
solo traveling to Japan: Osaka, local neighborhoods, cheap eats, travel tips

Continuing where we left off by the nightlife scene in Osaka, I take you into local neighborhoods by the castle, and provide more travel tips

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[Music] [Music] cute [Music] you want to stay I’m go that [Music] where mon where mono you [Music] nothing [Music] don’t [Music] put [Music] so I just finished that bowl of ramen and ground meat rice with egg and I got to say I got really full because I had pregame before that I had like the taco Yaki and instant noodles I guess and uh so I came in probably with quarter belly and uh after which there was a lot of uh solicitation I’m guessing because I’m in an adult themed neighborhood so I think we may have had the record number of tourists way more than I had anticipated probably way more than the previous record of maybe just a couple or few weeks ago cheers guys um so I’m in a a bike storage facility right now next to a vending machine uh just taking a breather right now uh I’m still in Osaka it’s the only place that I can afford in Japan and uh got to say that um it’s been pretty rough I’ve been changing hotels almost every day and some days wish I could just you know extend for another day but uh usually It’s when um situation gets tricky and you’re like oh um um you know something gets awkward then you’re like oh but I already B four nights so you don’t want that to happen so uh anyway I’ve been a long-term traveler I’ve been doing this for almost for almost a year now coming up on a year and I got to say it’s not easy cuz I used to be able to book a month um but I haven’t really found any place that I feel comfortable with and I may actually go back to the States um at some point uh to I guess catch up with family so um if you if you’re liking the content um you know uh pleas uh like and subscribe that’s free to you and it would mean so much to me thanks for watching for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is up guys finally found uh an opportunity to film um I got two abandoned buildings here in Osaka which I didn’t think was likely especially in a very central location next to um Osaka [Music] Castle as you can see this building is abandoned boxed up boarded up and as you can see on camera temp and abandoned right here this one looks to be abandoned much longer but finally get the opportunity to uh chill for a second with my favorite drink the anti energy drink I’m not sure why don’t they they don’t have these um in other countries but it’s a genius it’s such a genius decision it’s actually 10% juice so cheers


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