
Osaka tour Shinsekai

Hi guys this our Vlog together with my younger sister here in Osaka, Japan we went to Shinsekai and also, we buy a knives in tower knives here in Osaka and also they’re cheap and affordable, staff can speak English very well

can I try yeah try so I can not very smooth smooth chop all the vegetabl wow I feel like this is different this so Y at the moment so we were just looking here into the knife shop just to buy a knife for our Papa because our Papa loves to cook everything handle was the same as that one so right now we were just trying like to choose which one is better or which one is the best CU since like when I tried this like the carrot so look good so right now we just um head out into my um Hotel so at the moment we were just going somewhere and we still don’t know if we can hop into the hotel and also today it’s a good day and the sun’s came out but like um the weather’s still cold and good thing is um my jacket is really really warm and also thick enough and I know it’s a leather and also it’s actually um so at the moment um as you can see over here um maybe um we were just um we still don’t know where we were heading so I guess well I’ll just find out like what’s going to be What’s happen what’s going to be happen plus um maybe um around here it’s will be the from that way may be um theay Market it was very bra this morning when I woke up know I know I’m not open [Music] you bought one box did you buy a almond miji box yeah and Ma yeah so right now we were just crossing the road you can see over there that’s pedestrian like it is the light so it’s go so the moment we were just diving this second where we were going as you can see why half hour we haven’t seen [Music] so as you can see over there um that’s the one of the oaka tower that’s like um you see and of course what I can show you like um behind me that’s the tower and of course a lots of tourists as well they were taking a picture as well and also they were taking uh they were taking a picture just like same as um they do in Oakland remember when they go towa or New Zealand so now we were like start walking so be able to so right now I’m inside of the shin Market as I can show you as you can see over here some of them are all the shops and this one is the shop so I might be stay in stay outside then also that’s the one one of the products like they are [Music] selling and also over there you can [Applause] see so at the moment we just been into the um matcha te shop so like um probably we were just going to come back over there and also I’ll show him and later on my Vlog and also um so at least I could let anyone else is like whoever wants to go to Japan especially who’s going to here in Osaka just like I’m making sure they should not um forget to visit that man and also if they got any um $5 note or $10 note so they could just give it to him as their soer so at least and know from taking a picture take a picture so at least um that old man over there like um he will have a remembrance from like um whatever country where you came from and also here’s one thing guys um if you are traveling here make sure to set besides from bringing a $100 notes when you withdraw a $2,000 cash from your bank and make sure um just get some um $20 or $10 or $5 notes or maybe a $2 coins just to give it to him as their as as your soer for him before you came back for your county after your wonderful tour over here and course since I come that man he can literally um speak English um quite good so so I know that’s like um he understands that’s like um what you can say so at the moment right now we were just only um walking around and we still um don’t know what Spike are we going to do as you can see over [Music] here so that’s a cabs also the one that’s like where I show you behind me that’s a cab or like a taxi as you as I can say so at the moment we were just vibing right now and also this what you can see over here and also that’s a vending machine and also that’s the other vending machine so as you can see like I’m here in Japan because since I they don’t want any people over here to get thirsty and also this one is going to be the dessert shop ging just S no oh these a slide I think SL that somebody was talking they got another vending machine as well and also guys remember if you are a smoker just like making sure um you literally need to um stop wherever where you can go so yep that’s it can I try yeah try so I can very smooth smooth Chop Chop all the vegetable try wow that one one this is so yep at the moment so we were just looking here into the knife shop just to buy a knife for our Papa because our Papa loves toook everything you buy this handle was the same as that one right now um we’re just trying like to choose which one is better or which one is the best but since like when I try this like made just likeit giving us like advice which one is the best so right now we just like um we choose which one that’s like we prepare and also which one that’s like we literally going to get so yep yeah it’s the the name I dad or name or dad his name so we engra can you put the photo in your Instagram bro you want to post a photo on your Instagram yeah thank you yep so right now I’m just your KN and then you go select location do we have a softer one and hter sour of course I can put the name with like this so this is a t which one if you’re working on the wood or mention sh yeah you can actually more propol you can get a good slice see all you need is move it widely thank you that one yes one you can keep the cup clean what else sure sounds good hashtag put a hashtag how often does it need sharpen because the the stone is pretty expensive credit card should be the same um so please put your knife in your chck in luggage please don’t cut please don’t C no pumpkin no dishwashing machine Noe if you have any question please contact us if you see our home page and YouTube channel you can see how to sh very nice so yep I already um uploaded into my Instagram about those things yep at the moment so we just already um paid the KN so they show us the instruction what are we going to do and of course like that will be our CH early Christmas gift for our Papa when we come back Oakland so as you can see one of that um one of that over there speak English very well and also um since like um give us a sample how to um how to use the knife B properly especially like a how to chop the like um vegetable and of course like it’s not even for bone Wellington Wellington okay cuz I was in a small City oh and now we found someone over here like um who literally been to New Zealand and also like um who lives in palmerstone North so that’s quite um far from our place and of course it’s going to take us maybe an hour to drive and of course if it is the plane it will be around minut [Music] is very big city I everything is very bad it’s so expensive years wow I was a student yeah so my nickname is you so right now we were just only waiting for our knes that’s like where we can going to give it to our Papa when we come back to um Oakland and of course since like we got like a stop over the stop over here that’s like um who been study in New Zealand before and her nickname is l and see like she can literally speak in English e e we he’s hold thank you thank you thank you so now we finally got the knife for our Papa by y bye so at least since like um on this sh they are they are good that like I’m speaking any International Language oh and also guys remember if you want to buy some knives here in Japan make sure you have to go into this shop because it’s much way more cheaper than in Tokyo cuz in Tokyo um especially in shujiki markets they’re kind of like expensive so over here it’s kind of like cheap and of course since like they speak um English and also they speak another um language so at least you guys weren’t literally going to struggle so right now we were like um walking around so we were just trying to find Rich bike are we going to do so yep that’s the name of that shop um to KN Osaka hono Kobo so make sure you guys going to that um shop especially if you’re going to Osaka and also if you want to buy something oh

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