
Tourists banned from Gion (Sort of), Kyoto, Japan

#kyoto #gion #japan Non residents of the area have finally been banned from certain areas of Kyoto’s Gion District

good evening welcome to Kyoto war and gon and we’re going to go for a little walk on a beautiful night it is about 8:15 p.m. on a Saturday evening very hot day today uh maybe 30s probably in the 30s clear sky and tonight’s very cloudy and we’re going to get rain tomorrow so I think it’s cooled down quite a bit compared to to today we are going to walk through a little bit different of a neighborhood since last time we came here hello good evening Ariel thank you for coming in little bit oh there’s there’s the uh Michael gisha house here the okia and the names of the girls you can see on the panel there hello Civic stage manager how are you thanks for coming in yeah it is a little bit different of a neighborhood there are some areas that people are banned from so I did a video uh about two months ago saying that tourists are not banned from guon which was true at the time but I think they were probably discussing at that time how they were going to deal with the over tourism problem or the just the ex the excessive number of people in this area and they have done something about it um I don’t know how much they’ve enforced it I don’t know any stories of it actually being enforced but I think people are obeying the rules and I’m going to show you at the end of this well pretty close to the end of the street what they’ve done uh they have put up signs saying you will be fined do not trespass which was not there before there was one street specifically where they were pretty unhappy about the number of people coming in and the number of people taking photos and the incidents in that street so uh I think that’s one of the areas that they focused they did put on the news earlier in the year they were going to close certain streets and then they didn’t do it uh but they actually did eventually close I shouldn’t say close but just put up signs Banning people from entry hey Ed how’s it going thanks for coming in I did see a Gaya too uh Gayo still getting uh I still get messages from people saying they’re not gisha they’re geeko but I just use the term gisha because it’s a more common term geeko is of course a gisha in Kyoto well I’m going to show you Tim t uh Ed thanks for coming in by the way great to see you I haven’t been broadcasting I’ve been very busy with school I haven’t had anything to broadcast and the only ones that are worth broadcasting are usually something that’s very far away and that’s a lot of time for me and money there’s a there’s one there the lady just walked by uh off work okay here it is around this corner I’m going to show you hi quo how are you okay so this is the stream here oh yeah so here the people are gathered here this is the street hi Don how’s it going this is the street where people are banned they’re looking down the street but I’m going to wait for them to leave and then I’ll show you the sign we might be able to I might be able to show you on the other side but she’s explaining it’s kind of funny that they put the street put this sign there to ban people but now everybody’s Gathering there to see the baned sign in front of the street okay let’s go on the other side then let’s go around to the other side while they they’re not different they’re not it’s hey Richard thank you for coming in they’re not differentiating from tourists it’s anybody who has no business being there you cannot go there that’s basically it so so they are not uh foreigners are Bann well I never said foreigners are banned did I say foreigners are ban I apologize if I did it’s anyone who has um no business there is banned because they’re just a nuisance this is a residential area and the people who live here don’t want the annoyance of tourists while they’re conducting business um yeah that’s the problem yeah no that doesn’t help okay so here look the people were gathered on the other side here I’ll show you here sure okay so this is the new sign so it says do not enter a private road do not enter fine up to 10,000 yeah okay now I guess there were some incidents with I mean it is anybody anybody who comes in here who is a nuisance uh is fine 10,000 so you I guess there were some C there is a Gea geko house or sorry a g house in there there’s I think two of them or so and I guess there were some people were taking photos of it’s a very narrow Street yeah hey Larry how’s it going they do yeah uh it’s a very narrow Street so if a lot of people cram in there it’s hard for for the people to move around who are doing business there so um that’s why they’re doing it here I don’t think they have this sign on the other streets that they’ve also uh closed or or or banned I didn’t see it there uh but here we’re going to look for it now let me see if those people have moved they do there were some there was one the the worst case that I read was of people uh dropping ashes of their cigarette in the back of the Geo’s neck that was the worst case I heard now I’m not going to judge everybody like that of course there’s going to be idiots like that but not everybody’s like that but that’s the worst case I heard uh taking pins out of her hair hey Kathy how’s it going yeah that’s good point I’m sure there’s cameras I’m sure that there’s cameras that watch um but yeah I wonder who’s enforcing it there must be I guess if especially if there’s a group and you’re making a lot of noise they might come out and they might say something and they might call the police I guess they could and they might enforce it so okay now let’s see what’s in here okay so here’s the other yeah see there are bars in here still uh why would they do that because they’re idiots just total idiots so yeah there is a bar in here it’s still you know they still want customers this one’s late oh see that feel free to pass this road when you visit guon Niti so if you want to go yeah if you have business here of course you can still go in but if you don’t have any reason to be here if you’re a tourist taking photos and whatever you shouldn’t be here same sign is here and there’s the lane the actual Geo house is on this side here right there which we’ve filmed many times and as you can see it’s a very narrow Lane so if you’re standing outside talking everybody can hear you inside like it’s almost like you’re right in there the walls are very thin uh you can hear people talking if you stand outside so um yeah I can kind of understand in a way especially this Lane some of the other ones I don’t understand so much because they’re uh a bit broader let me show you those ones let me show you those ones they’re over here so it’s most of the streets coming up shooting off of this going this way the one that they’ve baned on this way going uh East not on this side yeah so you can still see the geko and the M on the road that’s not stopping the tourist from that that’s not stopping the tours from taking photo and they still do take photos and they should they should be they should be able to I think it’s totally natural to do so um of course you shouldn’t be a nuisance there’s some also there’s also some bad videos of uh tour standing directly in front of them and like constantly trying to get a good shot of them okay fine but Dave Kia Hi how are you uh some of the ones here we passed by them actually but there’s no do not enter sign but let me go see yeah the other one was I’m going to show you the other one local they recogn yes right yeah yeah I’m going to show you the the other one I hope the audio is good video is good uh I have a newly upgraded see there there’s some okay there see those people are T those are regulars down there taking photos um that’s the kind of people that are welcome but we are not so you’re not supposed to take photos down there okay so down here next to the big Ichi the big uh Tea House is another road that they baned people uh let me show you that one yeah I don’t know which ones that’s another thing is some of the ones on this side you can go down okay good thanks queso yeah I got a new rig uh iPhone 15 Pro I got the DJI mic and uh new gimbal so this is about as good as a gets unless I’m using a DSLR or sorry mirrorless and going crazy like that but I’m not so I haven’t gone that far yeah this is the other one here okay yeah see they’re coming out with customers I’m not going to even film I’m not going to film cuz these customers are coming out and I don’t want them to to say anything so just one moment let me wait till the taxis are out of there and then I can fil so yeah but this is ichiki here ichiki is here they usually walk in there and then down there is where there is another uh Geo M okia another okia down there that is another street but you don’t see the do not enter sign there so I don’t know uh I don’t know how strict it is but sorry that one narrow one though that Narrow Lane is the biggest one the biggest problem because it’s so narrow yeah yeah I’m not even going to I’m not even going to film down there and wait till this taxi goes say [Music] yes so he’s saying this gentleman here tat is saying filming is not is okay but entering the area is not okay so I can film it from afar but I just don’t want to film the people in there because they get kind of pic yeah so this is this is it here yeah this is it here uh this is another one of the roads but you don’t see the do not enter all you see is this no photography on a private row so anyways yeah it’s not as strict as the other one that’s a much broader wow that was close that’s a much wider Road uh a lot more room for the tourist to move so I don’t think it bothers people inside the the the uh the houses as much but over there that’s a really narrow one yeah and you’re going to you’re going to bother a lot of people there so this which is why they’ve done it tons of tourists now I mean it’s crazy in Kyoto today I was here most of the day and wow yeah okay thank you Don um I mean it’s it’s it’s affecting so much of Kil so another thing they’re saying is that people uh going to work trying to take buses to work trying to take trains to work that’s also getting too busy and too full so they’re complaining about that that’s another problem so they’re going to create more tourist buses going to the tourist Des ation so probably that’ll take some of the load off of uh commuting trains commuter trains so that people can get to work more comfortably or easier so yeah I mean they have they all those ones have the signs queso but that that seems to be the strictest one where they had the most problems so yeah okay let’s go down here let’s go down here this one is okay this big street here is not a problem uh this is one of the bigger streets here so we’re going to go down here in a pretty picturesque street so I’m streaming in 1080P if you’re watching on a TV I hope you’re enjoying that extra bump in the quality I wish I could do 4K although I’d have to film it if I did that yeah beautiful here I would say maybe 25° or so uh getting we’re in the rainy season today is one of the few days that it hasn’t been raining it was very rainy this week uh and I think there’s a few days forecast for next week but other than that it’s not uh too bad so it’s it’s going to be ending uh pretty soon it seems like the ra rainy uh the rainy weather we don’t always we don’t always have a rainy season even though uh it is the rainy season sometimes it just doesn’t happen we don’t get the rain uh the past two weeks they did forecast for a lot of rain but actually wasn’t as bad as uh expected it to be so yes very high humidity uh I’d say about 65% I I think that’s high I don’t know if you think that’s high but from what I see from my outdoor uh thermometer it’s um it says about 65% or so to 55 every day or so but uh yeah taxi taxi doors are quite uh convenient so all right let’s go down here a bit yeah so that’s been one of the big things in the news uh the over tourism the other is the Japanese Yan the Japanese Yan is very very low relative to the well relative to everything US dollar I think it went to 161 to the US dollar which is the lowest it’s been in I don’t know how many years very long time um that’s high for you okay and you’re in the UK too so so another reason why there’s so many tourists the uh extremely low Yen and that trend is going to continue tourism yeah is going to grow and grow and grow which is another reason why I don’t broadcast as much much uh there’s been a huge increase in content from here from uh tourists and uh yeah it’s it’s very uh I don’t know I think it’s just so saturated with Japan content just really doesn’t motivate me to to broadcast one of the most annoying things is people who say secret place I found a secret place a lot of influencers say a secret place when it’s not a secret place so for example there’s a Pokemon Center in Osaka on on the top floor of one of the apartment uh the department source and there’s all these other brands there uh other than Pokemon there’s uh Bondi and so it’s all Comics comic related and video game related and it’s a secret store it’s not a secret store there’s a huge line up there every day it’s in the middle of Osaka in one of the biggest department stores but they use that secret secret place to get people’s attention there’s nothing secret about it yeah that’s a okay there’s my rant for uh annoying Japan content so okay let’s go back to the uh Main Road and I’m going to go I can take you to the other side of the main street that is also another interesting area I love this doorway here that’s a cool doorway oh this is a nice nice uh doorway here too it’s like Italian restaurant yeah mamor mamor is like a tiger some sort of tiger hello Ursula thanks for coming in okay we’re going to go back to the main road might take you to gon gon what is it Nishi I can’t remember the other Geo district and Micha distri um but there’s all the hostesses there too and they walk with their customers and they’re all drunk so I usually don’t like to go there they don’t want to be seen they don’t want to be filmed so yeah they are yeah yeah and which is H I’m not going to be negative I was going to get get onto R uh but maybe I will uh I noticed that a lot on X lately uh a lot of accounts that are promoted and in my feed are click baity ones like historic vids um that’s one I always get in my feed when it’s not really a historic video it’s just a clickbait video of something that was fairly recent too uh yeah seems like that’s what what’s getting promoted and even worse is that they the replies are people trying to feed off the initial tweet which has gone viral so it’s just a bunch of replies all the same kind of topic which I’m sure you guys all see anyway so I’m just repeating things you already know and I just don’t like that I don’t like seeing that when I open the app I wonder I mean the people that at X must think that they must consider if somebody opens the app and the first thing they see is that that’s the first thing you push to me and I don’t want to see it and it’s a turnoff why why would you push that first I don’t get it I know there’s a 4u tab that’s I I’m I’m sure there’s some setting that I’m missing that the 4 U tab should come sorry I want to get rid of the 4 U Tab and get the following tab only I only want to see the following tab but I don’t think there’s a way to get rid of the 4u uh feed so okay let’s go this way all right there’s a few people standing out here always a nice photo photogenic shot let me zoom out uh so you can there we go there’s probably too much fishy there yeah I still call it Twitter too yeah have to get okay let me go here see all right we’ll go we’ll go that way across the road Bruce Lee hey I didn’t see it was you I was going to do a food testing one tomorrow morning cuz tomorrow’s oh here’s one oh she didn’t come up it’s going to rain tomorrow so that’s why another reason why I broadcast tonight because uh I won’t be able to get out tomorrow morning so okay let’s go across the room I’ll take it to the other on all social X is the worst I can’t help but think yeah I think you’re right Ed I mean yeah you’re right they everyone pushes viral tweets cuz they want people to see the things that uh are most eye-catching or whatever the algorithm thinks is eye-catching but I think there’s a sort of a I think there’s going to be a paradigm shift I don’t know I don’t know if it’s just me but I think there’s going to be a paradigm shift with social media coming soon I’ve heard things like they’re going to ban cell phones in schools uh you know that’s one thing oh there’s a couple of Gish in that taxi I just drove by I can’t help think there’s going to be a paradigm shift yeah not only with social media but Electronics smartphones in general that looks much better I think my lens is a little foggy there I have to clean it okay I’m just waiting for the light to turn all right I should just go this way yeah I’m going to go this way yeah I will personalize it I guess AI is going to change a lot of things hearing yeah reading about AI I was reading a little bit more about it this week just good morning okay thank you Justin thanks for even just checking in I appreciate it yeah reading about Ai and how it’s going to revolutionize medical the medical field um in so many ways but one of them was like personalizing or simulating you an individual person and maybe applying a medication seeing how a medication will affect you uh predicting disease in people that’s amazing too U so yeah so they’ll be able to simulate okay we’ll give you this medicine see how it affects you okay we shouldn’t use that we should use this much hey Pete good morning that’s amazing all the new medical discoveries um and how it’s so much faster than than human research uh yeah it’s just amazing I want to see the world what it’s going to be like in 20 years I heard Ray kerswell I read an article by him in uh Economist magazine and he was talking about some of the effects of AI uh that I just mentioned and it’s pretty pretty interesting very interesting not which is pretty interesting uh world changing so okay we’re going to go a little bit more we’re going to turn left this side is not as friendly there’s a lot of uh scummier people on this side a lot of uh yeah to to be honest uh male and female so but it’s kind of like modern day gisha on this side but I want to take it to uh yeah he he didn’t he didn’t sound too great on Joe Rogan he went on The Joe Rogan show and um he sounded yeah I mean he’s quite he’s quite an you know older man so he was a little bit slower but um it was still he had some nuggets of things that were interesting and he was he wrote that article which was very good I guess if you live give him some time to think yeah he still got it but when he put him on the spot like that and asked him to think quickly uh he just doesn’t have it doesn’t communicate as well in that sense so but yeah some Amazing Ideas though he did have some amazing ideas oh wow that’s cool that’s amazing I want to hear what that sounds like yeah it’s amazing to have a conversation with chat GPT just going on and on and on and seeing what’s the limit I had a quite a long conversation with it uh about simulation Theory I was trying to push it to the edges of that and I I didn’t find any kinks at all I it took me quite far took me to my uh intellectual boundary that’s for sure let’s go down here this is a nice uh little Shrine here in the middle of uh gon oh thanks Pete good morning Barbara hey how’s it going good happy Saturday morning it’s beautiful night here let’s go down here yeah I got it on 1080p we got a great signal I got a new phone and yeah it’s not going to get much better than this so other than me actually filming and uh and uploading that which is not as fun so Connie Connie land Connie Connie land means crab crab land so this crab crab all crab stuff today’s special menu oh that looks good oh sorry let me there we go Z gy yeah I had some great why is the Yen low I don’t know but we should ask chat GPT I’m sure it could tell you I wish there was an AI assistant in this broadcast that would be great it’s very low though very very low um I still use money from overseas to um you know I use money overseas here daily and it’s helped me a lot that’s for damn sure normally it was about one for one with the Canadian dollar uh but now it’s yeah it’s way lower so I bought a computer which was 214,000 y 224,000 Yen which is $1,900 Canadian dollars so you know just maybe 5 years ago that would have been one for one so I would have paid 2,250 bucks so I saved like $350 which is huge that’s a huge savings so well there G Michael coming out of here I’m not going to film her but she’s not in her makeup she’s just coming out of that taxi there yeah so this is where all the hostesses are all the young ladies all dressed up and older men pay money to talk to them but quite a photogenic area like this guy right in front of me he’s got a young one there Japanese are suff well yeah I mean if they’re traveling overseas um yeah I don’t think they’re suffering though but the stock market’s doing well stock market’s doing very well so yeah you know I’m going to take you to the uh the bridge and then from there I’m not sure but it’s on the right here we’re going to go right down this little Street here I’m sure there are places suffering much much more than than us um yeah do believe that the Iraq dinar will re-evaluate soon and make millions no I didn’t know about that hi Zelda Zelda I need to read about that I actually was reading about Iraq today uh in The Economist magazine there’s some great books to read about Iraqi history but I didn’t know about that I’m going to read it that sounds interesting there’s this cute little Shrine too retro Shinto shine no color on this one all very plain yeah this is a cool one I’m going to zoom out and just see when I zoom out though it yeah it gets dark but well thank you I I’m glad you enjoy it for whatever reason there’s a lot of stuff on social media especially a lot of stuff about Japan so if you choose to be here I appreciate it so I don’t do it so often as or as much as I used to so I appreciate that you come in when you do uh cuz I’m not around as much okay I’m going to give you some nice shots of Kyoto at night this is really beautiful here this is the essence of Kyoto here coming up soon I’m overheating a little bit too uh me personally not my camera or my uh equipment so okay I’ll look it up I didn’t know that I heard it’s getting bad there again uh the Isis or whatever they’re called now I think it’s is there’s a Resurgence in the number of deaths every day in Iraq like higher than when that Americans were occupying uh and I don’t know why I think it might have to do with the Resurgence of is again yeah Pete yeah treasury Vault still selling really okay uh you could do other times of year though pach just you definitely could but if that’s what motivates you yeah I can understand uh me too it seems like recently only really special events are what really motivates me there’s something really cool to show but thanks Richard okay we’re going to go across here and I’ll show you the great night scenes of uh guon oh Not Gon uh Sho Sho this is the Khan Sho station gon Sho station and uh yeah I’m going to show you the the bridge heon Sho bridge where they used to put people’s heads who were punished they should do that again to the the bad tourists that’ll keep them away all right here we go lovely shot of the river so these are all the uh patios kauka I think it’s called to on Florida now yeah that’s another thing Pete the heat right it’s happening here too yeah all the people in The Patio eating dinner you can see all the people on the bottom here sitting by the river too nice beautiful Cool Breeze after a very very hot day so me zoom out yeah maybe that’s a little bit better kind of dark but okay let me uh let me go across the bridge bad yeah sure well thanks Richard I appreciate it uh um yeah I haven’t been too motivated but you know one of the things I think about is their ISIS come here to take us I’m worried about what will happen if the two parties to win I hope that does not happen okay sorry I’m going to zoom back out again I think about that sometimes about adapting to Trends and people becoming irrelevant and I think that happened to to me so I don’t know what changed but I just think I needed to do deeper dives into topics and but still be entertaining but that takes a lot of time and a lot of research and a lot of work which I don’t have so I’m just going to kind of wing it I think in order to have adapted I needed to do a lot more work and I just wasn’t willing to do it so does it really where are you passion puppy where are you if I may ask you just generally where are you yeah oh yeah that’s that’s that’s actually quite low I think I did like seven a day sometimes there’s no point doing that many now uh I think both sides of the equation are not as motivated to viewers also so even if I did do seven a day I just would not get the same amount of people I mean it was just a new medium and a lot of people were interested that’s it I don’t even think it was the content I think it was just oh my God look at this this is Pono the other area look at this place this is nuts can’t even walk in there Brooklyn oh okay yeah it’s pretty busy down there don’t even know if I want to go down there yeah I don’t think I will uh did we have a meet up yeah we did yeah it was uh me quo uh Midori and uh oh God few times a week is’s going on YouTube no no visit the koi fish farms yeah all the koi are from up in uh Nagano uh sorry um oh boy what’s the area called not Nagano nigata nigata is where the koi breeding koi started so yeah you need I I I think one even the people on YouTube said if you’re going every day but there are some really big ones who go every day like I watch this one guy he’s like a I don’t watch him actually I subscribe to him but he’s a mandolin he does restoration of mandolins and he goes every day he’s an older guy he sets up in his in his uh workshop and he goes every day oh he’s good yeah I saw him recently he’s doing fine I see him once in a while and he’s doing okay yeah hio yeah right that was the other person who was there hio so there are people who broadcast every day um if you got the following and the content why not if I’m going to do if you’re going to do that every day doing it on on site like IRL it’s just time and money you got to do it at home there’s no way you’re going to do location uh streaming every day no way you got to do it from home you got to do some sit down content and research stuff and talk so there’s no way you’re going to last if you can do location streaming it’s just going to cost you a ton of money uh time if you’re a 20-year-old guy yeah sure and you got the free time you can do it but if you’re not then I don’t know take it down here all right these people are jumping hey quel qu still here yeah he was in here we were talking about him like he’s not here but he was here earlier so oh this is new what’s this the Stardust CL got a palm tree in here I don’t wonder what’s going on here Stardust Club yeah something going on in there this is a yeah you can see the M coming out of here and they can actually hide easier because there’s so many people sometimes yeah it helps them they can blend in easier only people who can see them are the ones behind them or in front of them sometimes the one in front of them don’t even realize cuz they’ll sneak in so yeah it’s only the people behind you behind them who take the the photos so yeah anyways all right you know what I’m overheating and uh I need to cool down so I’m going to stop but uh thanks everybody for coming in it was great to chat with everybody maybe I’ll do some tomorrow morning I don’t know I’m going to try and do uh if I can find some stuff at the store I’ll do sample of uh food tomorrow and if I can find some new stories to talk about too I might do it that so yeah I’m in Pon now quo I moved here actually you know what sometimes you can go down here and go get out of this narrow area which is I’m going to look for that if I can escape I’m going to do that okay I’m going to try and Escape down one of these lanes and get out of this uh I’m getting kind of claustrophobic here yeah here we go oh no it’s not it’s not is it no it’s not thank you thank you everybody great to see everybody again if you’re watching on the replay thanks for watching and we’ll try and stream again next weekend or maybe even tomorrow have a great week or a great weekend thank you so much for your time and I hope to see you again bye for now


  1. Excellent clarity, for video. So funny you mention Canadian money ( everything is so expensive in England my Canadian $ is my spending money).

  2. The busses in Kyoto are definitely crowded but it encourages walking which is good for longevity. 😂

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