to lose a whole day but when you go home at some point you gain back about 13 hours or so which is insane they also have like a mega convenience store it’s like a mini mall in here hair brushes uh toe brushes wait I need to get a passport cover I don’t want to buy it from here but a Pikachu passport cover sounds a lot of fun locks pillows for the long flight I’m hoping that my pillow that they provide to me on my seat is good enough mini phones of some sort okay o wait a second they have GoPros here I wonder if it’s cheaper to buy here I need to get a GoPro it’s crazy I don’t own one the insta 360 ah crap I wish I knew they had this SD cards I lost one on the way here don’t worry I didn’t lose any footage this time I just lost an SD card so good to know you can get them in the airport oh my gosh do you want to just start vlogging when you enter Japan well they got cameras here as well I take some good photos that’s literally my old camera right there what the heck that’s crazy fans vacuums Sony headphones jbl’s if need them okay I mean I’m good oh my gosh I need these that is crazy that was a fullon mall oh I got to show you this really cool view real quick I’m having too much fun I feel like we’re going to miss our flight uh oh wait they tell you how long security is right now I believe it’s a 0 to 5 minute wait and oh the north side is 15 to 20 I’m okay for now again tons of stores we’re going up and there’s a bar up here as well maybe I should have got here earlier this is fun look how awesome this place is you can watch planes fly in with the backdrop of the city not going to lie I feel like that’s my plane all the way in the distance it’s 1:30 so we got to start moving but look how cool look at that flight right there yeah I definitely should have just came here earlier it would have been so cool oh we can see a plane taking off in the distance you see that I think right there he goes up up and away do it is he taking off oh yeah yep there he goes wow not going to lie watching a plane take off from this close proximity it kind of looked like magic kind of like looked like a Disney ride I’ve I’ve been to Disney too much we got to go we got to go not to mention you can eat and drink up here as well come to think I was napping I could have been here the whole time SMH SMH oh seriously we got to go JoJo come on we got some more gotcha machines over here got like uh Gift Stores card stores it’s pretty cool down here coffee store we also got the Cool Zone it’s fun to see all this stuff being open again I would love to go in here and explore and see what they’re selling but we actually don’t have time I’m being a little negligent right now all of this was closed last night and they got the starry Cafe at the end here they even have a little Disney Store how cute Star Cafe literally lets you look at stars apparently you can enjoy it for like 40 minutes at a time which we don’t have oh man look at this place they have fresh flowers I can smell them from here that’s relaxing in there definitely one of the coolest airports I’ve been to and we barely got to explore even though I actually came pretty early today legit a whole another side that we didn’t even get to look at so more to explore in the future I feel like with any other airports I wouldn’t be cutting it this close but Tokyo Japan in general has been so efficient with everything they do so I trust security and that we get through this quickly look it tells you ah did you guys see it it told you uh how long the way times were okay here we go departure Straight Ahead apparently they use a facial recognition so I think I just have to scan my passports and we’re good to go oh my gosh security was so easy I’ve had some easy Securities but that was just so convenient I didn’t even have to take off my shoes and then customs and immigration you literally just scanned your passport they scanned your face you walked in you even have to talk to anyone that is insane I love Japan no wonder so many people want to come here it’s great like I’m not even trying to like hype it up I have had nothing but a good time here the only downside to this trip is that I didn’t have um anyone to experience with for the last couple days again solo travel is great if you plan for it I didn’t plan for solo travel next time if no one wants to come with me I’ll definitely do this again I wouldn’t mind staying here for 2 weeks by myself I just got to prepare of the necessary stuff you know regardless we’ve made it in and we have about 40 minutes until my flight starts boarding now this is a big terminal it takes a while to get to where we’re going we don’t have a gate yet unless it hasn’t updated but I want to explore a little bit boarding 23045 let’s do this lounges are on the top floor just go up there oh wow yeah that looks nice we’re departure gate 1 for one I’m pretty sure we’re going to the same area that I was last time the one thing that throws me off in any International Airport is seeing people from America fashioning clothing or jewelry is that an halfway I feel like it is what the heck we have a lot of bougie stores here stuff that’s way out of my uh price point Chanel Gucci at the end and people are lining up H people want to shop if I ever buy anything Gucci it’s going to be the Disney collection that you can get at Springs we got a money exchange area which would have been nice when I got here but we don’t need it now I did survive majority of the time here on just my credit and debit card which is good to know if I remember correctly though there is a March that sells a certain kind of candy that I absolutely love and I I remember because I bought two packs and I ate them all before I got off the plane so if I find this specific flavor of candy I’m going to get so much of it all day air dining I’m not going to lie that pizza vegan friendly Tokyo that smells really good Tokyo souvenir shop I might okay we’re going to stop in here real quick but I really don’t want to get anything I feel like I got enough souvenirs in Fantasy Springs already it’s very vibrant in here though we got some chocolate it’s kind of chaotic in here grilled chicken skewers lots of different food some of it sold out I never see food items being sold out that’s nuts EO style sushi I’m glad I already ate there seems to be decent lines here gosh wow wait this place is very different than what I remember it to be maybe just more stores opened up or they did a little renovation they have like a whole freaking food court dang I’m kind of sad they have a whole Ramen section I love me some Ramen but we had some good ramen on this trip not enough though yep we are all the way at the end of the terminal but wait we found my favorite store books and drugs they got some version of Legos here pens Chopsticks more gifts keychains Kitty scrub sponge so they have the high Chu that I’m in love with but I don’t think it’s anything different than the ones I already bought do I buy more though maybe I wasn’t really looking for it but I didn’t notice any bars around here okay we’re making it wait are we right here or do we have to go all the way down nope we are gate 141 which is all the way down there and the one thing an knowing about this terminal is that there’s no stores or anything so like once you make your way all the way down there you’re kind of just there you definitely do not see this in America they have priority seats closer to the gates so you know if you’re elderly or have a health condition they got you covered normally I like to get some snackies and drinkies but because I’m getting premium select they said I get more Beverages and food so I hope I don’t regret not getting any snacks I don’t even see my FL I don’t even see my Gates where 140 oh where around the corner wow and deeper than last time you know what’s crazy I actually called out our plane here’s the observation deck over there and our flight’s next to either 140 or 141 so yeah I was actually right it actually takes at least 5 minutes to get all the way down here out of my whole trip one of the biggest surprises for me was definitely the country bear summertime celebration oh look one more look at Japan there’s a plane leaving I’m going to miss this place so much I already want to come back I don’t even I don’t want to leave like I was ready to leave China I’m not ready to leave Japan in the slightest it looks like people are already getting on the plane am I late or early we have some workers checking for a boarding pass over here okie dokie we made it to our gate they asked me a couple questions like did you leave your bag unattended did someone ask you to bring their luggage with you obviously no now he waits for another 15 minutes or so also Sky priority lets you board early you can see the boarding process I’m so sad we’re not doing the the pods another day and there is our home for the next 12 hours another example of the priority seats near the entrance to the gates the airport does provide free Wi-Fi which is good I need to download a couple more episodes of uh Juju Kaizen so you actually can’t get that show on Netflix back in America you have to go on crunchy roll which is a whole different subscription so I’m trying to download as many episodes as I can before I leave it’s an anime and the acolyte episode 3 just came out it’s been getting weird reviews it’s on Disney plus and then I need to just take a breath there we’ve been walking for a minute if you haven’t already subscribed I’m definitely going to go over my whole trip in detail when I get back and set settled but one thing I can say off the bat right now is that when it comes to solo travel it really grows you as a person obviously do your research obviously make sure you’re safe but this has been like 50% a solo trip to Japan for me and it’s been a good time I definitely feel more confident and moving forward in the future doing more solo trips by myself the biggest thing you need to do is just do your research you don’t want to be alone in a foreign country not knowing what is up you know I’m so mad I’m leaving I am I’m at I wanted to go on the go-kart next time at 2:38 we have begun the boarding process not going to lie very jealous I want sweet I want bed and because we’re premium select we go on after Zone one we’re zone two which is like the second quickest that’s all thank you scan the B pass look at us and we’re good to go thank you there is powerplane oh wow I love this tunnel that brings us to the airport it’s very Grand that Delta one gets their own entrance fancy not I this plane is absolutely massive when you get close enough to it thank you and just like that we’re boarding our flight wow no line we’re just hi so this is premium select we’re online business class I would say I can already tell the seats are bigger they got water here for us I got to find my seat though you got reserved space for premium select customers very nice very nice and I think we found our seat we got a water here which is nice headphones relaxing on wine these actually going to be really nice if I want to watch any more movies we got a temp rep Pedic pillow I will definitely be using these we got some slippers so I can take off my shoes seems like a nice quilted blanket so initially sitting down pretty comfortable I just still got my legs I have a lot of space which is great I mean I’m not the tallest but I’m also not the shortest so hopefully we can get some good sleep in here I’m using the pillow kind of as a lumbar like helper right now so I might leave it there until I actually want to sleep we yeah lots of space um I can like wiggle my thighs around like I am smaller than the chair which I appreciate I’m 10 and weigh around like 145 lb I don’t know why I just shared my weight the whole internet now you know see look at this I’m wiggling my feet around so that’s nice we have reclining buttons we’ll definitely try later we have a remote for the TV which is definitely bigger than the one I had last time here’s the screen you can angle it up and down a little bit that’s cool it is touchcreen Boop we’re here we made it zero minutes to arrival nice the tray is in here we can pull it out for snacks which we’ll focus on later and do have some charging Outlets down here at the bottom I’m happy I didn’t buy any water cuz they gave us some trying to open it up onehanded right now last but not least we have this little baggie someone somewhere let’s just shut open this doing everything one-handed uh we have a toothbrush nice an eye mask to sleep might use this earplugs yes they gave us socks you don’t know how much I was hoping that they were going to give us some Delta socks I’m putting these on the minute everyone sits down lip balm just in case your lips get chapped one of the seats were broken in another aisle so they’re moving people here somewhere I’m not too sure what’s going on but my seat’s okay I love my seat this flight is huge it goes all all the way back that’s Comfort plus behind us so once I’m all settled sitting down lots of leg space I can even cross my legs and not be completely out in the aisle so yeah remember 510 so pretty dope pretty dope also we get two meals on this flight here is the main course menu I decided to get the chicken have light bites and then pre-arrival stuff as well we got the safety reement going down right now hope we’ll have a Wii on this whole flight but more importantly we got to open up these bad boys by the way my armrest is so big I can prompt my camera on it without it falling off which is nice I’m struggling to open this right now there we go yes sir look at these bad boys yeah [Music] [Music] I got my sandals on we have our service starting up in a second starting with a moist towet it’s hot welcome you can so keep it half that but there here comes the bdge cart love that thank you and we get a little snacky here and we get a little snacky here and I decided on some red wine not going to lie I am pretty comfortable right now look at all the space oh check this out I didn’t even notice this it’s little guide to Delta Premium select so right now we’re settling in we got a glass of wine of beverage and a little treat take a moment to relax in space and a de climb with your seat use the buttons on your armrest to adjust the seat and the leg rest to suit your needs to release the red glass just after you have to click it it’s a little tough to click but yep okay so after following the directions it’s convenience but it’s nothing too crazy I mean I’ll take it though definitely adding to the luxury now the headphones they gave us were noise cancelling which is pretty cool and we’re about to get our first meal one thing that’s really nice is that even though we’re having some turbulence they delayed the meals for a main cabin in delter Comfort Plus but we will still get our food in a second yeah overall the uh the seat the Little Foot seity uh Contraption a little clunky doesn’t make that much of a difference another note the one that they’re serving is really good we do have some really rough turbulence right now it’s very it’s very bumpy but you’re doing a great job I feel like you need more thank you so much some other people have received their food but I just think it’s out of safety we’re waiting until we get out turbulence right now it’s pretty bad Fu has arrived yummy yummy I’m excited to eat all this it looks so good I like how it comes on a tray already di about to try this I should just like cut it but I don’t have I’m not going to lie this food is so good even like the greens the veggies we have dessert over here which we try in a second salad more wine I a happy camper that food was delicious for a meal on an airplane a solid 7 out of 10 the salad was good the main entree was good the dessert was yummy as well I love how they provided a little dressing for the salad last thing we have is is a Sourdough flat bread that you can just kind of eat if you want yeah they’re just little crackers yummy yummy yummy my tummy great first meal so I’ve been in and out of sleep we have about four or 5 hours left I think I haven’t even checked we’ll find out together right now H this screen thank you yeah no yeah thank you uh they handed out a pizza little snacky so freaking good I’m going to devour this right now we have about 5 hours until we land this is delicious there’s no video of it but I’ve been sleeping a lot which is a testament to the seat cuz I could barely uh sleep comfortably on the last one like for example I’ve been doing this a lot I just I put the pillow here and I sleep like that so I woke up because we have our second meal thank you our food we got a frittata with chicken sausage yum going to try the chicken real quick chicken sausage it’s good I wasn’t expecting that had a little different flavor to it I mean it’s good I don’t even know if I’m hungry right now but I’m going to try to eat this all Canada such as Toronto Montreal so we just landed it is 150 Wednesday we got on the plane around 2:00 on a Wednesday went back in time getting off the flight those are the pods that we didn’t do maybe next time thanks thank you thank you thank you better oh boy oh it’s hot not Florida hot yet though so was that seat worth it in my opinion yeah after flying the Tokyo and Maine cabin and then doing the premium select I definitely had a lot more space I never felt cramped I was able to get a lot more sleep I think the biggest thing for me personally is I was able to open up the tray put a pillow on it and actually sleep like this in a normal seat I’m too big and my elbows hit the corners it’s just uncomfortable so it was very very nice I’m convinced I might do that every time now when I go on a you know 12 plus hour flight just because of the convenience the person next to me was never bothered I ate all the food I slept a lot I didn’t even watch a movie on the entertainment system I think I ended up watching three full episodes of a Netflix show jju kaisen okay so now we have about 2 hours to get to our next Gates but we have to go through immigration there seems to be a long line This is the line for US citizens it’s pretty long I have a couple more things to say about my flights but before we get get to that I got to find my bag uh yeah it took about 20 30 minutes to get through immigration but once I talk to him no issues hopefully we can find my stuff I always get so nervous about this and I saw someone else with a fantasy springs bag so now worried they took mine but there’s no way of identifying I didn’t even think about that I see a Tokyo SE bag here let’s see if this is mine I should be able to tell Sky priority yeah I think this is mine because Tokyo SE merchandise secured and look I found my suitcase because it should have oh did it fall off a I think it fell off I put the porcupine sticker I got from the cafe on it anyway we got our stuff yeah we had to actually get our bags to recheck it so we can’t go straight to our gate yet we got to bring these bad boys over to another spot all flights look Delta even has a sign exit all connecting fights local to Detroit here we go luggage recheck at least it’s like very close by so it wasn’t that hard of course I was annoyed to hear that there was a luggage recheck but it’s like right over here very easy you just walk up right here there goes my bagy that was super easy now we do have to go through sec security again unlike Japan I actually had to take off my shoes we’re going up all the way up it’s kind of crazy I don’t remember going on a 12-hour flight this was definitely one of the fastest international flights I’ve had it literally didn’t even feel like I was in there for 5 hours but my body definitely feels it right now just walking around and like slugging it’s crazy you’re you’re literally traveling for a whole day it’s it’s nuts I’m pretty sure I’ve been to this airport before I just don’t remember when it might have been recently with Jeet I missed Jeet he’s actually moving out soon that’s a whole different Vlog for a different day but I will be updating you guys soon about my living situation so if you haven’t already subscribe if I got teleported here I would think this is a mall like this looks like not an airport once again we are all the way at the end of the terminal you could take the express train but I’m young I want to get my steps in even though my left leg is literally about to give out Mediterranean Grill I only recorded this place cuz look has a cute little like tree in there they do have the walk and standing side on this which is cool they should implement this in Universal I’m telling you it make things so much easier unless awkward not going to lie I love Tokyo food but seeing Subway and Popeyes that’s going to hit when I have this at home actually I really don’t even eat these two but it’s the idea that counts right it’s crazy that Starbucks literally Universal Japan China Dubai anywhere you go they got Starbucks made it to our gate but always making new friends what’s your name Adam nice to meet you and we were basically on the same timeline I got a day before you but you didn’t get to go to Fantasy Springs no why what happened the merch though okay close enough ran yeah my friends they just are a little slow hope they can hear me they uh they slept in huh yeah ah fair enough I don’t know if you count that sleeping in it’s only till 9:00 a.m. but Fantasy Springs spring it’s sleep different Beast yeah so you heading back to Orlando too or oh same flight yep dope I’ll see you on there yes sir so we have about 30 minutes until boarding it’s a full Flight 2 hours and 30 minutes this is probably going to be a little rough compared to the nice seat we had before am I happy I upgraded yep definitely worth it I will be doing it again in the future no complaints here even when I was in a cramped cabin a full cabin I had the best time and I dare say you don’t need the Pod you know obviously if you’re someone who can only sleep when you’re lying down then the first class pod might be for you but you don’t need to get first class so you have that premium uh selection and that’s not in every plane but on the planes that they do have it I say go for it again it was a $750 up charge but I’m pleased with it I’m not like dying right now I was fed and not sore it was good I’m really scared about this flight though cuz I got spoiled on the last one also another annoying thing about solo travel you think about until it’s happening to you I want to grab a quick snack from Chick-fil-A but like I need to charge my phone I wanted there charging ports which I actually have here which is nice so either I sit here don’t get a snack or I find someone to watch my stuff which is not that big of a deal I do it most of the time I ask someone nicely but it’s just another thing you have to be aware of you don’t have someone to hold your spot or watch your stuff when you go to the bathroom I have 8 minutes do I try to get Chick-fil-A it’s probably too late fanciest chickfly I’ve ever seen as you’re entering into the queue there’s a guy playing a [Music] [Applause] piano so with the upgrade you do get Sky priority for the second flights as well I believe cuz we’re zone four hello hi are you here perfect thank you Jan have a good day making our oh my gosh it’s so hot in here what’s nice on this flight is that we get free WiFi here we go oop we’re on the plane we did it this is definitely an older flight 27d where we at have to go we found their seats oh definitely smaller than the first something I realized when I was sitting in the other chair I was just spended a little bit cuz like H you know yeah no I can’t fully extend anymore sure sad I don’t know why until the plane starts there’s like no AC so it’s really hot in here very packed welcome to Orlando where the local time is 6:35 p.m. please stay and at 6:30ish we’re back honestly I was a little bit worried about that flight it wasn’t that bad this plane didn’t even have the option for premium select oh boy I see the rain clouds I felt the humidity we’re back in my home we’re back in Orlando just in time for a new Universal parade happening next week and uh DreamWorks land I haven’t even covered that yet and apparently Tiana is doing a cast member not cast member a annual passholder preview I love my job there’s never a slow time unless I give myself a slow time but overall both flights were good that one was a little cramped a little hot I had to take off my jackets which I’m glad I did cuz I’m in Orlando I don’t need a jacket anymore I actually slept a little bit slept for like 40 minutes but I think that was just me being super tired I was not expecting to sleep as much on the first one again premium select definitely worth it especially comparing it to regular coach you can really feel the difference so if you want an alternative from uh Main cabin but don’t want to pay the big bills for first class you’ll do good with uh premium select but with that being said thank you guys so much for tuning in to this freaking Japan travel Vlog series it was so much fun I’m so tired Disney was great I want to go back to Japan in 2025 literally like you guys watching these videos only motivates me to go to other new locations more often sometimes in 2024 I plan on doing another big trip maybe to Italy maybe go back to Greece I don’t know maybe even du bu again regardless I love it when I can travel and bring you guys along with me for my adventures and I don’t take it for granted so from the bottom of my heart I love you guys thank you so much for watching remember every day is a blessed day to be alive I’m going to go find my luggage and hopefully sleep for 20 hours cuz my sleep schedules messed up I can barely even form sentences anymore all right bye guys thanks for watching oh shout out TAA screw you Jeet for not coming you better be here next time okay bye [Music]


  1. Wanted to get my splash mountain vlog out first (which was such a bad idea not as many people watched it cause everyone posted about opening day LOL) so here is my FINAL vlog from my tokyo trip) Enjoy 🙂

  2. Can’t believe your series is over. It was so fun watching. We’re getting ready for our trip later this year. Thanks for the tips.

  3. Jojo or to anyone here how much do you appreciate how clean it is over there and how well maintained Tokyo is? It’s like the Japanese take so much pride and respect in their way of life

  4. Delta premium select was the best experience ever!! I love Delta anyway—but the international flights were just amazing!! The flight attendants were so nice—the food was excellent—plenty of snacks and sweets! The headphones were really great— we watched several movies and tv shows!! 10 out of 10!! All the way…🥰!!!And the pilots gave us Delta trading cards too!!!🤩

  5. Loving the content!!! Tokyo is amazing, but you are doing something to me by putting cooked meat back on the raw meat plate 😮

  6. Are you going to rate the new penguin trek at sea world? I have bought the annual and want to know what to go on 😅

  7. I just wanted to add this part so you know I’m not a troll but a supporter who loves your videos and just wants to know why your vibe has changed with Tiana? Why do you keep calling her ride splash Mountain it feels disrespectful, You do know that ride was themed after “song of the south” which was a racist Disney movie back in the day? It’s not bad to love Splash but why not bring up the whole context in your videos? My original comment- Hey Jojo so I’ve watched most of your videos over the past year and I’ve always considered you a nice person and just a joy to watch and I thought you were a fan of Tiana. But your coverage of the ride started out nice but has become very shady and borderline nasty. You’re one of the only POC creators in the Disney space and I get you live in conservative Florida but I just expected more of you. but your coverage in your last video was very disappointing. It really sucks because again you were my favorite. – Why do you keep calling her Ride

  8. Jojo get Global Entry, it’s like Fast Pass, no waiting in customs lines. You will ❤ it!

  9. Jojo! Don't go for GoPro, look into the DJI Osmo Action 3 or 4! In my opinion so much better and even cheaper than GoPro. No overheating problems, fast response, waterproof on its own without a waterproof case. The colors are more realistic than on GoPro as well. The accessories work with a magnet mechanism which is also great if you want to change it often. Love my Action 3!

  10. Hey JoJo I'm the the fan you referenced in this video when talking about moving to Japan. We met at Shibuya nintendo. Next year I will be in Japan for 90 days at a time living! I may even apply for the 6 month visa since I'm a remote worker. I miss Japan so much!!! Let's plan something to meet up again over there!! Appreciate you!

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