Japan Photos

Adashino Nenbutsuji, Kyoto

Adashino Nenbutsuji, Kyoto

by -Satsujinn-

1 Comment

  1. -Satsujinn-

    Adashino Nenbutsuji – A Buddhist temple built on the outskirts of Kyoto to honour the nameless dead. It was built in an area where people used to abandon bodies of those who couldn’t afford funerals or had no next of kin etc.

    When I took this shot, I didn’t know that you weren’t supposed to photograph the main area. There are over 8000 “Jizo” statues there, which each get a lit candle during a festival in August – I imagine that looks amazing!

    There’s a little bamboo grove towards the rear, similar to the one in Arashiyama only without the crowds. The path through it led through to another graveyard which we soon realised was for all the children who had been left in the area.

    It’s a strange place. On the one hand it’s full of sorrow for these poor nameless souls, and on the other hand it feels like there’s a strong sense of togetherness.

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