
YOU WOULDN’T BELIEVE IT 🧳 Travel Day | Australia to Tokyo, Japan

Woohoo JAPAN 2024 is here! But still so much to do before take-off, let’s go!!!

Catch You On The Roundabout Backpack: Get yours through Redbubble. Link Below

#travelvlog #travelday #tokyo #japantrip #2024travel #jetstar

we have 12 hours till our plane takes off for Japan stopping in cans this is The Final Countdown as we get ready and get prepared for an awesome n night or yeah nday trip seven of them here in Japan two of them are travel days this is like the crunch time where we run around doing everything hi and welcome back for those those of you who are new here we’re an Aussie family of four I’m Lily and this is my mom Cara dad Alex and my sister Paris join us on the journey now we’ve come to collect dad because he’s got last minute tickets to the circus la which is here in Adelaide so we’ve got to collect him he’s got complimentary tickets because of uh through work so he’s got a whole bunch of people going with him they all might make it and he might not even get there running a little late so let’s see how this next 12 hours goes there’s a lot to fit in so we’ve just dropped Dad back to uh his work so he can get his car he needs to go pick up a friend to get to the circus on time the circus starts at 7:30 and it’s currently qu 6 we’re going to fly home get um some like evening clothes that he can wear out to the circus and then meet him out on the main road kind of drop him off to him he’ll Express off I don’t have any clothes in my suitcase yet so that is a number one priority um I need to get home and start packing the circus I’m got to fill up the fuel trailer um then I’m going to run back back to the yard I’ve got to punch out couple of hours of paperwork close up some business stuff there what time do you reckon the circus a lab will finish tonight I have no idea all I know is I’m looking a bit daggy with these pants but what happens if you have to go straight to the airport pdon what happens if you have to go straight to the airport well we go straight to the airport we have someone Uber ma car right girls we had an excavator delivered to the wrong spot I’ve got to reach out later have you got your shoes you don’t want socks he already got his shoes I had a little mishap back here with the popcorn popcorn’s just spilled everywhere oh dear so it’s now 10:00 and I have to download all the photos from my phone onto the computer because I’m going to run out of storage for vlogging we use a lot of storage space for vlogging okay it’s time to select some outfits to take away thinking I need lots of Summer things because it’s going to be hot high 20s although there is a chance of rain so I might need a few like little rain jackets but time to pick out some outfits I have finally finished packing my suitcase mom is pretty close to having hers and Dad’s finished Paris is just doing the last bit of folding now just going to do like a quick 2hour power nap get me charged enough charged up enough uh and then hopefully sleep on the plane my alarm didn’t go off at 2:30 it went off at 3:00 so now it’s qu 3 and we’re trying to get all the bags in the car feel like home alone when they you know the alarm doesn’t go off luckily uh mom and Paris were awake they stayed awake the whole night so we’ve jumped in the car it is now 3 42 technically we wanted to be on the road 12 minutes ago dad’s just finishing up I think some last minute paperwork um all the cases are packed mom’s getting them out the door so it’s going to be really soon we’re going to uh head to Adelaide airport because we’re flying to cans and then flying into Narita Japan we’ve parked the car we’re standing out in front of the control tower let’s get these bags inside and check in quas Lounge quas loue the long-term car park is only a like short what do you reckon like 5 minute walk 5 to 10 yeah 5 to 10 minute walk the only problem is when you are at the airport at 4:00 a.m. in the morning it is freezing [Music] so we’ve just dropped our bags off made bag check in with uh plenty of time to spare 9 kilos of extra luggage uh remaining amongst all four of us so we can bring 9 kilos worth of stuff back from Japan we swap over planes in cans and then Japan it is let’s go today we are repping the catch you on the roundabout travel Vlog backpack these are available on red bubble if you’d like to join in the [Music] fun beautiful big lush green landscape behind I’m surprised K’s airport is actually a lot larger than I was expecting I guess we just get our bags and follow the signs where the bags come out on each gate they’ve got a different ocean animal so how’s it coming out of the fish and into the turtle there’s a shark there is a clown fish like neemo that so fun mom’s bags are rhy paris’s bags are rhy if our bags didn’t you know get on this flight and then we’ve got to get to Tokyo like we got to collect our bags and go we don’t have time to wait for them to come on the next flight that would be stressful it’s just good you got to go through like customs and everything bit hard oh yeah so they might not send it without us that would be interesting know what the procedure is there while Mom waits for the rest of the bags Paris and I are just going to step outside and feel the the can sunshine and warmth this will be paris’s first time ever in can I came with Mom and Dad when I was really little so I don’t remember any of it except for this one memory of being in like the hotel’s pool and there being a really big bug on the wall on the pole let’s have a feel oh feel that Paris I haven’t felt warm sunshine like this in like months 2 months W okay I guess we should go back in and get the rest of the bag now this isn’t looking promising are we still missing two bags it’s still not here oh no it was lovely and warm outside they’ve just called Dad over the speaker to come to the service desk I reckon his bag like there’s a problem with his bag we’re gonna go check what do you reckons happen hey so it actually happened dad’s bag didn’t make it after we were just talking about it I don’t know if I jinxed it so we’re going to um make sure that we get all the address and details down and then they’re going to send the bag to our hotel so it’s coming on tomorrow’s flight tomorrow’s cans Nita flight think I jinxed that I was literally saying what would that procedure look like and now you know and now dad’s bag didn’t make it so we’ll go to the When we arrive in Tokyo tonight we hand this form that they have given to us to the airport staff and then all that we need to do um from there the form out for the fact it needs to clear Customs so without us signing a form it can’t clear Customs so they can’t deliver it to us so we need find consequences if we don’t do the form that’s why she said you must see someone at the airport when you arrive yeah and then they will send the bag to our hotel so tomorrow we’re out exploring Tokyo so then the bag will just arrive at the hotel okay we’re transferring to the international terminal let’s go this is what the undercover walkway looks like like at least if it was raining you wouldn’t get too wet it’s a nice uh flat concrete and we walk from the domestic across to the international terminal International Terminal looks pretty good only 400 m w yeah convenient beautiful sunshine for Dad is Bagless we’ve got ours and he has nothing so why does it look like we are the only Souls at the International Airport there is literally no one no taxis no people going to be a quiet flight I thought maybe outside was just quiet but we’ve just come inside and we’re the only ones in the terminal just said to the lady um oh boarding in 40 minutes because she said boarding in 40 minutes I went oh boarding in 40 minutes wow that’s quick I thought we were early and then she goes um no check in closes in 9 minutes like wow jeez really just cut it fine that was a tight you know our was running yeah late earli the first one didn’t take off till what half 45 minutes after 45 after it Me 2 security really creeped out how quiet this airport is like where are the people are they all on the plane I see some people yay we can’t say that this is a booming terminal not this I think it’s just one flight which is the Tokyo Narita flight everyone’s just starting to board no one stood up and moved when the announcement happened cuz no one could hear it it was so like hazy so she just yelled out everyone had St boarding and then everyone got up all right we’re making our way down towards the plane now we’ve just uh got our tickets scanned the man said that I had a nice passport photo that was nice he said it’s unusual do people normally do people normally have bad passport photos jet star on week yay making our way down what seats did you book ooh [Music] 31 and we have touchdown Japan here we come looks like we’re going to get off on the tarmac and then catch a bus over to the terminal they’ve put the little staircase up to the plane be time to hop off very soon looks like they’re about to open the door B room on this flight was really tight um we know that J always quite um restrictive but it wasn’t the most comfortable seating to be stuck on for 7 hours all right so we’ve just gone through customs um and now we are making our way to baggage claim we are going to have to find a jet star worker to pass them oh look there’s our bags now to pass them the form they did say they might be wearing a white shirt okay we’ve just come out of Customs I don’t think we’re ever going to see dad’s bag again and that was very confusing um we got to catch a limousine bus which will take us to our hotel Kio Plaza hotel Tokyo all right we’re going to get on the bus it’s going to take us to our hotel airport limousine it’s been a big day big day of traveling we can see Tokyo Tower outside of the bus window with which I believe was built out of scrap steel from the W looks very different at night time compared to what it looks like during the day okay so we are arriving at our hotel all right so the friendly airport limousine bus has just dropped us off it has been one gigantic day and you know what’s really exting is wearing Club Lael at this hotel oh yes oh wow I’m liking this place it’s very beautiful [Music]


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