
One Full Day in Tokyo – What to do?! | Japan Part 1| Kinny & JJ

We are starting a tour of Japan in Tokyo, where we only have 1 day to explore the city before going to our next destination. Come along with us as we travel to Tokyo, navigate the train system, explore Tsukiji Fish Market, immerse ourselves in Teamlab Planets, eat at the Kill Bill restaurant, and do a food tour in Shinjuku.

We will provide some lessons learned about traveling and the Haneda Airport, and give some advice on Japanese etiquette.

#japan #tokyo2024 #teamlabplanets #tsukijimarket #killbill #3dcat

Hotel: JR Blossom Hotel, Shinjuku
Tour: Izakaya Food Tour in Shinjuku with @ninjafoodtours2841
Visited on the food tour:
Golden Gai
Omoide Yokocho
Nihoshu Genka
Tonkatsu Niimura

Welcome to Tokyo Japan where the streets are bustling where art technology and Imagination Collide from street food to local Delicacies we are on a mission to see as many parts of Tokyo as we can in one day so come along with us as we explore this fascinating City [Music] [Music] as I like to do with all of our travel video series I want to first talk about our journey getting to Tokyo but if you just interested in what we did while we were there feel free to skip ahead we are walking to the Admiral’s Lounge yeah with only our carryon luggage that’s all we’re bringing to Japan you heard that right we’re trying to get better at packing light so for this 12-day trip we are only bringing two backpacks and one small rolling carry-on [Applause] suitcase the overall flight time to get to Japan was 18 1/2 hours but because we used airline miles to book our tickets there were no direct flights available so we had to have two layovers the first one in Raleigh the second one in La by the time we got to LA it was 10:00 p.m. and our flight to Japan was not leaving until 1:00 a.m. for any long call flight like this one to Japan which is going to take 12 hours we always use our airline miles to buy business class tickets just for the live flat seats while this particular flight did not offer much privacy the ability to sleep is a real game Cher when you’re traveling and want to make the most of your time at your [Music] destination the food on the flight was delicious and this was our first time trying a Japanese breakfast there are two airports in Tokyo we opted to fly into Han airport because it’s a little closer to the main parts of the city so we could start exploring immediately we arrived 4:30 a.m. just as the sun was Rising because we pre-filled out our customs and immigration paperwork through the visit Japan site and made getting through immigrations of Breeze but but we were about to experience our first challenge how to get a sua card well there’s also the tourist information center with ask right hereos no back there back there back there is the tourist commiss center let’s just walk and see eventually we found the Suka and the pasmo kiosks since there’re seem to be no maps to show where sua and pasmo are located in Hana Terminal 3 I’m going to try to show you after going through your last baggage checkpoint continue through the main Reception Area continue past the information center and then the sua kiosk will be on your left side and pass mod will be on your right and Suka doesn’t open until 5:00 a.m. to fill your sua card you typically need Yin I was surprised to find out that you actually can use a credit card when you first buy your welcome WEA card what is a sua card anyway well it’s a refillable card that you can use to get on trains and Subways throughout Japan you can also use it at 7-Eleven some restaurants vending machines and taxis now time for our Second Challenge navigating the Tokyo train system if you’ve ever visited any city with a train or subway system the Tokyo system is very similar it’s just much much bigger we learned through multiple YouTube videos that Google Maps is the best way to navigate the train system if you just put in your two and from location the map will tell you exactly which train to get on and even which train car to get in once on the train platform we double checked our phone against the boards just to confirm we were in the right spot and we were by 5:15 a.m. we were on our way to our first stop the skii outer Market which is known as Japan’s food town because it’s part of a fish market it’s one of the few places in Tokyo that opens at 5:00 a.m. and getting there actually gives you a great advantage to beat the crowds overall our train journey to get there would take about 45 minutes which is a great segue into getting around Tokyo the city is huge think twice as big as New York city so getting from one part of the city to the next can take an hour or more so make sure that you take that into account when planning out your day one getting to the market stop we dropped off our bags in a coin locker and would pick our bags back up later in the day on the way to our hotel lockers like these can be found all over the city so you can experience places like skije Market WorryFree at the market we met up with our friend Katie who you might remember from some of our other videos Katie will be joining us on the rest of our travel across Japan our first food stop was to try Japanese omelette it’s basically a thin layer of egg in a rectangular pan that is folded on top of itself to make a log and it’s brushed with sweet buttery sauce my first interaction in Japan despite watching all the videos about Japanese etiquette I still did the wrong thing you’re always supposed to exchange money on the little tray and not pass it from your hand suing my S I’ll try to do better next time The Omelette was delicious it was kind of like eggs and maple syrup next up was a Kobe beef skew with sea urant and a beer next up was a sushi stand that typically has lines around the building and now I know why because we got a selection of tuna we had a lean tuna a fatty tuna and a very fatty tuna and it was the best sushi that I have ever had last I was so excited to try strawberry cream Mochi and I will have to say I was not a fan it was very chewy after grabbing a quick Macha it was time for us to go to our next destination team Labs planets an immersive art experience where you walk Barefoot through water and garden exhibits blurring the perception of boundaries between yourself and art it’s better if I just show you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] up the flow that it would welcome you there are two different team lab experiences at different locations Planet which is the one that we visited and borderless if you’re interested in either you should buy a timed entry ticket in advance we got ours about a month out around 11:30 we moved to our next destination which was gachi also known as the Kill Bill restaurant while you may recognize this restaurant from the movie Kill Bill the movie was not actually filmed in this zekiah however it did serve as the inspiration for the House of Blue leaves in Quint Tarantino’s 2004 film it’s a popular spot for both tourist and locals we did not make reservations and luckily we didn’t have any trouble getting a table there were menus available in both Japanese and English and if you happen to get a table upstairs be sure to take your shoes off before getting into the booth we finished lunch around 1:30 and made the 36-minute commute to Shin jinku [Music] station Shin jinku had the most people that I ever seen in one spot that was not a concert [Music] somehow we managed to navigate through the train station with a detour to look at the 3D cat and visit Godzilla before checking into our hotel the Jr [Music] Blossom the room itself was small but comfortable didn’t really have any good views but it did have a very nice bathroom and of course with the Japanese bedet the hotel was also very Ada accessible we rested for about an hour before going on to our next adventure a shin jinku food tour our fantastic guide Max took us down amod yokoo a maze of narrow alleyways that’s packed with historic eateries the restaurants are tiny fitting only a handful of people at a counter and it’s a very authentic Japanese dining [Music] experience after trying a few small food samples we came to our first sitdown restaurant to try some traditional Japanese sushi [Music] dishes I’m trying out the tuna first taking just a little bit of sauce not too much not take the Bonito flip take a little bit of Ginger not too much little bit of the scallion little bit of pistachio ice cream I inan Wasabi in thank you y my pleasure yep dig in guys Max also taught us the right way to drink Saki and I haven’t mentioned throughout this video but today is actually John’s birthday so we had a little bit of a celebration for him after a very long day in Tokyo we were beat so we went to bed but don’t worry our journey is not over we have 11 more days throughout Japan so stay tuned for more Adventures our next stop will be kazala where we’ll learn how to navigate the shin Consin to get there we’ll try our very first Bento Box we’ll visit a samurai Village and we’ll get to experience a beautiful garden with some unexpected [Music] music own luggage that’s all we’re bringing to Japan and John’s come a trip I always dropped my whole bag that’s a video

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