Japanese Food

Best Amazon Instant Miso Packets?

I’m a medical resident – after a long call shift or while I’m catching up on notes, it’s nice to sip on some soup. We have hot water machines throughout the hospital so it’s easy to grab a cup and use the instant packets. I’ve tried a few brands so far and I’m wondering which is your favorite? Added photo as example of what I’m talking about!

by themessiestmama


  1. mypussydoesbackflips

    I’d try the one covered in Japanese writing haha

  2. TrainingAd3028

    The picture above is better. It’s a regular miso soup.

    The picture below uses shellfish.

    “しじみ”is freshwater clam?.

    I love it, but I don’t know if you do.

  3. Oltwoeyes_69420

    I personally like Hikari better. They have one in a big orange pack that is really good. I think it’s different types of tofu

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