
Japan Travel Q&A | (LIVE STREAM) #japantravel #japantrip #itinerary

For a great Japan trip planning is a crucial part to make everything go smoothly! So, Letā€™s talk planning tips and essential answers to your questions!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everyone welcome ah welcome to ninja hey monkey I hope you all having a great great great great um Sunday or Monday or wherever youā€™re from just wanted to remind you of a few things you want to check out a few things first of all I want to make sure that you can hear me and that everything is running sort of smoothly and I think that the microphoneā€™s on and everything should be running smoothly but just want to remind you of a few things number one and that is that if you want to if you have a question this is the question first sort of live stream thatā€™s why itā€™s a Q&A after all um if you have a question then at ninja monkey or write question or something like that so that I can see that itā€™s a question I will be prioritizing those of you who are members of the channel the those of you who are patrons and obviously super chats um go a long way and guys this I have one Tokyo banana left what does that mean that means that thereā€™s only one stream left um next week and then Iā€™ll be in Japan Iā€™ll be traveling Japan for 6 weeks where Iā€™ll be bringing you to the streets of Japan live on my second channel the happy Guin so make sure that you head over to the Happy gin and you subscribe over there too show your support on that channel too um Iā€™m going to be hopefully um launching some memberships for that channel in the next few days before I go to Japan anyway uh Iā€™m actually sick obviously it always happens right the just before going on a trip hey Jim Ross M thank you so much just before going on a trip my tonsils are like this and Iā€™m actually going to be off work my doctor told me to rest the next few days so hey anyway letā€™s get to it and let me just quickly add Jim to the support wall thanks Jim [Music] awesome and um thank you thank you so much letā€™s get started all right so anony Moreno is in the house hey hey hey hey hey how you doing how Bojo pigeon only one and a half days till you leave to Japan well I have like eight days or nine days before I go to Japan and I am ready well my suitcase is over there not quite ready hi all from cooling Australia 16Ā° 5 a.m. 5:30 a.m. early start Gumi thanks for being here so early on a Monday for you EO Japan travel how are you doing thanks for joining us here on this um this live stream I hope youā€™re doing well Tommy how you doing awesome ikim Mas letā€™s go hey Michelle H hello from from Chicago Tommy Tran um letā€™s see wal crab hello from Denver Colorado another person from Colorado there somebody earlier I think from Colorado howy Nathan and monkey crew indeed we are all a bunch of monkey monkeys on here monkey crew hey man with no life from Sweden um no question so far just lots of Hells it tends to be the case because we all sort of know each other um hi from Birmingham hey saica hey how you doing SAA got my extra P trip scheduled for 2 weeks in October bonus something to look forward to and loud and clear yep we can hear yes you can hear awesome Iā€™m glad the Sunday treatment meeting for Japan obsessed individuals actually um Jim I wanted to Showcase a gift that Jim gave me when I was in Japan I met Jim and he gave me these pins which are really cool and I havenā€™t forgotten I do want to put them somewhere um cuz theyā€™re very special to me and Iā€™m Iā€™m going to put them somewhere in in my um main Studio once um the weather cools down cuz at the moment I had to move here cuz itā€™s just so freaking hot and this is the only moove air conditioning so do do I think the Yen will hit two two what itā€™s already hit two pound over two two2 200 yen to the pound over so itā€™s 203 itā€™s crazy just arrived back from Japan and already having the blues World Danny be this is the right place for you this is what itā€™s itā€™s itā€™s become itā€™s become canā€™t wait for you to go to Japan 6 weeks yep I canā€™t wait to to um show showcase um Japan I have my um eim at the ready 500 gabes eim special edition Sakura mobile eim specially made for me thank you Sakura mobile for being so nice to me um and Iā€™ve got a feeling that Iā€™m going to run out of data and Iā€™m Iā€™m then going to have to um purchase some additional data what say hit the the 100 gigabytes which I reckon would probably happen around the halfway mark of the trip which is kind of crazy Iā€™m not very sure but Iā€™ve been Iā€™ve been hearing all sorts of rumors about the Yen Iā€™m not the kind of person that likes to to speculate because I donā€™t like um giving false hope to people you know heal up fast yeah itā€™s viral I went to the doctor today and she looked into my mouth and sheā€™s like oh your tonsils are so big but itā€™s viral so no antibiotics for me hey jird how you doing Japan Japan itchy ban is in the house also for anybody who doesnā€™t know who he is he is um has an awesome Facebook page check him out on Facebook for some inspiration also rank how are you doing right I think thereā€™ll be lots of people in October um question any new updates or changes on your 14-day itinerary video I think my 14-day itinerary video would probably stay the same um because it does take you away from the Golden Triangle and I think that recently my more common advice my new new advice Iā€™ve been thinking about this a lot I think that people want to do the Golden Triangle of of Kyoto Tokyo and Osaka itā€™s going to happen you know you cannot expect PE people especially first timers to go to Japan and not do the Golden Triangle itā€™s just just one of those things however my advice has sort of shifted recently the last few weeks has shifted to do if youā€™re traveling to Japan set 40% of your trip between 30 and 40% of your trip outside of the Golden Triangle to have a successful nice Japan trip so if youā€™re going for two weeks then spend you know 30 40% of your trip making sure that youā€™re not in Tokyo that youā€™re not in Osaka and then youā€™re not in Kyoto and um I think that that twoe itinery sort of hits hits that that sort of um percentage so lots of travel channels here today I can see Iā€™d have to go back is it worth it just for a week or should I wait next year for two weeks well it depends if you can do one week this year and two weeks next year then itā€™s definitely worth it uh obviously this is my big trip six weeks itā€™s a long long trip and thatā€™s when I travel a lot of Japan Iā€™ll be all over the place 14 different hotels countless different places Okinawa kushu etc etc etc um when I travel for a shorter amount of time like a week I usually try to to stay put in one place maybe do an overnight um somewhere um I enjoy my one week trips but it depends on your what you like hey Anthony Moreno whatā€™s the best Hidden Gem bar youā€™ve been to like something of the beaten path like a bar like gem bar um there is so easy to find gem bars to be honest youā€™re talking about Tokyo you can go to so many thereā€™s so many zakay and so many bars I think that that um part of the charm is just getting lost and finding something thatā€™s unique to you and thereā€™s only one or two that I go back to one of them is um is near hamro station um Diamond station and I actually did a short with some information itā€™s just a really friendly bar and for me personally itā€™s off the beaten path in the sense that itā€™s itā€™s itā€™s a a bar that I went to zakaya that I went to on my very first trip to Japan and I sort of go back as a result of having those sort of like um memories but um in terms of bars there are so many that um what what is hidden nowadays I donā€™t know hey youā€™ll be there first Iā€™ll be there too also Jay is a green car worth getting on the in Cen um depends on how much money you want to spend and personally I think that it can be a worthwhile um a worthwhile investment depending on the route for example between Tokyo and Osaka which can be and Kyoto which can be quite a um a busy train going and getting seats on the green car can actually be a little bit easier and can actually give you better better options um in terms of of finding seats at the times that you want and obviously far more comfortable hey SE thank you so much for that have you traveled between fukoka and Busan in South Korea thinking about going by ferry to Busan next year and man with no life I have not I have been to both places individually separately in different trips um fukoka I actually I went to both places on the same trip however I flew from from um from hushu I flew to um what was it from Shoku I canā€™t remember but I flew to Saul the capital of of South Korea and then I got a train down to Busan and I loved Busan so Iā€™ve never done that but I totally recommend Busan Busan was a pretty cool City and thank you so much man with no life let me just add you to the list Iā€™m not sure oh just about awesome letā€™s see Travel Channel totally worth it says six weeks of Japan sounds so good Iā€™m looking forward to it itā€™s going to be good and Iā€™ve going to 500 gigabytes gigabytes gigabytes gigabytes 100 gabes what 100 gabes um yeah 6 weeks sounds good it is good have you traveled between F and in South Korea about going by to next year you know like pacing myself and Iā€™ve actually started pacing myself now so put it this way I already have three videos that are scheduled for the next 6 weeks every two weeks there was a video that Iā€™ve already filmed edited and I just need to sort of work on the on the thumbnail um so thereā€™ll be one coming out this weekend and then after this weekend um thatā€™s when I when I start flying off to Japan on next Tuesday actually not this Tuesday the following um so thereā€™ll be a a a video this this Saturday Friday Saturday and then after that thereā€™ll be a video scheduled every two weeks whilst Iā€™m in Japan and that means that I can actually be in Japan and not have to worry about um filming anything specific or better I said I donā€™t have to worry about editing anything once Iā€™m in Japan um so I am pacing myself that way Iā€™ve worked very very hard the last month in the leadup to this trip so that I can actually do that and um and Iā€™m Iā€™m looking forward to sharing those videos thereā€™s one video that Iā€™ve got three quarters filmed and I need to finish filming over there and it wonā€™t be too much work itā€™s semi edited but um yeah you can look forward to to content from me whilst Iā€™m in Japan every two every two weeks instead of every week which is my normal schedule obviously um I need to pce myself other than that I will be going Live Hope every Sunday Monday similar to this but obviously on a different time and but I want to keep it to the same same schedule I want to keep the live stream on ninja monkey um going itā€™s just going to be a different time and I will be I will be um um streaming very very often on Happy gin so if youā€™re interested in watching me live from the streets of Japan was I travel through all sorts of different places then Happy gin is your place hey thumbs up everyone please just returned from Japan a week ago our trip was simply amazing thanks for all your tips and advice which held us tremendously thank you Iā€™m Iā€™m glad that my my tips oh let me put it a little bit better Iā€™m glad that our tips because itā€™s itā€™s a team effort here like the monkey crew like so many call so many of you call us the monkey crew um itā€™s a itā€™s a team effort weā€™re here to help each other and Iā€™m glad that um the advice has has helped you so thatā€™s what I want this channel to be I want this channel to be the number one toan planning Channel and um itā€™s not there but hopefully in the future I know Philipe is crazy and and against the pound is crazy howo meet up I have to check on the Discord but if itā€™s on actual Halloween then I wonā€™t be able to make it the Halloween day or the Halloween night Iā€™m got to figure out itā€™s completely um itā€™s a itā€™s a Content Creation Day for me um Iā€™ll be follow Iā€™ll be meeting other content creators in um in Tokyo and I cannot actually meet anyone or commit to anything on that day so it just depends on the day maybe we can play around with dates does your Japanese te plan allow you to do mobile hotspot the upsite of poke WiFi was being able to run a second device Iā€™m not very sure see rules youā€™d have to check directly with um with um with Sakura mobile like I said I promote Sakura mobile because they are good to me and theyā€™re good to you and theyā€™re a good product to promote but when it comes to technical stuff Iā€™m not techn technical um you know Iā€™m not tech services for Sakura mobile question have you planned to return from e um Shima via the luxury Shima Kaz train so good Iā€™m looking at that Iā€™ll be looking at that in the next few days I have it um I have it um bookmarked with an alarm because those tickets havenā€™t gone out on sale for for my dates yet So the plan is yes kind of letā€™s see any good ninja samurai museums that should be in my list to see interesting ninja and some museums I think that if you go to to um aatu youā€™ll find a lot of um like like ninja and Samurai sort of stuff if youā€™re interested in that but not off the top of my head to be honest what was the moment when you discover Japan is a great place you know Iā€™ve be thinking about this interestingly I think that um it was probably the this is going to sound weird and insane but I remember my very first trip to Japan and Iā€™ve said this many times the first time I went to Japan I went on a twoe organized tour with a guide and another four 13 or 12 people or whatever it was and we traveled around Japan um and when that tour ended I stayed in Japan by myself an extra week or just under a week I think it was on my own in Tokyo and from Tokyo I did some day trips on my own to hakone M Fuji etc etc etc on my own and I think that the it was actually when I when two things hit me and that was when I was finally on my own in um my tour group had left and iā€™ stayed an extra week and I think that that week made me realize how um how I had sort of been doing it all wrong my whole life by trying to depend on on other people there were many things that I think that I never did because people just either were too busy to do them or the dates didnā€™t coincide with the dates that worked for me or people were just not interested in the same things as me and therefore I just never got them done and that week made me realize hey you know like you the world is your oyster or whatever the the saying is you can do whatever you want you donā€™t need other people to to um to do anything in in in life obviously if you want to do things with others itā€™s fun and Iā€™ve done lots of trips with friends and and itā€™s always been fun this time round Iā€™m going to Japan the very first week Iā€™m going to be spending it with friends from home so donā€™t get me wrong but what Iā€™m saying is that if you have a mission and you have something to do something that you want to do then go and do it donā€™t donā€™t wait for others because you might be waiting forever and it might never happen and I think that was a moment when I discovered and I discovered that in Japan and I discovered on my way back from from Japan back home at the airport leaving Japan I think thatā€™s when I discovered that Japan was a great place leaving Japan thinking I want to stay longer I want to come back letā€™s see have I climbed M Fuji yes I have and I even have a um video about it itā€™s an old video 2018 I think it was maybe 2017 um and I used uh um I think I booked everything via Willer travel which they also do all the expressway um sort of like um passes and stuff and what I liked about using a guide and I know some people do it on their own I Iā€™ve got lots of friends have done it on their own but what I like about doing it through a travel company was that they organized for me my my um my hiking boots they organize for me my my hiking gear they organize the h reservation they basically organized everything and I it meant that I didnā€™t have to worry or carry any unnecessary um gear equipment to me to Japan hey thank you so much ah see Sid how you doing let me just add you to the to the wall Iā€™m not very sure what 200 what even that that currency is but I appreciate it was planning a kushu and tohoku for my second trip but my friends wanted to tag along because of my first trip experience so I Iā€™m stuck again with a golden route because it will be their first time well you know what Iā€™ve been in the same position as you said and um I went to Japan and one of my friends said I want to go to Japan because they theyā€™d heard and theyā€™d seen my photos and my videos and I said right okay you can you can come to Japan but Iā€™m not doing the golden rout I mean Iā€™ll do Kyoto wasu in for my second Tri but my friends wanted to tag along because my first trip experience so I am stuck again with the golden route because it will be their first time explored at that time and thatā€™s what I did and that those were my terms for them basically and ultimately I think that it worked really well because I love Kyoto I love Tokyo and then I got to see um um experience kushu with with my friend um who hadnā€™t been to Japan so thanks for that comment trying to get to all of your your com your questions Iā€™m going to now focus on questions um first okay 19 months oh my god seriously [ __ ] I appreciate your friend ship and your support for the many months itā€™s crazy to think that um you know probably I donā€™t know how how long ago how many years ago you came on on the chat and said hey Iā€™m Japan Japan ban awesome thanks for your support dude watching Nathan on the streets of Japan sound like talking channel itā€™s okay you could talk me just not in real life back of the clay how you doing question um Nathan and wonder I see a lot of restaurants serve crab in Osaka saporo what is so special about crab in Japan is it is taste recipe price thank you caros I think that like many things in Japan things in Japan are just incredibly fresh and very very very seasonal so it will most definitely be taste and um and and freshness the worst part of Japan is leaving Japan exactly and thatā€™s thatā€™s when I realized how much I love Japan will the new year notes coming soon will it be awkward using the old notes for ticket machines Etc actually they think will be the other way around I think that what will happen is that there will be quite a long transition period where um some of the the vending machines and ticket machines might not necessarily be be um um updated to use the new notes from what Iā€™ve been reading um how however Iā€™ve also read that as a result of this transition to the new notes a lot of places are moving on to using a cash not a cashless like credit card or sua payment um solution so yeah and the O notes will remain valid exactly as Japan Jaan it says oh my God seven years ago flipping heck you know that um Mount Fuji video seven years ago you I look at it now and I think oh my God I would do so differently everything about that video I would do so differently in fact I was I Iā€™ve been um cataloging all my footage because believe it or not this is um one of the lifelines of this channel is that I have such a crazy collection of footage from the last 10 years of traveling through Japan that Iā€™ve been um cataloging all the footage very slowly and I have all that footage raw footage from seven years ago and I was so tempted to re-edit it into into a a Mount Fuji climbing video that that could actually give it a little bit more more life but thereā€™s so many other projects that I need to do and thereā€™s so many videos out there for from M Fuji where can you buy Tokyo bananas in bu in bul I think you could buy them maximum I think itā€™s a pack of 16 and um where could you buy them at the you could buy them at a lot of the major stations in um in Tokyo will sell them I know that I found them in weno station um or you can also find them in um to station you can find them in basement um you know like stores you can also find them at the airport my last too banana you know that Iā€™ve been counting down my trip via Tokyo bananas and I thought I had to I must have sneakily eaten a Tokyo banana because thereā€™s supposed to be one for this for this um live show thereā€™s supposed to be one more for the last live show and I donā€™t know where it is maybe itā€™s somewhere in the freezer Iā€™ll have to look again is it expensive eating the poisonous Blowfish delicacy the the the Blowfish um it can be expensive but I you know it depends on what quantities and how itā€™s served up to you and where you buy it oh itā€™s a rupee okay the voice over is distracting sorry I hopefully itā€™s very short um voice over super chats are readed alloud whilst you speak really okay how do I how do I fix this um maybe it will be fix it now maybe Iā€™ve taken a setting off Mark G good evening good evening good evening I hope outside sober shop vending machines donā€™t disappear Iā€™ll have buy the meal before I walk in and getting those little tickets I donā€™t think theyā€™re going to disappear at all I think theyā€™re just going to be updated um to either fully some of these um like Ramen sober sort of like shop vending machines where you like you me mention you buy the ticket before some of them Iā€™ve been reading are been are they have chosen to update their their methods to actually not accept coin to go completely um contactless so theyā€™re only supporting credit card like weay or whatever and um and um s so so those will still still exist Cai are you into these DIY comining drinks like ice coffee and smoothies hell yes absolutely yes yes yes those you were to take the glass pay for it and then go to the machine are they tasty yes they are they are surprisingly I mean to be honest I sometimes find myself Gra sometimes no very often find myself especially now in the summer grabbing a um a ice latte from from um 7eleven or wherever laon or whatever from the from the from the machine from the freezer section paying for it and then getting my ice latte tell you a funny story of how Japan is so strict with um rules cuz there was once a time that I bought a large cup for my ice latte right a large cap for my ice latte and when I went to I paid for it obviously you pay for it and then you go to the machine and when I went to the machine I noticed that the ice latte button the large was was taped over and there was something in Japanese which I guess you know said like sold out or not working or whatever but the medium was was there so I I I called the attendant over to you know to sort of say you know like whatā€™s going on you know blah blah blah and and then she sort of explained no no no no itā€™s broken itā€™s whatever and I I said okay itā€™s okay Iā€™ll just use a me the medium and she looked at me and she was like no no no no you cannot you cannot get a med Iā€™m like itā€™s okay I donā€™t mind if itā€™s less coffee um I really donā€™t mind but she was like no no no like you cannot put a medium coffee in a large cap no no that that that is no no like she literally wouldnā€™t let me she wouldnā€™t let me and she made me go she gave me my money back and then she made me um she gave me a medium a medium um cup which was ridiculous because at the end of the day it was just wasteful to get rid of that large cup that um I never used anyway thatā€™s an example of sometimes Japan being Japan um Iā€™ve never seen them sold as singles but they do sell them in fours is the minimum is four I think I should try scuba diving in Okinawa Iā€™m going to be um doing some snorkling thatā€™s for sure um Iā€™m not very sure about scuba diving you never know do you need a physical scer card to add one to your Apple wallet thereā€™s a digital only version you do not you can actually just go to the to the um Apple you can go to the wallet app on the iPhone then you can go to the little plus button in the top right corner then you can go to Transit cards and you can choose Japan you can choose a IC card that you want to add and for example you can you can probably add op pasmo or you can add eoka or you can add um Suka for example and then just top it up once topped it up with Apple pay it becomes active you just need to be aware that between I think itā€™s mid midnight and 4 in the morning Japan time um the service is down and even if you try to top up with a with a with a um with a card thatā€™s accepted it just wonā€™t wonā€™t work which catches a lot of people off off guard um I know that some people have had some issues with Visa or MasterCard I think was Visa um Iā€™ve never had any problems I use my revolute or my wise and um I I use my Apple pay wise revolute cards to top up my suer no problem you donā€™t need to download uh an app or anything literally you donā€™t need a swka app you all you need is to go to the wallet app which is built into your iPhone those ticket machines are getting better some automatically send your order to the kitchen now cool I thought thatā€™s pretty cool by the way havenā€™t seen a new 2,000 year note so the existing one will become sort after Rarities yet there is no no new 2,000 year note at all um they will be as rare as they have always been although Iā€™ve never found them as rare because Iā€™ve always come across them quite often this movie was good I didnā€™t know how to do it the 7 7-eleven shop guy did it for you okay question do you live in Japan or are you a Ser Japan trist as some of my colleagues I do not live in Japan I am a professional Japan tourist thatā€™s how I like to label myself a professional Japan tourist a lot of people think Iā€™m in Japan so 11 cups are highly regulated and accounted for by the franchise the owners usually instruct the workers to account for every single cup yeah but it doesnā€™t make a difference because I would have literally used the cup the large cup but I would have just pressed the medium button and filled it up 3/4 of the way anyway thereā€™s a problem with s and Apple pay with card sub types Iā€™ve never had any problems ever ever ever ever um I hear some people in the USA have problems um but like I said I get around any problem by using um Apple pay sweet cart or revolute Nathan is not a seral Jaan tourist heā€™s the seral Japan tourist scary Carlos Rodriguez any advice on how to choose an echy B besides checking its aspect and content gracias um I think that when it comes to an iyan most of them will have like a a plastic display version of the iyan E Ben where youā€™ll be able to see what there is inside there just depends there are so many choices ekin that it just depends on what you fancy what tickles your fancy that day me at all of the time now I actually end up buying stuff from cominis and taking them on the train rather than getting an EP an eky Ben not an epip Ben eken um ento and um there are some times that I do get the the really cool ones where you pull the the string and it Heats itself up those are always really cool I have no idea but usually um when it comes to Japanese Japanese um like cemeteries and Japanese sort of like um for example I know that in inasan which is a very famous cemetery has a has a very famous um graveyard cemeter um there are lots of really important people that people actually go to visit so I wouldnā€™t see that as a as a bad thing except for maybe itā€™s kind of recent Iā€™m not very sure to be honest I I wouldnā€™t advise you to unless you do some good research before I do live in Japan in my heart have I used cooling pads and pack solding communis in your pockets during summer visits hell yes very often um but usually I use them to stick them to my phone to keep my phone cool in the summer so thatā€™s what I do when Japanese people go from saying wow your Japanese is so good to asking how long have you been lived in Japan it feels like a graduation point for you I mean my Japanese isnā€™t as good to get any reaction like that question trip end of August 10 days there we actually prefer warmer weather wow we talked 3 days 142 days Canada today sounds nice already toyoto Osaka Nara Area 3 days does that sound realistic um yeah obviously you need to take into account where youā€™re flying out from thatā€™s the only thatā€™s my only issue that Iā€™m seeing there if youā€™re starting in Tokyo and ending in Tokyo then it might not be realistic with that sort of um time frame um but yeah be a little bit rushed maybe and I would say that when you stay in Kyoto Osaka Nara just you use one as a base so you donā€™t move around so for example you could side if you stay in Kyoto then you can travel to Osaka orara from Kyoto if you stay in Osaka you can you can travel to um Kyoto onara from Osaka for example is my tip there the heatup echy bands are awesome Iā€™ve used them a few times um if you go to my I think I did a Matsumoto um Vlog maybe on mppy gin and and I use it there it was pretty cool how I just have with operate in Tokyo about midnight how like can you go bar hopping in juk until you need to catch the last train back and thereā€™s lo I mean usually thereā€™s lots of places that will remain open um pretty much till the early hours of the night and yes you probably want to avoid expensive cab rides one way for you to sort of like make that extra time for whatever reason you need you have um extra time to to um to sort of use up whilst youā€™re waiting for the first train which is usually 4: or 4:30 in the morning is to do karaoke a lot of karaoke places will remain open Carlos I think that pretty much everything in Japan right now is going to be cheaper than Europe as a result of the cheap Y and also as a result of getting your tax free so automatically itā€™s going to be 10% cheaper just because of the tax and then the Yen any questions let me see if I missed anything out Iā€™m going to put the airon a little bit trying to sort out my air conditioning so that itā€™s pointing at me cuz itā€™s kind of warm right now all right I put it higher am I get a little bit noisy Epic pen yeah thatā€™s why eky Ben EpiPen eky Ben has another meaning now yeah I havenā€™t seen I havenā€™t seen frog lady for a while actually coming to think of it I hope everything is okay with froggy H itā€™s very warm here in duola and um you know that the latest news is well not the latest news but sort of like the recent news has been that um the rainy season started two weeks late the question is when will it end um because Iā€™ve been looking at the weather forecast it looks like itā€™s going to be raining on and off which is quite common I think for the beginning of the trip although last year I went to Japan and it rained one day out of the six weeks I was in Japan one day um and that was including me escaping a typhoon so how many places would you have to visit to justify buying a Jr pass um I think itā€™s not so much about how many places itā€™s about how often you need to use it rather than how how many places and I think that youā€™d pretty much have to use it every other day to make it worth your your your time and your money aan is still the king I think Iā€™ve been four times in 14 months heā€™s been more than me in 14 months I donā€™t know probably I donā€™t know five six times I donā€™t know you fly to saporo on Saturday and I need to find a sports bar that will be open at 1:00 a.m. on Sunday for the English England game as we are scra through yes well down England um yeah I have no idea when it comes to sports bars in in um sapuro how I researched any food ahead of my trip no I havenā€™t at the moment Iā€™m living on a on a on a sort of like get my first week or two weeks sort of planned and then whil Iā€™m in Japan Iā€™m aiming to sit down at a coffee shop slow down and then plan obviously I have my my R itiner and all the tickets and hotels booked but what Iā€™m saying is that Iā€™ve got the first two weeks planned know what Iā€™m going to do what Iā€™m going to see and then whilst Iā€™m in Japan Iā€™ll work on the next two weeks um and thatā€™s how Iā€™m going to do it cuz it is 6 weeks you know and and I like to sort of be a little bit flexible also having your hotels and having your your having your hotels and having your you know knowing flight if you have flights is crucial you can get four 7 14 or 21 day pass and an Moreno you got to remember that also there are Regional passes that are worth looking into and for example Iā€™m going to be using a kushu um Regional um pass uh all kushu regional pass and thatā€™s going to be worth it for me hello does Shin Canan platform Chang last minute in Tokyo usually no usually usually the the shansen will go to the same platform in fact so much so that um on the Platforms in Tokyo or in any shinkansen station really you will find markings on the floor for the train um the cart number and um and the the name of the shin Canen so you know exactly where que up where to que up in advance yeah maybe the hab might be good which island Iā€™m going to be in ishigaki ishigaki Island and then from migaki Island thereā€™s another Island next to it which Iā€™m hoping to do like a day trip too will I be trying snake whiskey in Okinawa why not why not I mean Iā€™ve tried all sorts of snake drinks in the past and Scorpion stuff in the past so um so I am those things I will try watch live I probably end up eating horse again I was really disappointed of the ra season weā€™ve been in Japan almost the whole June and we had only three days of rain local Japanese told us that it was unusually hot and dry by June Everythingā€™s changed now it was two weeks late so you they fooled you who spam musabi and the other varieties the special okina alcohol Okinawa SOA Goya champo yeah ok now although I have to say that ok now I am making sure that I really really just go with the flow um itā€™s a kind of place that itā€™s just after my birthday and I want itā€™s sort of like a treat to myself a celebrating 10 years of traveling around Japan sort of treat and hopefully the weather will be good hopefully there wonā€™t be any typhoons around that time CU you know there lots of things can happen but um yeah on other interesting news Iā€™ve actually booked myself randomly very last minute because I was supposed to be hanging out with another YouTuber um for a chunk for quite a big chunk um of of my trip like a good six days I think it was and they are no longer available theyā€™re traveling somewhere so um which is unfortunate because I told them my dates but hey um theyā€™re traveling elsewhere and I actually booked a hotel near where they live in the area where they live and I donā€™t want to stay in that area because itā€™s not an area that Iā€™m interested in staying I was only staying there for convenience and um and anyway so theyā€™re not going to be there and I was able to cancel that that hotel um and instead I B myself into the robot hotel that um that robot hotel that yeah so that was random I wasnā€™t expecting that maybe things work out for the for the better that way Iā€™m sure itā€™s just like regular whiskey Iā€™m not a big whiskey Drinker Iā€™m not a fan of whiskey but hey no problem tahara if I go to ishigaki you must try diving itā€™s a place to dive in Okinawa I mean Iā€™m going to go to phantom phantom Island snorkling um weā€™ll see I mean I live in a very good diving spot and I donā€™t dive here and people travel all around the world to come diving where I where I live so so and I have plenty of friends who dive who have tried to get me to dive um but yeah Iā€™ve never done it actually cherry blossoms were not two weeks late um cherry blossoms were pretty much um on the correct time of when theyā€™re supposed to bloom if that makes any sense just about what was late they were late according to the predictions that were wrong the predictions were wrong if you want to think of it that way but usually usually in terms of the cherry blossoms they actually bloomed more or less at the time that traditionally theyā€™re supposed to bloom itā€™s just that for the past few years theyā€™ve been blooming earlier and the prediction this year that was they were going to bloom earlier and they didnā€™t itā€™s a bit crazy once you get bitten by the bug you will understand indeed the diving bug weā€™ll see like I said I mean jial I live in JTA if you searched for JTA diving um loads of people come here diving people fly from the UK to dive in Jaa thereā€™s lots of um wrecks and reefs and all sorts of stuff here in the Mediterranean Sea and um obviously itā€™s very different to you know the Crystal Waters of AWA but but yeah if I havenā€™t done it here I donā€™t know weā€™ll see Iā€™m only going to be there for 4 days total three and a half days total and um like I said I just want to go with the flow and play by ear Iā€™m even considering I saw something come up on CL which was a whole day at some Resort all inclusive food taken care of drink taken care of where I get to just lay down on a beach for a whole day and not have to worry and water sports included and everything and I was very tempted to just have a day where I just lay about and do nothing yeah we you have loads of dolphins dolphins I am no stranger to dolphins there are lots of dolphins and whales here and in fact you know those okas that are making headlines because theyā€™re attacking boats itā€™s here thatā€™s basically here hopefully I could tell you that itā€™s a dream when I get there and I donā€™t even know what the what the streaming capabilities of ow is going to be like I have no idea we shall see in some ways Iā€™m sort of hoping that I canā€™t stream so that I could just switch off completely the panaches are a whole vibe in itself was in Mima for the day and just didnā€™t want to leave Mima is pretty nice um Kam iā€™ been to the beaching Kamakura before um enoshima seems to have a nice Beach also your past October trips were too hot I can imagine fig that always changing here hey ninja monkey says sorry back of the clay says streaming is okay no now itā€™s the Japanese cell system saying obstacles remain mountains valleys and trees yeah I mean I know that in in naha which is like a big city probably it will be okay but Iā€™m in ishigaki which is basically in the middle of nowhere itā€™s a kind of quite a remote part of of Japan perhaps even potentially one if not the most remote sort of areas that you can go to um obviously you have all the those Tokyo islands that are super super remote you canā€™t even fly into those but but isaki is very remote hey we have we have 33 likes but over 50 people watching by the way but only 33 likes what am I doing wrong please tell me what Iā€™m doing wrong for you not to like this stream so that I can better my streaming techniques so that you can like the stream cuz if youā€™re not liking the stream which is only like a little click then maybe itā€™s just that Iā€™m doing something wrong or maybe itā€™s because you donā€™t want to click the isak the jsdf and US Marines going to then they have to sell it up I donā€™t understand what you mean hey thank you so much for your Super Chat have some coffee money op car sweet sweat I tell you what Iā€™m going to tell you right now already that itā€™s going to be coffee coffee coffee for the first at least four days whilst I sort of get over my jet lag although I do find that jet lag I get over more and more um easily especially in Japan the first few days but it will definitely be coffee Manny or maybe a beer but coffee Manny for sure we go towards coffee I appreciate that very much appreciate it let me just add you to the list Lord MC gray Aras Aras you want to know something kind of funny that is that um Iā€™ll do I oh I can love I can I didnā€™t know I could do like all the hearts whatā€™s this reply ooh I can reply ooh cool thanks thatā€™s cool I donā€™t know I could reply to Super chats directly thatā€™s pretty cool um I was talking to to Oriental Pearl and she told me that two German girls stopped her in the street and they told her that they recommen they they recognized her from my video how ironic is that Iā€™m like Iā€™m sure youā€™ve got it wrong yeah thatā€™s pretty cool how do you even do that did you even know that you could like respond anyway got 48 likes 48 views okay Iā€™ll accept that can I recommend a Rian um Iā€™ve stayed in so many rans really just find one that works theyā€™re Al so theyā€™re all usually pretty good I just find the things that youā€™re looking for in a rokan basically is what I would say what are you looking for specifically in a rokan um some of the some amazing rians are actually out in the middle of nowhere so some people might not want to travel too far my flight route this time is easy peasy lemon squeezy jalta to London London to Tokyo easy I have a um I think itā€™s a 2 and a half hour layover in herro and I leave with Japan Airlines um basically I leave I arrive Terminal 3 from jalta and I leave Terminal 3 with Japan Airlines I already got my seats Iā€™m seating on the left hand side on a window seat um to Japan so Tuesday the 9th of July is my flight oh I think I like um kiding Lally why my page is called Ichiban beaches I go Bay Amo divers museums fishing beautiful mountain drives and more sapot is pretty good also sapot is good on draft I think you know what you canā€™t really go wrong with be Iā€™m looking forward to having be in Japan yes um tahara itā€™s going to be very hot in Japan um just embrace it let your body absorb it you know like go with that mindset donā€™t let it spoil it for you thereā€™s a lot in Japan to to see in the summer so youā€™ll youā€™ll have a great trip yay thank you Japan pan itchy ban of course I like itchy ban you donā€™t quite fit but I appreciate that comment look I can what can I do I can do this and I can reply can I reply to it no I can repay to it here thank you hey question is an 8 or 10 hour day trip long enough to see the sites in Kamakura and enoshima let me think I think depends on what time you set off and probably probably I would say yes you might not be able to see I would I would actually start in enoshima and work my way back to Kamakura and then decide depending on how much time I have you know what to see if that makes any sense and oima as a day trip could take you 3 hours maybe 4 hours um once youā€™re in inoshima and Iā€™m talking about like actually enjoying the the your time there rather than rushing around please donā€™t do any any day trips rushing around itā€™s just a you know waste wasted um day trip but you could spend a good four hours in Kamakura and then you could head back to sorry in enoshima and then you could head back to Kamakura and then depending on on how much time you have left decide on when to leave thatā€™s the best best way to do it is what I would say Iā€™m not very sure what um what the what the route will be this time with Japan Airlines directly I havenā€™t flown Japan Airlines um via the Landon trip trip route with Japan Airlines for a while now because Iā€™ve been flying very often with um with th air or with Anna or with Turkish Airlines and Iā€™ve only flown Japan Airlines on the way back and that was via the North Pole Iā€™m not very sure it will be the same on the way that way maybe some of you can tell me I mean at least Iā€™m getting sick or Iā€™m sick now you know a good 9 days before I go cuz it means that I have 9 days to recover so have this been next Sunday Iā€™ll be freaking out itā€™s uh yeah it sucks I hope itā€™s not monkey pox um I think Jal has better I think Jal is better Iā€™m going to Iā€™m going to Iā€™m going to be the um Iā€™m going to be the person with the unpopular opinion but I actually think that is better than Anna um definitely in terms of the economy product I think Jal has some pretty darn amazing leg room itā€™s kind of crazy yeah going on a plane sick would be horrible but you know what I guess that it gets to the point now that if youā€™re sick and you need to travel you just need to travel you know the worldā€™s changed obviously wear a mask and that kind of thing what are you going to do obviously by then Iā€™ll be fine but Iā€™m just saying Char London to Tokyo goes under Russia according to flight Raider ooh let me check out the the link that youā€™ve posted M okay goes and Russia nice Iā€™m looking forward to it but my flight is the um evening flight not the morning flight though which I prefer because it means that um I think my flight takes off at 7:00 or something like that 7 UK time around that time and it means that I can get my dinner on the plane and then Iā€™ll be tired and hopefully I can sleep quite a bit of the of the flight hopefully anyway um I donā€™t I think that the red L District can be dangerous if youā€™re if youā€™re looking for the wrong things that is but in terms of um of like a danger danger um walking down Oxford Street in London is for me more risky than walking down the red L District in Tokyo [Music] ooh Kura sushi in ugat was the best kiten sushi Iā€™ve ever experienced nice nice nice but Iā€™m going to be there in in um M so you never know but I try my best not to like have a list of restaurants or places to eat just because Iā€™d rather just um stumble upon a place the district where you buy red lights oh youā€™ve only flown with J okay I flew with Anna I flown with Anna now few times and um theyā€™re pretty good donā€™t get me wrong but I think Iā€™m going to be totally honest when it comes to the economy I I I donā€™t get the the pleasure of flying um business like Japan Japan um ichan but when you get the the when you get to economy flying I honestly think that most of the products at the economy level are very very very very um comp comparable very similar and um when it came to Jal and Anna they both have very similar sort of like um customer service the only thing is I do think that Jal has longer better um seats maybe somebody can research that whether or not Iā€™m right in that Jal has better economy seats and leg room I think so Iā€™m not very sure now um sushiro but Iā€™ve never been Sushi hey fugazi Punk hello hello hola thanks for the videos and advice had an amazing time in Japan um Iā€™m glad thank you Iā€™m glad that you had a great time do you have any tips for me any tips for the monkey crew you see Japan japanes Jaan has now start is now understanding why I fly it CAU on me yeah itā€™s all of balance isnā€™t it you got ask if youā€™re old enough really cool wow yeah I wonder um what letā€™s see um so apparently Jal and Anna have similar economy classes between 31 and 34 in for Long Haul international flights but jalā€™s Sky wider seats provide more spacious experience with 34 in of seat pitch and 31 okay yes so apparently yeah child is slightly better slightly flying economy and then stay in the park but there was a reason for that oh Japan Jaan ja sent me a photo let me check it out hey nice one this is um photo that was sent to me kittan enjoy do flight attendants remember me um no I donā€™t think so although I did have not that they remember me but I did have an interesting thing I donā€™t I donā€™t know if I mentioned this last week but um last week I was in London I flew to London and on my flight just before we go take off the flight attendant came up to me and said hi excuse me are you Mr whatever you know um are you Nathan and Iā€™m like yeah thatā€™s me and I was thinking what have I done you know are they going to kick me off the flight seriously and he said to me did you know this is your 10y year anniversary flight of being an executive Club member on British Airways would you like some champagne once weā€™ve um once weā€™ve taken off so that was kind of nice yeah the key is to enjoy your time in the flight on the ground yeah uh thatā€™s a good question I donā€™t smoke so maybe somebody can answer that question patches maybe nicotine patches yeah Executive Club member for 10 years Iā€™m now moved up to bronze which is pretty cool because it means that I get um business class check-in with um with British Airways so I could check in buison this class which is kind of cool and also I get um priority boarding and I also get priority luggage which inferior means that itā€™s a supposed to like arrive at the front or one of the first or whatever but hey they remember you because youā€™re only vegan oh thanks you know what I have some vitamin C and Iā€™m actually going to have some vitamin C now before going to bed because um yeah I mean the doctor told me to rest my voice and here I am but Iā€™m off work for the next few days and I am definitely going to be rest resting my voice and resting myself so Lord mcrey let me see if I can put a little start there you go much appreciate it your wife has like three cigarettes back to back before the flight wow Michaela I love you I love you though Nathan get your pain I get do what do you want to ride inside the plan this time yeah Jim you must flying soon huh exciting I donā€™t know if itā€™s going to be easier for you or harder for you to catch my streams whilst youā€™re in Europe um Lord mcgrey I I did Lord mcgrey put the two little stars next to Lord mcgrey so he has two little stars to show that heā€™s donated donated twice cuz youā€™re so awesome you get two stars oh yeah letā€™s have the talk Iā€™m going to start ending the stream but I think that is time to eat my last Tokyo banana before I go to Japan which is kind of mad might have one hidden somewhere but Tokyo banana banana banana I use Google Maps I got a win yeah um on the left hand side which in theory should be the side that I see Mount Fuji in theory yeah if youā€™re going to Japan in the next three months or so um comment with a Emoji or some kind now with a Japan flag is a Japan flag Emoji show me I do yay yay yay exciting when are you going back in the cay anyway guys I think Iā€™m going to start calling it good night get myself some vitamin C and rest my voice if itā€™s late August I leave on the 22nd so just bear that in mind um I hope everything goes well with your with your um test results donā€™t worry Japan Jaan your flag still counts but thank you all for watching um thanks for your donation thank you so much Jim Ross man with no life assid Lord mcre Lord mcre I say it twice and Jaan Japan Jaan much appreciate your support and um your positivity helps me continue making content and um I look forward to the next one exciting Iā€™m excited take care stay positive and be a happy guy Jin

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