

Hi Everyone,

I can’t believe we are on our LAST EPISODE of our Travel Series to Thailand & Japan! As much as I want to be travelling the world all year round, we need to go back to reality and start earning more money for our NEXT adventure! I really appreciate everyone who took the time out of their day to watch our travel series and to those who have left me a comment in our videos! Trust me, I notice and I TRULY appreciate it! Your support means the world!

I hope you will all continue to follow us as we venture back to Canada and continue our videos with a more local approach! We will have SOME travel videos from time to time but our next EPIC trip like this will most likely be in 2025!

#japan #japantravel #japanvlog #tokyo

Places mentioned:
– The Prince Park Tower –

– Ginza Uchiyama –

– Team Lab Borderless –

– Nishiazabu Shirukuya-

-Tsukiji Outer Market –

– Tsukiji Unitora Nakadori-

Check out my social media accounts to see the most recent updates:

See you in the next video!!
– Jess

[Applause] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] sh oh [Music] we are currently taking the train to rongi and we have a tasting isya which is really exciting as our first seeing in [Music] Tokyo all right train is coming I’ll see you guys later we are currently at shukuya and they do Kobe Omas so we’re going to go try it out and see how it goes I’m currently right here super excited [Music] w [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] this thank you [Music] we just ordered breakfast from our hotel and you had to pre-order this the night before so we got everything came at 7:00 a.m. right on time on the dot um so I’ll unwrap all these and I’ll show you guys everything in a little [Music] bit with at the door [Music] made a disaster I accidentally poured my coffee into my food so then now this is going to taste like coffee all good I got the video [Music] going cont [Music] [Music] we are currently hi signing up for uni Tor it’s like been talked about on social media so we’re going to go try it out and see if it’s worth coming here so let’s go we are at Naro right now and they actually have a lot of seats inside so we waited for maybe 15 20 minutes and we’re already sat down we already made our order so you know the line is actually not that long which is shocking because I thought it would be very like a popular spot M but they are a little bit more pricey compared to like the other ones that you see but they are a specialty store that specializes in sea urchin and I I love SE urchin so I definitely want to try this out and it was so popular on social media so I really need to try for myself to see if this place is any good so we ordered a variety set so I ordered a bowl of five variety of sea urchins and then this guy ordered um a bowl with like a bunch of different things so it’s going to be interesting excited excited this looks amazing [Music] oh [Music] the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh that looks so crazy kid I’ve never tried [Music] it’s our last day in Tokyo Japan and we’re flying back home today we are going to 7-Eleven to grab a quick breakfast so that’s what we’re going to be [Music] doing it’s fast elevator it is very smooth hi everybody we are on our way to 7-Eleven right now it rained this morning so it smells like rain out here um it’s actually the only day out of our whole entire trip that it actually rained and right now we’re walking to 7-Eleven and stopped raining thank goodness cuz we don’t have an umbrella grab our last breakfast from 7:11 I hope they have my favorite salad sandwich I’m going to go grab the 7-Eleven smoothie that everybody talks about and yeah it’s our last day here which is really upsetting we’re heading back to reality but I can’t wait to see Boba I can’t wait to see my family I can’t wait to sleep back in our own bed so um those are some of the things I’m looking forward to we just went to three different convenes 7 11 Family Mart and Lawson to grab their signature stuff so at 7-Eleven we got their egg salad sandwich at Family Mar we picked up the family cheki and at Lawson we picked up their other chicken which is supposed to be really good and a couple of other things that we actually didn’t enjoy from Lawson and then we’re just going to eat that for breakfast today and peace we went to three different cominis picked up some of our favorite stuff from them this is from Lawson these are from 7-Eleven famy Chek oh this is from 7-Eleven as well we’re going to combine this with the famy cheeki this is the pancakes with maple syrup and margarine got the famous fam cheeki cuz I loved it um and a couple of sides that my boyfriend wants but we are ready for breakfast so first things first we got the pancakes with maple syrup and margarine we’re going to put the fanny cheeki in this and try it so ooh it looks really soft there should be margarine inside oh my gosh look babe oh they have the maple syrup and [Music] everything oh my gosh love F chei plop it in floppity plop babe look that looks good all right moment of truth oh my God why did I not try this earlier you want to bite of course I want to bite let’s go let’s try this that is so good M oh my gosh M that’s really good oh my gosh this is actually so good like I would highly recommend getting this guys next up we are doing the famous 7-Eleven egg salad sandwich paired with a fam cheeki so let’s try it Moment of Truth this is going to be good as well who knows that is also really really good not as good as the other one but really good it’s I say the other one I say the other one the other one so the pancake and the chicken 100% must try this one is also good but like I don’t think it’s like a must try type of thing but it’s still good pairing it’s not [Music] bad going home [Music]


  1. Hi Jess. All those all these great eating places. I was so jealous watching you both enjoying such delicious meals. That Team Lab places did look fabulous and it must have been a great experience in person. Can never get tired of vising Tsukiji Fish Market and even the 7-11. LOL Thanks for sharing your experiences and take care.

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