
Doing Cultural Appropriation with other Asians in Japan 🇯🇵 (Kyoto/Osaka/Kobe)

The whole area of Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe has lots to offer. I took this journey and met funny people from China and Taiwan. We decided to do cultural appropriation while here.

so what we are doing now we are we are going to doing culture appropriation culture appropriation in the heart of Kyoto yeah and we are following this girl she shows us the Kimo options that un want to try on try on very inter thing to do in Kyoto or as Japanese say and this is the place looks beautiful you can even rent aimo for for 3,000 yen now uh we we are entering it’s good uh color so this is the beginning of that path with a lot of people the famous store and from there it went you just went up to that so who hand this is the most important place here right with uh you dressed properly you’re a Japanese you’re now Japanese now yeah yeah he’s right but you know uh the pro tip I I read one blogger he said if you want to have those nice pictures with no people you have to go way up it’s only here that there are so many people but if you go more up there is like very few and then you have the the Instagram experience to take experience of here yes so this is the Ultimate Experience people just go through that tunnel that Buist T how do how do you feel wearing a Kimo is it your first time how is it so here’s my theory so once you you actually wear wearing this and then you walk up yes and you feel like you need to respect more and you are more commercial in this experience I see there’s two layers dress up there two layers wow the of one of the Japanese race so that when you imerse yourself into this you become one of them you so as soon as you wear the Kimo you speak fluently Japanese right the jaes be attached something yeah and when I Lear is I need to take Little Steps yeah look at the Sho this is what I told you today you can cannot like really walk right is it comfortable is it like I’m wearing my Nike Airs no it is it’s not so comfortable but it reminds you that you need to take every step really take those Senses Into Your Body oh they are made of real that’s crazy but the sound would be different the wooden ones are you know the Dutch have also wooden shoes the Dutch people so maybe it’s like they learned it from Japanese here is very nice it’s cool Into the Woods show you beautiful place with a little tiny Lake there are two words for it cult can I speak Japanese again please you speak quite well I I I could not say that you’re not Japanese you speak quite well yes and my real name is for motion ER de l so you should call me like that so you wrote it now and now we have a good luck yeah I said it means everything goes smoothly know like oh nice that is so nice at that good sushi place look at this this is okra Sushi this is tuna sushi this is eggplant Sushi and this I don’t know but it’s also a kind of sushi over there you see some Salon things and this is the main Sushi P okay I’m going to try the Oka first this is the most Spectacular [Music] One so the eggplant one just is not so spectacular Osaka Japan um in one of the major places here of Osaka where a lot of people take pictures and there are a lot of different types of Japanese stuff so let me show you this wonderful view the foot places left and right and we g walk towards the tower welcome to Osaka Osaka I would say this is the most instagrammable place of Osaka the delici beautiful view of the rare colorway very lovely Jordans and a lot of caps caps caps caps caps M’s cap it goes all the way up it’s a really huge cap store looks really nice to buffing a Japanese brand this is also really cool daaru look at this beautiful peacock very nice it’s the daaru department store in so here it is the famous bridge at uh the heart of Osaka at the left you see Asahi dry this is a beer from Osaka one of the most famous beers of Japan and on the right you see the runner which is very famous the gleo runner and people come here to take pictures and drink and eat something so this is the place to go to here in oh suaka also another famous advertisement is this one over there you can’t see it from here but I can just show you a glimpse of it the Yello tallish building also this giant crab is famous in the streets of Osaka it’s a very very big area here you have a lot of street food a lot of expensive restaurants and stores and it’s vest like you can really find a lot to eat and buy also there are lots of foreigners um which is mainly positive because it gives the city also the international energy needs it’s interesting to be here also you have like a lot of cool kits so it’s quite interesting to be honest I’m enjoying the the atmosphere and the energy of Osaka it’s a nice energy this looks like a good sandwich melon pad ice cream melon bread I have to admit I’m just here because of Kobe Bryant I’m in KOB H this is the harbor no it’s a joke of course I’m here because it’s a nice place but this is the harbor show you the Pacific Ocean of KOB beautiful it’s lovely take the speed train half an hour from Osaka to Koba it’s just €250 then you can have a look at this nice view of the silhouette of the port of KOB

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