Japan Photos

Gumyoji Temple: From 1044 to Today

Gumyoji Temple: From 1044 to Today

by pix4japan

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  1. pix4japan

    Location: Gumyoji, Minami Ward, Yokohama, Japan

    Timestamp: 18:32・2024/04/09

    Fujifilm X100V with 5% diffusion filter

    ISO 160 for 4.0 sec. at ƒ/6.4

    Classic Negative film simulation

    This photo depicts the main hall of Gumyoji Temple, located in Yokohama, Japan. The temple was originally established in 1044 and has been a significant cultural and spiritual site for the local community. The main hall, rebuilt in 1766, features traditional Japanese architecture with a distinctly curved roof now covered in copper sheeting, a transition made in 1976 from its original thatched covering.

    In front of the main hall, a vibrant banner hangs from the eaves, displaying the Buddhist flag’s broad vertical stripes in blue, white, red, yellow, and green. This reflects the temple’s enduring connection to Buddhist traditions. The foreground includes a set of steps leading to the hall, flanked by various potted plants and a stone water basin, adding to the temple’s tranquil ambiance.

    Check out the full write-up at the link in the Profile (1-minute read), which includes sources and a glossary.

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